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This is the ultimate way to punish any [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] who's a [[Slave to PR]]. Compare [[Just Like Robin Hood]], a slightly more direct (and frequently more violent) style of wealth redistribution.
This may be an [[Ending Trope]], so expect '''unmarked spoilers'''.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* A villain in the ''[[Lupin III]]'' episode "[[Lupin III (Manga)/Recap/S2 /E63|Charity Begins at Home]]" decided to donate all his money to charity when he was told he was about to die. When he discovered he'd been misdiagnosed, he hatched a plot to pretend Lupin had stolen his money, so he could keep it all to himself. In retaliation, Lupin tricked him into ''really'' donating his money.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* The [[Black Panther]] recently{{when}} did this to ruin [[Doctor Doom]]. Given Doom's [[Joker Immunity]], this is probably the closest anyone's gotten to actually beating him.
* After Tommy Elliot, AKA Hush, nearly killed her in an attempt to get to [[Batman]], a recuperating Selina Kyle took every dime the [[Mad Doctor]] had and dispersed it amongst charities. "Not bad for a gutter slut", indeed!
* Two-Face did this to ''himself'' in his debut appearance, choosing to donate whenever good heads came up and to conduct a robbery when bad heads did.
== [[Film]] ==
* At the end of the remake of ''[[Fun Withwith Dick and Jane]]'' {{spoiler|Dick and Jane forge Jack's signature to set up a relief fund for former Globodyne employees using the money Jack stole from the company.}}
* As payback for an attempted double-cross by [[Enemy Mine|Benedict]] in ''[[OceansOcean's Eleven|Ocean's Thirteen]]'', the crew donates his entire share of the profits to charity. The film ends with Danny, Rusty, and Linus watching Benedict talk to [[Oprah]] about his sudden burst of generosity.
* The movie ''[[Rat Race]]'', with the twist that the winners are giving the money they won; they just also made a huge public statement that the guys who set them up would match the donations made in the whole charity event. This causes a slightly surprising amount of chagrin, considering they had so much money they were desperately looking for something to do with it anyway.
** He was intending to make the money several times over with the multi-dollar bets placed on the race.
* The main character of ''[[Sneakers]]'' does this to the ''Republican National Committee''.
* The main character of [[Jackie Chan]]'s ''[[Who Am I]]'' does this to two villains who are exchanging a sum of money electronically.
* A variation. Whoopi Goldberg's character, the psychic Oda Mae Brown, does to the villain in ''[[Ghost (Filmfilm)|Ghost]]'': With Sam's help, she's able to steal the money from its special account, turn it into a check and donate it to a nuns' charity.
* This is Moriarty's final humiliation in the 2011 ''[[Sherlock Holmes (Filmfilm)|Sherlock Holmes]]'' movie--themovie—the money he'd raised from [[War for Fun Andand Profit]] goes to a fund for war orphans.
== [[Literature]] ==
* Happens to {{spoiler|Jon Spiro}} in ''[[Artemis Fowl (Literature)|Artemis Fowl]]'', who gets 90% of his billions donated to Amnesty International. Artemis ''had'' intended to keep the lot for himself, but got hit by a [[Character Development|sudden attack of conscience]] and satisfied himself with a 10% "Finder's Fee" ({{spoiler|Spiro}} is already going to jail, so this is just salt in the wound.)
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* In the game ''[[Headhunter]]'' half way through the [[Nebulous Evil Organisation|Evil Syndicate]] break into a bank is about to transfer all the money from all accounts of the customers to the Syndicate's account. However Jack ''hero'' Wade manages to reverse the process and the Syndicate's account gets drained.
* This is the plot of the "Let Them Eat Pie" quest in ''[[Runescape (Video Game)|RunescapeRuneScape]]''. The peasants of the town are starving while the disgustingly fat rich glutton lives in luxury, so the [[Player Character]] poisons him with a disgusting pie made of rotten meat, steals from him while he's puking his guts out, and thus the citizens get their food.
== [[Real Life]] ==
* The rationale of the hackers behind the STRATFOR breach was supposedly this.{{verify}}<!-- MOD: And specify; is this the 2011 Stratfor breach or the 2012 Stratfor breach? -->
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[[Category:Money Tropes]]
[[Category:InvoluntaryEnding Charity DonationTropes]]