Jerkass Woobie/Live-Action TV: Difference between revisions

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** Admiral Cain could possibly be considered this; she fits the "simultaneously want to punch her and feel really sorry for her" part, at least. She witnessed the genocide of her entire species and then found out that [[Honey Trap|her girlfriend was an artificial construct created by the genocidal robots who were responsible]]. She was [[Revenge Before Reason|about to sacrifice what, as far she knew, was the last surviving human community in the entire universe in a pointless, essentially impotent gesture of revenge]], [[Bad Boss|killed her own second in command for questioning her tactics]], was a fan of [[Cold-Blooded Torture|questionably ethical interrogation techniques]], and generally [[Ax Crazy|appeared to be a few cards short of a full deck]], but under the circumstances, [[Freudian Excuse|it's sort of understandable]]. Particularly, [[Rape as Drama|what she all but says she wants the interrogators to do to Gina]] takes on new dimensions when you consider how she probably felt about finding out that she'd been (presumably) [[Rape Tropes|unknowingly]] sleeping with somebody who was willingly aiding in the attempted and nearly successful genocide of her entire species (not to mention the [[Squick]] factor of her having every reason to think that Gina is closer to a robot that happens to be made out of flesh than what we'd consider human).
** A MUCH less extreme example is Kara Thrace, aka "Starbuck" (at least in the [[Jerkass]] department, in [[The Woobie]] department she easily matches anyone in the show). She can be a real bitch a lot of times but seeing her backstory and what happens to her, it's practically impossible not to want to give her a hug MANY times throughout the series.
* ''[[ICarlyiCarly]]''
** Sam in the episode "iSpeed Date". A case for a [[Jerkass]] becoming a [[Woobie]] in that episode.
*** Even more so when you remember that her mom is not the most competent parent, her father abandoned her, and most of her family is or was in jail.