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== Comics ==
== Comics ==
* In volume 4 of ''[[Empowered (Comic Book)|Empowered]]'', the protagonist is overjoyed to be running for the Caped Justice Awards, until Sistah Spooky informs her that the award is a setup used to publicly humiliate the receiver and that she should watch out. Given that Sistah Spooky has been nothing but antagonistic from day one (not to mention [[Broken Pedestal|breaking her own pedestal]], since Empowered ''was'' a big fan of hers until they met), she assumes Sistah is just raining on her parade. {{spoiler|She's not.}}
* In volume 4 of ''[[Empowered]]'', the protagonist is overjoyed to be running for the Caped Justice Awards, until Sistah Spooky informs her that the award is a setup used to publicly humiliate the receiver and that she should watch out. Given that Sistah Spooky has been nothing but antagonistic from day one (not to mention [[Broken Pedestal|breaking her own pedestal]], since Empowered ''was'' a big fan of hers until they met), she assumes Sistah is just raining on her parade. {{spoiler|She's not.}}
* In both the graphic novel ''[[Watchmen (comics)|Watchmen]]'' and film adaptation of the selfsame, {{spoiler|[[Big Bad|Ozymandias]]}} is moved to set his [[Batman Gambit|plan]] into action after The Comedian mocks (Captain Metropolis in the novel, {{spoiler|Ozymandias}} himself in the film) for trying to form a [[Super Team]] and points out that with the [[Cold War]] inching mankind closer to nuclear annihilation with each passing moment ideals like "right" and "wrong" were outdated.
* In both the graphic novel ''[[Watchmen (comics)|Watchmen]]'' and film adaptation of the selfsame, {{spoiler|[[Big Bad|Ozymandias]]}} is moved to set his [[Batman Gambit|plan]] into action after The Comedian mocks (Captain Metropolis in the novel, {{spoiler|Ozymandias}} himself in the film) for trying to form a [[Super Team]] and points out that with the [[Cold War]] inching mankind closer to nuclear annihilation with each passing moment ideals like "right" and "wrong" were outdated.
** The Comedian also condemns Dr. Manhattan for his [[All Powerful Bystander|noninterference]]. The Comedian shoots a pregnant Vietnamese woman over Manhattan's objections, and is then chastised for it. While this is obviously a heinous crime, he correctly points out that Manhattan could have prevented it with his godlike powers, by teleporting her away or changing the bullets into something harmless, but chose not to. [[Foreshadowing|As it turns out,]] {{spoiler|this passive observation eventually leads to the deaths of thousands.}}
** The Comedian also condemns Dr. Manhattan for his [[All Powerful Bystander|noninterference]]. The Comedian shoots a pregnant Vietnamese woman over Manhattan's objections, and is then chastised for it. While this is obviously a heinous crime, he correctly points out that Manhattan could have prevented it with his godlike powers, by teleporting her away or changing the bullets into something harmless, but chose not to. [[Foreshadowing|As it turns out,]] {{spoiler|this passive observation eventually leads to the deaths of thousands.}}
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** There was also a much less serious episode where Emma has her first period, and Paige tries to convince her that it's great because "You'll get boobs now" And "Boobs aren't that bad... they're really great actually."
** There was also a much less serious episode where Emma has her first period, and Paige tries to convince her that it's great because "You'll get boobs now" And "Boobs aren't that bad... they're really great actually."
** From our other [[Alpha Bitch]], Holly J, we get a few moments where she gives 'advice.' The first is after Mia finds out Sav likes Anya ("We need men, not boys."), after her [[Fallen Princess]] she gives advice to Spinner and Jane in season 8. Season 9 she has a wonderful scene with shades of the Paige Emma discussion telling Clare that having a impure thoughts isn't bad... so long as it doesn't lead to kissing the neck of Holly J's boyfriend.
** From our other [[Alpha Bitch]], Holly J, we get a few moments where she gives 'advice.' The first is after Mia finds out Sav likes Anya ("We need men, not boys."), after her [[Fallen Princess]] she gives advice to Spinner and Jane in season 8. Season 9 she has a wonderful scene with shades of the Paige Emma discussion telling Clare that having a impure thoughts isn't bad... so long as it doesn't lead to kissing the neck of Holly J's boyfriend.
** Mrs. Torres, oh wow. She's mad at [[Reasonable Authority Figure|Snake]] because her son was shrinkwrapped to a pole. Then she's mad at Snake because her other son [[Useful Notes/Transgender|who she still isn't quite used to not being her daughter]] was the victim of a hate crime in school. By this time she's probably wondering what kind of school he's running. Then Vegas Night happens...
** Mrs. Torres, oh wow. She's mad at [[Reasonable Authority Figure|Snake]] because her son was shrinkwrapped to a pole. Then she's mad at Snake because her other son [[Transgender|who she still isn't quite used to not being her daughter]] was the victim of a hate crime in school. By this time she's probably wondering what kind of school he's running. Then Vegas Night happens...
** Another example involving Paige happened in the episode "I Want Candy". Ashley would not get out of bed to go to school after Craig cheats on her with Manny (several months after it's already happened). In an effort to try and cheer her up, Paige and Spinner skip school and take her out on the town. Of course, Ashley does nothing but whine the entire time. Finally, Paige gives Ashley a [[What the Hell, Hero?]] speech, tellng her that while what Craig did to her was wrong, he was not the issue. The real problem was Ashley because she wouldn't move on with her life.
** Another example involving Paige happened in the episode "I Want Candy". Ashley would not get out of bed to go to school after Craig cheats on her with Manny (several months after it's already happened). In an effort to try and cheer her up, Paige and Spinner skip school and take her out on the town. Of course, Ashley does nothing but whine the entire time. Finally, Paige gives Ashley a [[What the Hell, Hero?]] speech, tellng her that while what Craig did to her was wrong, he was not the issue. The real problem was Ashley because she wouldn't move on with her life.
** Bianca's gotten her fair share in, pointing out that while she did steal Drew from Alli, it wasn't as bad as Alli kissing Clare's ex-boyfriend/current step-brother. Since Alli is Clare's best friend she should know better, Bianca has no such loyalty to break. Later on she sets Jake straight that no matter what Clare says, she's not going to be able to separate the sex from the romance she has building in her head, and if he sleeps with her he's royally messing her up. Bianca didn't choose the ''nicest'' ways to go about sharing these lessons, but she was right in both counts.
** Bianca's gotten her fair share in, pointing out that while she did steal Drew from Alli, it wasn't as bad as Alli kissing Clare's ex-boyfriend/current step-brother. Since Alli is Clare's best friend she should know better, Bianca has no such loyalty to break. Later on she sets Jake straight that no matter what Clare says, she's not going to be able to separate the sex from the romance she has building in her head, and if he sleeps with her he's royally messing her up. Bianca didn't choose the ''nicest'' ways to go about sharing these lessons, but she was right in both counts.
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* ''[[South Park]]'': Eric Cartman gets this quite a few times throughout the series, when his twisted worldview is occasionally proven true. Usually [[Played for Laughs]] like most everything else in the series.
* ''[[South Park]]'': Eric Cartman gets this quite a few times throughout the series, when his twisted worldview is occasionally proven true. Usually [[Played for Laughs]] like most everything else in the series.
** [[Abusive Parents|Stephen Stotch]] acts as the [[Only Sane Man]] during the Muhammad fiasco.
** [[Abusive Parents|Stephen Stotch]] acts as the [[Only Sane Man]] during the Muhammad fiasco.
* In the "[[My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S2 E6 The Cutie Pox|The Cutie Pox]]" episode of ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', [[Alpha Bitch|Diamond Tiara]] probably only calls Apple Bloom out on her cutie marks {{spoiler|which were cause by Cutie Pox}} being fake in order to take her down a peg when a second one appears, since she hates [[Have I Mentioned I Am a Dwarf Today?|anypony]] taking the spotlight away from her. Still, she's 100% right, and even the teacher Cheerilee shares her skepticism.
* In the "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 E6 The Cutie Pox|The Cutie Pox]]" episode of ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', [[Alpha Bitch|Diamond Tiara]] probably only calls Apple Bloom out on her cutie marks {{spoiler|which were cause by Cutie Pox}} being fake in order to take her down a peg when a second one appears, since she hates [[Have I Mentioned I Am a Dwarf Today?|anypony]] taking the spotlight away from her. Still, she's 100% right, and even the teacher Cheerilee shares her skepticism.
** Fluttershy gets one herself in putting your hoof down when she talks about how Pinkie Pie and Rarity want "Pushover Fluttershy" back. Yeah, she was being mean about it, but it's been shown plenty of times before and since in which her friends will take advantage of her kindness.
** Fluttershy gets one herself in putting your hoof down when she talks about how Pinkie Pie and Rarity want "Pushover Fluttershy" back. Yeah, she was being mean about it, but it's been shown plenty of times before and since in which her friends will take advantage of her kindness.
* Red Arrow is a suspicious jerk towards Artemis in ''[[Young Justice (animation)|Young Justice]]''. Although Artemis probably isn't [[The Mole]], Roy's lack of trust in her unfortunately does have some merit, since she is keeping secrets about her past from the team. Reaches a head in "Insecurity" when Roy's mistrust pushes Artemis to endanger the mission by trying to lead the rest of the team away from the targets just to have a chance to prove herself. This backfires immensely when the mission goes south and her deception is exposed.
* Red Arrow is a suspicious jerk towards Artemis in ''[[Young Justice (animation)|Young Justice]]''. Although Artemis probably isn't [[The Mole]], Roy's lack of trust in her unfortunately does have some merit, since she is keeping secrets about her past from the team. Reaches a head in "Insecurity" when Roy's mistrust pushes Artemis to endanger the mission by trying to lead the rest of the team away from the targets just to have a chance to prove herself. This backfires immensely when the mission goes south and her deception is exposed.