JoJo's Bizarre Adventure/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

Adding Heartwarming Template
(Adding Heartwarming Template)
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* In the last episode of the ''[[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]]'' OVA, of all places. Following a long and sublime series of [[The Stoic|apathetic]]-to-[[Badass Longcoat|sullen]] [[Badass|ass kickery]] culminating in {{spoiler|beating the blood-spurting hell out of his immortal, nigh-onto-godlike nemesis who had just done away with all his companions}}, Jotaro's tearful smile at the parting scene is a real sunshine moment. [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Whoever knew he had it in him?]]
* In the 4th arc {{spoiler|Josuke has just met his father Joseph for the first time, and he's not happy. It doesn't help that Joseph is almost senile and Josuke has a short fuse. But when the two find and need to save an invisible baby (really) from drowning, Josuke has had enough and tells off Joseph who cuts his own wrist to find where the girl fell in the water. He does this because he states in his own words "I just wanted you to be proud of me." Josuke, who had been calling Joseph "Mr. Joestar" from then on calls him dad. }}