Invincible Villain: Difference between revisions

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*** Except that was after two encounters. For the first two, nothing Shepard or his/her squad did was able to take him down.
*** Which results in a funny kind of [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]] when doing the amount of damage required by the game for the boss fight happens in a couple sniper rifle shots. Shepard even accuses Kai Leng of running away all the time.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* From ''[[Nodwick]]'', the [[Straw Feminist]] [[Evil Sorceress]] She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed who rules the Lands-That-Know-No-Name who plans to conquer the world using That-Which-Man-Was-Not-Meant-To-Know (that's a [[Running Gag]] for the short arc). She defeats the heroes with ease, her plan only foiled when she ''lets'' them go, after discovering that [ That-Which-Man-Was-Not-Meant-To-Know is something ''only'' men cannot know] - [[Women's Mysteries|women already know what it is]].
== [[Web Original]] ==