Jeopardy Thinking Music: Difference between revisions

merged Beverly Hillbillies examples
(merged Beverly Hillbillies examples)
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* When [[The Daily Show|Jon Stewart]] interviewed Betsy McCaughey regarding her opposition to President Obama's health care proposals, she trotted out a huge binder containing half of the proposed bill. Jon challenged her to show him the passage that she cited to prove her (made-up) points against the bill, and as she thumbed through the pages of the binder, he started humming the ''Jeopardy!'' theme. Later, when she searched for another passage, he started singing "[[The Benny Hill Show|Yakety Sax]]."
* Used at least once in ''[[America's Funniest Home Videos]]'', where it was dubbed into a home video of a man at the altar taking his sweet time thinking over the "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" question.
* Used to underscore ''[[The Beverly Hillbillies]]''' naïveté/stupidity at one point in [[The Movie]]: Elly May mentioned something people had in [[Beverly Hills]] and the music started playing when someone asked her what that was.
* Misteroo's Flash Animation ''[[Arfenhouse]]'' uses the Think Music briefly.
* ''[[Film/The Beverly Hillbillies|The Beverly Hillbillies]]'': Elly May mentioned something people had in [[Beverly Hills]] and the music started playing when someone asked her what that was.