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* [[Clarke's Third Law]]: lots of things that are just plain impossible today, so impossible that they could [[Epileptic Trees|in fact just]] [[Wild Mass Guessing|be magical]].
* [[The Commandments]]: The Laws of Robotics.
* [[Cosmic Egg]]: Used as fuel in ''The Gods Themselves''.
* [[Defictionalization]]: U.S. Robotics, a maker of dialup modems, derived its name from Asimov's U.S. Robots & Mechanical Men.
* [[Dirty Old Man]]:
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* [[Feghoot]]: Asimov wrote more than one short story solely so he could unleash some hideous pun at the end. The most blatant example would be "[[Shaggy Dog Story|Shah Guido G.]]"; see Time Travel below for another.
* [[Feudal Future]]
* [[Fiction as Cover -Up]]: "Paté de foie gras" describes a group of scientists who have found a goose who laid golden eggs; after testing every theory they could think of to figure out why, they decide to write about the exploit in hopes of getting advice from outside sources. Due to the need for secrecy, they of course publish it as a fictional short story, safe in the knowledge that no one would believe it...
* [[A God Am I]]: {{spoiler|The ending of ''The Last Question''}}.
* [[He Also Did]]: ''Everything.'' Asimov wrote for pretty much every category of book you can name, short of cookbooks.
* [[Heads or Tails]]: In ''[[The Machine That Won The War]]'', the final reveal is {{spoiler|that a war has been ''won'' this way.}}
* [[I Comma Noun]]: In addition to ''I, Robot'', played with in ''I. Asimov: A Memoir'', where the differing punctuation turns a pronoun into an initial.
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Asimov said that he had been often criticized for having not enough sex in his works, so in ''The Gods Themselves'' he introduced aliens with three genders.