Jeff Hardy: Difference between revisions

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* [[Easily Forgiven]]: Matt, by Jeff, after they feuded in 2009. Essentially Matt said that he had made a mistake and Jeff forgave him. The "mistake" apparently involved Matt burning Jeff's house to the ground, killing his dog (both of which happened in real life, albeit not because of anything Matt had done), and trying to murder him and/or end his career at least three times. The forgiveness came only a couple months after the end of their fighting over it.
** Even more so with WWE and TNA, considering he's been a ''world champion'' in both companies despite being previously fired from both for drug use.
*** Though Victory Road 2011 may have finally [[Averted Trope|averted]] this. He promptly dropped the title and has been [[Put On a Bus|written off of the show]] for months. Despite asking for forgiveness from other wrestlers, all he has gotten in return have been [[What the Hell, Hero?]] speeches and a feud with Jeff Jarrett.
* [[Estrogen Brigade Bait]]: TNA doesn't need to add the sound of screaming girls to his entrance music; it's a given that the female members of the crowd will provide that themselves.
* [[Face]]: During his decade-plus career, Jeff has almost never been a [[Heel]].
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* [[Squee]]: Jeff, PLEASE don't take your shirt off again in the middle of a match. It hurts our ears.
* [[Squash Match]]: His TNA World Heavyweight Title match against [[Wrestler/Sting|Sting]] at ''Victory Road 2011'' lasted all of ninety seconds. See above for [[Real Life Writes the Plot|the reasons why]].
* [[Star -Making Role]]: His Ladder Match with Undertaker in the early 2000s. He didn't receive his first main event push until late 2007, but that was the match that really put him in the public's eyes as legitimate singles competitor.
* [[The Unfettered]]: Heel and face, this man gives it his all with every move.
* [[Villain Song]]: One of his TNA theme songs, Another, fits this to a T.