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* Played for laughs in ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' when they try to rescue their family counselor from being eaten by wolves and cougars. The Simpsons work together to save him... but the wolves and cougars decide to do so as well so they can eat him.
* A curious variation, the Bombie from ''[[DuckTales (2017)|DuckTales]]''. This monstrosity endlessly pursues the richest person in the world - it is completely invincible and cannot be bribed, only stopping if [[Curse Escape Clause| its target gains "the one thing he has not"]], which is {{spoiler| humility}}. But while it isn't much of a taker, the Bombie is not mindless - and is clearly miserable. (Think about it, how would ''you'' like to spend eternity chasing after one person? It seems the creature is cursed itself.) When its current target - Louie - finally achieves the escape clause, the Bombie can finally rest in peace.
* Exactly how smart or how dumb the Tasmanian Devil is in ''[[Looney Tunes]]'' shorts depends on the writer and the situation. Often he acts like the "vicious, evil-tempered brute" he is described as, mostly motivated by hunger. He rarely talks, doing so in [[Hulk Speak]] when he does (usually to utter some incongruous punchline) but some shorts show he is at least smart enough to read and write.
== Real Life ==