• Best Level Ever: The Pontchartrain Bridge. Bond hops on a motorcycle and powers his way across the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, the longest bridge in the US in about 3 minutes flat, and the game does an amazing job of convincing you just how suicidally fast you're going. Over the course of the trip, you've got the chance to power slide under a fuel tanker and ramp over the watery divide to drive against traffic. Throw in motorcycle-riding henchmen, the ability to dispatch them with a shotgun, and Jaws driving a rig containing the nanobots that will destroy New Orleans' levies and flood the city and you've got an amazingly badass level.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The title song by R&B singer Mya.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Katya. This is to be expected when she's played by Heidi Klum.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: One of the missions is to prevent Diavolo from using his nanobots to destroy the levees in New Orleans. AWKWARD.