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It started so ''simply'', on what should have been a wonderful Plowpony's Day... Twilight Sparkle was just trying to help her friend Rarity learn how to teleport. But when an attempt to demonstrate goes horribly wrong, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity set out to find a way to fix her damaged horn before she runs out of time. But their quest will take them out of Equestria, forcing them to face the elements, the unknown, and their own demons and self-doubt along the way.
It started so ''simply'', on what should have been a wonderful Plowpony's Day... Twilight Sparkle was just trying to help her friend Rarity learn how to teleport. But when an attempt to demonstrate goes horribly wrong, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity set out to find a way to fix her damaged horn before she runs out of time. But their quest will take them out of Equestria, forcing them to face the elements, the unknown, and their own demons and self-doubt along the way.

A ''[[My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' [[Fanfic]] by Jetfire, ''[ It's a Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door]'' fleshes out the lands beyond Ponyville with a grand tale of adventure, rife with [[Character Development]], particularly for its three heroines. A short fluffy informal sequel by the same author can be read [ here.]
A ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' [[Fanfic]] by Jetfire, ''[ It's a Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door]'' fleshes out the lands beyond Ponyville with a grand tale of adventure, rife with [[Character Development]], particularly for its three heroines. A short fluffy informal sequel by the same author can be read [ here.]

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** ''Rarity'' during the {{spoiler|World Snake}} showdown.
** ''Rarity'' during the {{spoiler|World Snake}} showdown.
* [[Die or Fly]]: {{spoiler|How Firefly taught Rainbow Dash to start flying.}}
* [[Die or Fly]]: {{spoiler|How Firefly taught Rainbow Dash to start flying.}}
* [[Don't Think Feel]]: The difference between {{spoiler|unicorn and deer teleportation: unicorns ''think'' of where they want to appear, while deer focus on the ''sensation''}}.
* [[Don't Think, Feel]]: The difference between {{spoiler|unicorn and deer teleportation: unicorns ''think'' of where they want to appear, while deer focus on the ''sensation''}}.
** It's also the secret to "controlling" lightning, as all pronghorns know. {{spoiler|Rainbow Dash learns this lesson as well during her time in the Dreaming.}}
** It's also the secret to "controlling" lightning, as all pronghorns know. {{spoiler|Rainbow Dash learns this lesson as well during her time in the Dreaming.}}
* [[Dreaming of Things to Come]]: Rarity has dreams throughout their journey, growing stronger as time passes.
* [[Dreaming of Things to Come]]: Rarity has dreams throughout their journey, growing stronger as time passes.
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* [[Irony]]: Early on, [[The Resenter|Rainbow Dash]] vows that if they haven't found the Beneviolet after ten days traveling together, she'll ditch Applejack and Rarity and go on alone. When the tenth day comes, {{spoiler|Applejack is openly ''encouraging'' her to go for it, but she hesitates, not wanting to leave them alone}}.
* [[Irony]]: Early on, [[The Resenter|Rainbow Dash]] vows that if they haven't found the Beneviolet after ten days traveling together, she'll ditch Applejack and Rarity and go on alone. When the tenth day comes, {{spoiler|Applejack is openly ''encouraging'' her to go for it, but she hesitates, not wanting to leave them alone}}.
** And shortly after the above, they learn {{spoiler|had Dash gone on alone at that moment, they would have failed their mission because she wouldn't have learned the ''true'' way to save Twilight in time, namely, sending back a young and potent Beneviolet. And even then, there was still the World Snake guarding it}}.
** And shortly after the above, they learn {{spoiler|had Dash gone on alone at that moment, they would have failed their mission because she wouldn't have learned the ''true'' way to save Twilight in time, namely, sending back a young and potent Beneviolet. And even then, there was still the World Snake guarding it}}.
* [[Insult Friendly Fire]]: Rainbow complains to the other two for not keeping up, including Rarity not knowing teleportation. [[What the Hell Hero|Applejack curtly reminds her of the situation]] (see [[Its All My Fault]] below) and Rainbow [[Verbal Backspace|is horrified at what she said]].
* [[Insult Friendly Fire]]: Rainbow complains to the other two for not keeping up, including Rarity not knowing teleportation. [[What the Hell, Hero?|Applejack curtly reminds her of the situation]] (see [[It's All My Fault]] below) and Rainbow [[Verbal Backspace|is horrified at what she said]].
* [[Its All My Fault]]: Despite Twilight's reassurances, Rarity still struggles with feeling guilty after the accident.
* [[It's All My Fault]]: Despite Twilight's reassurances, Rarity still struggles with feeling guilty after the accident.
* [[Its the Journey That Counts]]: It's a recurring theme in the story that "the journey is more important than the destination".
* [[Its the Journey That Counts]]: It's a recurring theme in the story that "the journey is more important than the destination".
* [[Kill the Messenger]]: Referenced by Niles:
* [[Kill the Messenger]]: Referenced by Niles:
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* [[Phlebotinum Overdose]]: An inadvertent case of this causes Twilight's accident.
* [[Phlebotinum Overdose]]: An inadvertent case of this causes Twilight's accident.
* [[Pinky Swear]]: To reassure Sweetie Belle, Rarity makes a tail-twister promise with her, winding their tails together and swearing that she'll find the Beneviolet in time.
* [[Pinky Swear]]: To reassure Sweetie Belle, Rarity makes a tail-twister promise with her, winding their tails together and swearing that she'll find the Beneviolet in time.
* [[Plot Detour]]: Applejack is extremely worried about this, to the point that she [[What the Hell Hero|calls Rainbow Dash]] on wanting to learn more about the Pronghorns and, in Chapter 14, {{spoiler|attempts to convince Dash to go on without her and Rarity to grab the Beneviolet. Luckily, she doesn't. If she had, the mission would have failed and Twilight would have died, either by picking the wrong Beneviolet or death by World Snake.}}
* [[Plot Detour]]: Applejack is extremely worried about this, to the point that she [[What the Hell, Hero?|calls Rainbow Dash]] on wanting to learn more about the Pronghorns and, in Chapter 14, {{spoiler|attempts to convince Dash to go on without her and Rarity to grab the Beneviolet. Luckily, she doesn't. If she had, the mission would have failed and Twilight would have died, either by picking the wrong Beneviolet or death by World Snake.}}
* [[Plot Hole]]: {{spoiler|Whatever happened to the World Serpent?}}
* [[Plot Hole]]: {{spoiler|Whatever happened to the World Serpent?}}
* [[Precursors]]: In ancient times, the Deer were the dominiant race, but grew too proud and all but destroyed themselves in a vast, sprawling war. While pockets survive, such as the denizens of the Shimmerwood, they can no longer rise to their former glory, nor do they wish to.
* [[Precursors]]: In ancient times, the Deer were the dominiant race, but grew too proud and all but destroyed themselves in a vast, sprawling war. While pockets survive, such as the denizens of the Shimmerwood, they can no longer rise to their former glory, nor do they wish to.
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** All three of them during the showdown with {{spoiler|the World Snake, whose head has the Beneviolet on it. Dash flings lightning bolts at it to piss it off, then lures the thing into Applejack who's standing firm (with encouragement from Rarity). The snake bounces off, and Rarity uses her teleportation along with Applejack's magic rope to get onto its head. After plenty of effort and close calls, Rarity just barely manages to grab the Beneviolet before the snake bucks her miles into the air, with enough force to create a sonic boom. And it's at this point that she pulls out the Dragonfire bottle, opens it, and spits the flower into the outpouring fire. That takes some serious composure. She even seems content to fall to her death having saved Twilight, but luckily Dash catches her.}}
** All three of them during the showdown with {{spoiler|the World Snake, whose head has the Beneviolet on it. Dash flings lightning bolts at it to piss it off, then lures the thing into Applejack who's standing firm (with encouragement from Rarity). The snake bounces off, and Rarity uses her teleportation along with Applejack's magic rope to get onto its head. After plenty of effort and close calls, Rarity just barely manages to grab the Beneviolet before the snake bucks her miles into the air, with enough force to create a sonic boom. And it's at this point that she pulls out the Dragonfire bottle, opens it, and spits the flower into the outpouring fire. That takes some serious composure. She even seems content to fall to her death having saved Twilight, but luckily Dash catches her.}}
** {{spoiler|Twilight as well. For most of the story she is essentially bedridden, unable to do much without suffering crippling pain. When the mission succeeds, however, she takes a [[Leap of Faith]] and teleports ''across a continent and through a magical barrier'' created by the World Snake. This is a magical barrier that Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity acknowledge cuts them off from the magic they learned, and Twilight teleports through it like it's not even there. Reacting to the World Snake, she then teleports the ''four'' of them ''out'' through the barrier and back to Ponyville. Twilight credits the Beneviolet for temporarily increasing her magical power, but this is still pretty awesome.}}
** {{spoiler|Twilight as well. For most of the story she is essentially bedridden, unable to do much without suffering crippling pain. When the mission succeeds, however, she takes a [[Leap of Faith]] and teleports ''across a continent and through a magical barrier'' created by the World Snake. This is a magical barrier that Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity acknowledge cuts them off from the magic they learned, and Twilight teleports through it like it's not even there. Reacting to the World Snake, she then teleports the ''four'' of them ''out'' through the barrier and back to Ponyville. Twilight credits the Beneviolet for temporarily increasing her magical power, but this is still pretty awesome.}}
* [[The Un Reveal]]: You never do find out what was in the cave at the top of the Drackenridge Mountains. Falalauria surmises that a Siren or a Balrog could have produced the enchanting song, but also states that Sirens don't live in caves and that only original Balrogs have that power.
* [[The Un-Reveal]]: You never do find out what was in the cave at the top of the Drackenridge Mountains. Falalauria surmises that a Siren or a Balrog could have produced the enchanting song, but also states that Sirens don't live in caves and that only original Balrogs have that power.
** You also never find out what scares the Komagas into stampeding across Gildedale every year.
** You also never find out what scares the Komagas into stampeding across Gildedale every year.
*** Though it's quite possibly {{spoiler|the presence of a World Snake.}}
*** Though it's quite possibly {{spoiler|the presence of a World Snake.}}
**** Somewhat unlikely given that the Komogas stampede from south to north, while {{spoiler|The World Snake lives in the Archback mountains, which lie to the west. Although, if the World Snake really is as long as its name makes it out to be...}}
**** Somewhat unlikely given that the Komogas stampede from south to north, while {{spoiler|The World Snake lives in the Archback mountains, which lie to the west. Although, if the World Snake really is as long as its name makes it out to be...}}
* [[What the Hell Hero]]: When Dash tells her friends about Niles and the Pronghorn Network, Applejack furiously calls her on not immediately telling him about Twilight's plight and asking for help. Dash's protests about his offer to teach her how to ride the lightning only makes it worse, with Applejack flat-out accusing her of being selfish and short-sighted.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: When Dash tells her friends about Niles and the Pronghorn Network, Applejack furiously calls her on not immediately telling him about Twilight's plight and asking for help. Dash's protests about his offer to teach her how to ride the lightning only makes it worse, with Applejack flat-out accusing her of being selfish and short-sighted.
** Even so {{spoiler|the pronghorns reveal that they can't do that anyway, due to their first priority always being maintaining the Pronghorn Network.}}
** Even so {{spoiler|the pronghorns reveal that they can't do that anyway, due to their first priority always being maintaining the Pronghorn Network.}}
** Rainbow Dash also quite thoughtlessly mocks Rarity for not being able to teleport, when she's already feeling tremendously guilty about that inability being the reason for Twilight's accident. Applejack quickly gets her to realize the mistake.
** Rainbow Dash also quite thoughtlessly mocks Rarity for not being able to teleport, when she's already feeling tremendously guilty about that inability being the reason for Twilight's accident. Applejack quickly gets her to realize the mistake.