Ironic Echo: Difference between revisions

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** ''[[Discworld/Witches Abroad|Witches Abroad]]'' gets its own variant—the echo comes in quick succession and it illustrates a difference in philosophy rather than any malice one way or the other. Lily and Esme Weatherwax both get dragged into a mirror, and each is told that they're not quite dead-they'll be freed from the mirror when they can identify the real "them" out of a legion of mirror images. Lily, who has used paired mirrors to amplify her magic almost all her life, rushes off to find it. Esme, who believes in headology and always being certain of who you are and where you stand, asks if it's a trick question, then gestures to herself and says, "This one."
** In ''[[Discworld/Carpe Jugulum|Carpe Jugulum]]'', the phrase "Everywhere I look, I see something holy" takes on two very different meanings: an [[Oh Crap]] moment by a [[Our Vampires Are Different|vampire]] whose desensitization training is [[Villainous Breakdown|backfiring horribly]], and a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] coming from a nerdy, ineffective [[Good Shepherd]] on his way to [[Badass Preacher]]-hood.
** Death again, in ''[[Discworld/Hogfather|Hogfather]]''. Throughout the book, he has been filling in for a missing [[Captain Ersatz]] of Santa, but can't get the 'ho ho ho' to sound jolly rather than ominous. At the end, he confronts the Auditors of Reality, who had tried to kill said Santa-figure, and gives a ''very'' ominous {{smallcapssmall-caps| Ho. Ho. HO.}} before obliterating them.
** ''[[Discworld/Unseen Academicals|Unseen Academicals]]'' has "It's all Shove!" being used in two different contexts by two different characters to describe life among the Ankh-Morpork working class; first it's used in a fatalistic scene by [[Ax Crazy|Andy Shank]], then it's used by Trev Likely when he resolves to "get out of the Shove" and make something of himself.
* In the book and movie ''[[Holes]]'', the Warden says "Excuse Me?" in every scene she's in, mostly to say something like "shut up, I have all the power." However, when {{spoiler|Stanley finds the treasure she's after, she asks to see what's in the box}}, and gets an "Excuse Me?" in response.