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== Anime and Manga ==
* Heavily lampshaded in ''[[ZeroThe noFamiliar Tsukaimaof Zero]]'' by Prof. Colbert.
* ''[[Code Geass]]'':
** Lelouch fits this to a T. He discovers the results of his actions, [[Ignored Epiphany|goes crazy for a bit]], does ''even worse'' things, and, eventually, has to bluff through his own emotional pain to do the worst/best thing possible.
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* In ''[[Simoun]]'', the Sibyllae are originally [[Insistent Terminology|very clear]] that they are priestesses, ''not'' soldiers. They are not "fighting," they are "inscribing Ri Maajon." They are not engaged in a "sortie," they are "offering prayers to Tempus Spatium." However, by the time we get halfway through the series, when their country has been at war on multiple fronts for several episodes, they are "on patrol" and "in battle." The newest Sibyllae are fine with that, since they only joined after the war had begun, but for the original members, it is something of a shock once it is pointed out how much things have changed since the beginning.
* Fortis of Huckebein from ''[[Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force]]'' tells this to Tohma when he was trying to convince him to join their group of criminals since, as fellow infected, they are his best chance to survive. {{spoiler|Touma [[Heroic Sacrifice|disagrees]].}}
{{quote| '''Fortis:''' You may resist with the mindset that murder is a crime. However, you'll get used to it. We did too.}}
== Comic Books ==
* This is one of the many reasons [[Batman]] doesn't kill. If he resorts to the one first kill (he says is often all too easy to fall into it), he may become jaded to humanity and not be able to stop. <ref>Note that this is the ''modern-day'' interpretation of the Dark Knight. In the early years of the character -- the late 1930s -- Batman often killed people and even carried a gun. </ref>
** The Batman example is also an in-universe tactic. In ''Knightfall'', Robin points out that Batman ''scares'' the crooks, but doesn't actually ''hurt'' them -- Batmanthem—Batman is quick to point out that he uses it as a psychological weapon, in that the crook thinks he's not worth the effort. Whenever he needs that extra "oomf", Batman always lets drop that there are a ''lot'' of unsolved murders in Gotham, so [[Blatant Lies|who's to say he doesn't kill...]]
** From ''Bruce Wayne: Fugitive'':
{{quote| '''Checkmate Operative''': We have no evidence of Batman ever having killed.<br />
'''Batman''': I fail to see why you think I'd leave any. }}
** [[Superman]] has - very rarely - strayed from a [[Thou Shall Not Kill]] policy, but for the same reason, he tries hard not to. With near-godlike power, it would be far too easy for him to defy laws and impose his own, as ''many'' [[Elseworld]] scenarios [[Beware the Superman|tend to show]], and he knows that if he crosses the line too often, it would be ''very'' difficult to avoid doing so again.
* In ''[[Identity Crisis]]'', a JLA comic, Jean Loring, the Atom's ex-wife, attempts to put the Enlongated Man's wife, Sue Dibny, into fake danger so that all heroes, including her ex-husband, would [[Love Makes You Evil|come closer to their loved ones]]. After she accidentally kills her, she goes [[Freak-Out|completely nuts]] and has no problem with putting others in mortal danger. Through this, she indirectly causes two more deaths, and even more indirectly causes the death of Firestorm. ([[Alternate Character Interpretation|Alternately]], {{spoiler|Jean is lying about it being an accident; she clearly meant from the beginning to kill Sue (no one "just happens" to be carrying a flamethrower) and one or two other people to cover her tracks.}} Mind, Jean's still clearly nuts, and her first kill visibly shook her more than the ones she arranged later.)
* In ''[[Y: The Last Man]]'', 355 gets more and more trigger-happy as the series progresses. And she ''hates'' herself for it.
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* ''[[Watchmen (comics)|Watchmen]]'': Rorschach is depicted as a Batman-like character who frightens villains rather than killing them, until he crosses the line by slaughtering a child-killer, after which Rorschach routinely kills bad guys justifying as referring to them as "dogs that need to be put down". The film version of the comic also implies this with regards to Silk Spectre II and Nite Owl who are shown slaughtering a group of attackers without blinking an eye.
* Shows up in [[Signature Style|a lot]] of [[Warren Ellis]]'s work.
== Fan Works ==
* In ''Seven Little Killers'', {{spoiler|Canada}} becomes a killer. He says that it's like smoking. You hate it at first, but grow to enjoy it. {{spoiler|It amounts to him asking America if he can just kill everyone, instead of all of their complicated plans}}
== Film ==
* The opening of the second film version of ''[[Casino Royale]]'' almost spells out this trope:
{{quote| '''Dryden''': How did he die?<br />
'''[[James Bond (film)|Bond]]''': Your contact? Not well.<br />
'''Dryden''': Made you feel it, did he? Well, you needn't worry. [[Killed Mid-Sentence|The second is]]--''(gets shot by Bond)''<br />
'''Bond''': [[Bond One-Liner|Yes. Considerably.]] }}
* In ''[[True Romance]]'', Virgil the enforcer takes a breather from beating on Alabama to explain his experience with this trope, ending with, "Now I kill 'em just to watch their expressions change." Virgil unforgettably played by James Gandolfini before his [[The Sopranos|big promotion]].
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* In the ''[[Star Wars]]'' prequels, Anakin kills dozens of Sand People out of anger, and is consumed by guilt afterward. A few years later, he's hesitant to kill {{spoiler|Count Dooku}}, and eventually does so with reluctance at Palpatine's insistence. Later in the film, he kills {{spoiler|Mace Windu}} in a situation of extreme duress, but shrugs it off rather quickly. From there he moves on to watching Palpatine {{spoiler|order the deaths of Jedi all over the Galaxy as he himself marches to the Jedi temple to kill everyone inside, including the children.}} About seventeen years later, Anakin, now badass Sith Lord Darth Vader, has no problem with Grand Moff Tarkin blowing up a planet containing billions of innocent people and is murdering his own subordinates via Force Choke with alarming frequency. A literal case of [[The Dark Side Will Make You Forget]].
** Implicity, thanks to his job as top enforcer and commander-in-chief of a galaxy-spanning totalitarian empire, Vader has tons of [[Offstage Villainy]] amounting to innumerable atrocities, ''especially'' because of this trope and the ease at which he is commiting evil in the movies. The [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]] confirmed this, for example having a lethal and highly-contagious biological weapon developed on the Falleen homeworld; and when it escaped and started infecting people in the capital city, the entire area was sealed-off and "sterilsed", ie. annihilated via ion cannon lasers from Star Destroyers from above, killing millions of people.
* [[Dark Blue (TV series)]] has a poignant moment after Bobby kills his first suspect. His partner, Eldon, recounts his first kill, and how much it affected him. He says that, even though killing is a normal part of his job now, he still thinks about that first one.
* Incorporated to disturbing effect in the [[Steven Spielberg]] film ''[[Munich]]''. It takes its toll on the characters, however.
* In the film adaptation of ''[[The Crucible]]'', the first hanging has the girls who had falsely accused them flinching and wincing while the rest of the villagers are cheering. But after the second and third and fourth hangings, they are cheering just as happily as the villagers.
== Literature ==
* Pick any [[Baen Books]] [[Military Science Fiction]] novel. [[Notable|Notably]], ''The Disunited States of America'' by [[Harry Turtledove]], where a kid fakes being a soldier but ends up doing the job for real.
* Mr. Pin in ''[[Discworld/The Truth|The Truth]]'' spells this out when his sanity starts getting away from him because he's realized that the people he's killed are closer than he thinks, and are just itching to get their revenge. Killing one person, that's a [[Moral Event Horizon]]; killing twenty is just, well, more of the same.
* In [[C. S. Lewis|CS Lewis]]' ''[[Till We Have Faces]]'', when Orual is about [[Combat by Champion|fight in single combat]], the captain of the guard makes her kill a pig to get her first time over with that way.
* In John Grisham's first novel ''A Time to Kill'', the guy who kills the two guys who raped his kid daughter thinks that it was harder to kill the first Viet Cong fighter.
* This is strongly implied to be the case for the murderer in the [[Lord Peter Wimsey]] novel ''Unnatural Death''.
* Acheron Hades, in ''The Eyre Affair'', describes murder as "like eating a packet of shortbread" -- once—once you start, there's no reason to stop, since the worst they can do is execute you once.
* In [[Tanya Huff]]'s ''[[Confederation of Valor|Valor's Choice]]'', Lieutenant Jarret is shaken by having killed someone for the first time, and asks Torin if it ever gets easier. Her response is along the lines of, "yes, sir. I'm sorry to say that it does."
* Similar to the Batman example, [[Hercule Poirot]] gives this as a justification for bringing killers to justice (after they killed once, they will kill again to avoid being discovered, and each kill will be easier than the previous one). {{spoiler|This is an important plot point in his final case.}}
* In ''Life of Pi'', the main character is introduced as devoutly religious, intelligent and a vegetarian. But when he has to survive, he abandons all morals. Killing becomes easier, and soon he is doing things like sucking fluid from fish eyeballs and eating faeces {{spoiler|and human flesh.}} He explicitly states that he goes from crying over a flying fish that flopped into the lifeboat to exulting in the fact that he managed to hook and kill a dorado - and later on, he grabs and slaughters two meerkats without hesitation, {{spoiler|so he can rub his feet in their viscera to cool them after he steps on the acidic surface of the island.}}
* In the [[X Wing Series]], rookie pilot Gavin Darklighter helps out during the Krytos Plague pandemic on Coruscant, trying to find victims to get them treated before it's too late, and call for cleanup teams when it ''is''. In the end stages, the Krytos plague, which was [[Genetic Engineering Is the New Nuke|engineered by Imperials]], basically liquefies those who contract it. Finding a particularly bad one, someone who'd barricaded himself up when he knew how sick he was getting, makes him [[Vomiting Cop|vomit]], but he pulls himself together, does his job, and confesses to his love interest that a year ago he would have run screaming. He's changing, and it scares him.
{{quote| '''Asyr''': "It's called maturing, Gavin, and not everyone likes it."<br />
'''Gavin''': "Thanks, but I still have to wonder if it's right that we can see something like that and just continue on."<br />
'''Asyr''': "We continue on, my dear, because we must. [...] Our mission is to fly our X-Wings, to locate and destroy the kind of monsters who would do this kind of thing. Doing that requires all the maturity we can muster." }}
* Repeatedly referenced in Joe Abercrombie's ''[[The First Law]]'' trilogy. Logen Ninefingers is basically the living embodiment of this trope, which at least still disturbs him.
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* Ian Fleming inverted the trope regularly in his [[James Bond]] novels. Despite the statement made in the 2006 version of ''[[Casino Royale]]'', quoted at top, in the original novels and short stories Bond is often depicted as actively avoiding having to kill more than is necessary, leading to some dangerous scenarios for 007, such as in the short story "From A View to a Kill" in which Bond is nearly killed by a man who he shows mercy to.
* [[World of Warcraft|The Last Guardian]] by Jeff Grubb has this line used by Medivh after he {{spoiler|attacks Khadgar and Garona}}.
* In [[H. Beam Piper]]'s ''Space Viking'', Lucas Trask tells the scholarly King of Marduk, "We're professional murderers and robbers, as one of my fellow tradesmen says. The worst of it is that robbery and murder become just that: a trade, like servicing robots or selling groceries."
* [[Fred Saberhagen]]'s ''Empire of the East'' trilogy has a pivotal scene when one of the characters is told that to advance in the evil [[The Empire|title organization]], he has to learn to [[Moral Event Horizon|be very unlike his present nature]]:
{{Quote|"You must [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|be for once not brave, but cowardly]]. Small and mean, as you describe it. [[Nightmare Fuel|It will be difficult only once.]]"}}
== Live -Action TV ==
== Live Action TV ==
* Reversed the first time Sam Beckett killed a man on ''[[Quantum Leap]]''. The man in question is a former French Resistance fighter who is said to have killed his own mother during the [[Second World War]]. After a scuffle, Sam backs away holding a bloodied knife as the man smiles up at him knowingly, whispers "The next time, it will be easier" and dies.
* Alas, poor John Crichton (of ''[[Farscape]]'') learned to kill in order to survive the Uncharted Territories. He also went pretty crazy, though whether it was the killing, the utter weirdness, the many, many aliens who decided to stick things in his brain and swirl it around a bit, or some combination thereof is anyone's guess.
* ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'':
** In the episode "The Hard Part", Hiro describes his future self in terms of this trope:
{{quote| "Future Hiro killed so much, he forgot it should be hard."}}
** Sylar goes down that road. After he kills for the first time, he tries to commit suicide (but is stopped by Elle and Noah). We all know how this story continues.
* Jokingly referenced in ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'':
{{quote| '''O'Neill''': Something wrong?<br />
'''Carter''': No. I've just never... [[Remember When You Blew Up a Sun?|blown up a star before]].<br />
'''O'Neill''': Well, [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|they say the first one's always the hardest]]. }}
* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' story ''The End of Time'', we get this exchange.
{{quote| '''Wilf''': The Master is going to kill you.<br />
'''The Doctor''': Yeah.<br />
'''Wilf''': Then kill him first.<br />
'''The Doctor''': That's how the Master started. It's not like I'm an innocent. I've taken lives. And I got worse, I got clever. Manipulated people into taking their own. }}
* In a second-season episode of ''[[Fringe]]'', after Peter is forced to kill someone for the first time, Olivia recalls her first kill and how it took time for her to get over it. But judging by the rather high body count she's amassed, "It Gets Easier" clearly applies.
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* The trope forms part of the rationale behind the "red test" seen in ''[[Chuck]]'' in which an operative must perform his or her first kill before being promoted to agent. Disturbingly, the kills are of the cold-blooded variety: assassinations and murders, rather than kills in the heat of battle. Sarah and Casey's high body count attest to the clear implication that it gets easier.
* ''[[NCIS]]'' has also established that in the service's earlier days as "NIS", agents underwent a similar "red test" scenario, carrying out assassinations as a rite of passage. Jenny Shepherd failed her initial assigned kill, though she goes on to commit numerous kills (both hot- and cold-blooded) before the one kill she did not complete years earlier {{spoiler|results in her death}}.
* In ''[[Bones]]'', Brennan is greatly disturbed when she kills for the first time, yet later asks to be given a gun during another case because she's killed before, and in "The Wannabe in the Weeds" she is comfortable enough with killing to shoot a woman in the throat with no remorse evident. (The woman in question HAD just shot Brennan's partner -- aimingpartner—aiming for Brennan -- soBrennan—so hyper-rational Brennan may not have felt it necessary to express or even acknowledge any feelings of remorse).
* In ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', Buffy is [[Genre Savvy]] enough that a substantial part of her later character arc is about trying to avert this trope.
{{quote| I can beat up the demons until the cows come home. And then I can beat up the cows. But I'm not sure I like what it's doing to me. (...) To slay, to kill. It means being hard on the inside.}}
* Invoked, of all places, in an episode of ''[[Cheers]]''. Woody, upset that he has told a lie, worries about the consequences.
{{quote| I've never told a lie before! Wait, that's a lie. It's getting easier! What's next, '''murder'''?}}
== Tabletop RPGs Games ==
== Tabletop RPGs ==
* The [[Karma Meter|Morality]] systems in ''[[The World of Darkness]]'' games are based on the notion that doing bad things to others gradually grows easier (although the specifics are different for each gameline).
* ''[[GURPS]]'' suggests, as an optional rule for "realism", representing this by starting the characters out with the Reluctant Killer disadvantage and then letting them buy it off..
== TheaterTheatre ==
== Theater ==
* The title character of ''[[Macbeth]]'', as indicated by the page quote. Though in that case it's not so much killing as cold-blooded murder (he starts the play as a soldier).
* Parodied in ''[[The Mikado]]''. The "Lord High Executioner", Ko-Ko, charmed his way into the position, and since no one's been sentenced to death so far, he's essentially just a figurehead. However, when the time comes for him to make his first kill, Ko-Ko protests, "Why, I never even killed a blue-bottle!"
{{quote| ...I'm not ready yet. I don't know how it's done. I'm going to take lessons. I mean to begin with a guinea pig, and work my way through the animal kingdom till I come to a Second Trombone.}}
== Video Games ==
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* Surprisingly, [[Rabid Cop|Carter Blake]] from ''[[Heavy Rain]]'' pulls this trope to comfort Jayden if the player made him {{spoiler|shoot Nathaniel.}}
* ''[[Mega Man X]]'' was supposed to come across this trope after ''X5'', and had it not been the [[Executive Meddling]] causing the [[Continuity Snarl]], he would have become a [[Knight Templar]] villain in ''[[Mega Man Zero]]''.
== Web Comics ==
* In ''[[Drowtales]]'', Ariel's first kill is forced upon her, but her second is not. She is horrified by how easy it was and develops PTSD from the remorse.
* In ''[[College Roomies from HellCRFH]]'', when Roger kills a number of Damascus's henchmen, and when Margaret kills {{spoiler|Mrs. Pepitone}}, they're completely dumbstruck, and may or may not have had ill-advised sex. This is the ''only'' time any of the henchmen are given a second thought, even by ''their own side''.
* In [ this strip] of ''In Wily's Defense'', Megaman refutes this after killing {{spoiler|Skull Man.}}
== Real Life ==
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* Despite the growing quality of simulated-dissection software, medical and nursing students are still expected to engage in human or animal dissections as part of their professional education. This isn't just for hands-on skill development; growing accustomed to grisly experiences and the reality of death is as much a part of these exercises as is building anatomical knowledge. Not a killing variant, but same concept: repeated exposure to death makes dealing with it easier in the future.
* Serious training scenarios for emergency responders (military or civilian) will sometimes use professional makeup artists so the "victims" will have very realistic looking injuries. It's one thing to practice moving someone and pretend they have a broken leg; it's quite another when you see a realistic-looking bone sticking out of what looks like ripped-open flesh from a compound fracture and the victim making an ear-piercing scream if you accidentally touch the wound, combined with litres of realistic blood all over the place.
* Ernie Pyle was a famous World War 2 war correspondent known for going right to the frontlines and writing about Soldiers doing the actual fighting. He landed with the US Army in North Africa where it first saw combat with an Infantry platoon and after a few weeks with them he left to cover other aspects of the war. Pyle returned to them and wrote this about then in his wartime column, ''Brave Men, Brave Men'':
* Ernie Pyle describes this in his wartime column, ''Brave Men, Brave Men'':
{{quote| The most vivid change is the casual and workshop manner in which they now talk about killing. They have made the psychological transition from the normal belief that taking human life is sinful, over to a new professional outlook where killing is a craft. To them now there is nothing morally wrong about killing. In fact it is an admirable thing.}}
* In a more calm sense, life in general. It seems like a lot of tragedies hit people in their teen years, like breakups, disappointments (not getting into your preferred college for example) and they tend to always be a crisis. In general, later in life, people mellow and develop a sense of "I've been through this once, I can do it again."
* Although the TV series ''[[Chuck]]'' features operatives of the CIA, which exists in real life, the "red test" requirement for becoming a full agent as featured in that series (committing a cold-blooded murder under orders) is unlikely to exist for real CIA agents. (At least, as far as the public knows). The same goes for the real-life Naval Criminal Investigative Service, which in ''[[NCIS]]'' the TV series evolved from an earlier organization that used a red test-like scenario.)
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