Isekai by Moonlight: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Robu-san''': You see, {{spoiler|Ami-san, Makoto}} and I are part of a secret team that defended the entire Earth from being conquered during the Missing Time, and the existence of the Missing Time is a side-effect of our success.
'''Minako''': Pull the other one, it has bells on.}}
* [[Secret Keeper]]: Robu-san for the Sailor Senshi, and vice-versa. ByAlso, {{spoiler|Osaka Naru by the end of the first chapter,}} and {{spoiler|OsakaAoyama NaruIchigo midway through the second chapter}} for all of them.
* [[The Stations of the Canon]]:
** The story starts with the anime-only "Seven Great Youma" arc, and in the first chapter canon events are shown in the same order that they appeared in canon {{spoiler|to show the inevitability of the canon season ending}}.