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[[File:wiggum-donut_698donut 698.jpg|link=The Simpsons Movie|frame| Guns don't kill people, [[Metaphorgotten|doughnuts kill people.]]]]
{{quote|'''Rocko Dillon:''' ''[[Firing in the Air a Lot|[fires a gunshot into the air to silence the audience]]]'' Freeze, and nobody gets hurt!<br />
''[a guy falls from the rafters into the orchestra]''<br />
'''Rocko Dillon:''' Well... from now on!|''[[The Naked Gun]] 33 1/3''}}
|''[[The Naked Gun|The Naked Gun 33 1/3]]''}}
You know how you shouldn't screw around with guns because they're dangerous? Well, the normal rules don't apply when it comes to [[Rule of Funny|comedy]]. Whether it's the [[The Simpsons (animation)|police chief]] [[Artistic License Gun Safety|eating donuts off his gun barrel]] or [[Reckless Gun Usage|some clown]] juggling loaded guns, the normal rules of safety don't apply.
Frequently results in [[Amusing Injuries]] from gunshot wounds or a superficial case of [[Ash Face]]. Caused by whichever combination of [[Artistic License Gun Safety]], [[Reckless Gun Usage]] and [[Shur Fine Guns]] would maximize the laughs. When gunshot wounds are used seriously, that's [[I Just Shot Marvin in the Face]]. See also [[Remonstrating with a Gun]].
Not to be confused with [[Cartoon Juggling]], though actually juggling loaded guns in any cartoon (or [[Real Life]], for that matter), is probably just as bad an example as any of these following examples.
== Anime and Manga ==
* ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]'': When Kamina is first given a gun he pretends to know how to use it, even though he ''doesn't know what it actually is''. At first he uses it as a ''hammer'', and after narrowly missing shooting himself in the gonads he proceeds to hold it ''upside down''. Well, he already held it upside down when using it as a hammer; but of course, it was pointing towards him then.
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* ''[[Asobi ni Iku yo!|Asobi Ni Iku Yo]]'': has one of the haremettes opening fire on the main character on full auto with a machinegun for the crime of having accidentally seen her naked.
** It should be noted that said haremette ran outside stark naked to HELP the main character she subsequently shot at.
* ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]? Fumoffu'' has a lot of gags involving this. Sousuke is perfectly capable of handling firearms safely, but has vastly distorted standards on which situations call for use of firearms and which ones do not. He opens fire on a light gun game with a real-life loaded pistol because the alternative (firing the system's light gun outside of the screen and therefore pointing it at something you aren't intending to shoot) was "too unsafe," uses a Steyr AUG to fire warning shots to chase off delinquents (a "peaceful solution" by his standards), and ends up using a loaded handgun to accidentally create a riot when trying order at a bread sale (Kaname told him to "get the seller's attention").
* ''[[Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt|Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt]]'': Panty's gun stops working, so she turns it around, peers into the barrel, and ''pulls the trigger several times.'' Possibly justified because her gun uses magic bullets that only kill the [[Monster of the Week|Monsters Of The Week]], but {{spoiler|Stocking's similar magic swords work just fine against her at the very end of the series}}.
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** The air rifle gag is apparently based on a real-life incident - in the ''[[Shaun of the Dead]]'' commentary, Edgar Wright claims that his brother once shot him in the leg with an air rifle.
* ''[[Shaun of the Dead]]'': features a running argument between Ed and Shaun on whether or not The Winchester's namesake gun (mounted over the bar) has been deactivated:
{{quote| ''Shaun clubs a zombie with the butt of the Winchester''<br />
'''Ed:''' "Why didn't you just shoot him, man?"<br />
'''Shaun:''' "Ed, for the last time..."<br />
''Shaun squeezes the trigger of the gun, and it fires''<br />
'''Ed:''' "[[I Knew It!|I]] [[Precision F-Strike|fucking]] [[I Knew It!|knew it!]]" }}
* ''[[Pink Panther|The Return of the Pink Panther]]'': Chief Inspector Dreyfus keeps in his office desk both a real gun and a lighter that ''looks just like'' said gun. [[Hilarity Ensues]] with predictably violent results, such as when his assistant Francois, hearing a gunshot, bursts in the office to see the top half of Dreyfus' face looking up at him from behind his desk:
{{quote| '''Dreyfus:''' Don't just stand there, idiot — call a doctor. ''And then help me find my nose!''}}
* In the live-action film of ''[[George of the Jungle]]'', Lyle Van De Groot carries lighters that looked like guns. When he and the poachers Max and Thor head out to find Ursula and capture the "White Ape," Lyle mistakenly trades one of his lighters with an African guide for a real one. He plans to use the "lighter" to scare George away, but when George runs over to save Ape from being poached, a shot rings out, followed by a [[Big No]] both from Ape and Lyle (who realizes he accidentally traded his lighter for a real gun), and a [[Say My Name|Big GEORGE!!]] from Ursula. [[It Gets Better|Of course, George survives because he's the hero.]]
* ''[[Semi-Pro]]'': While playing poker, one guy pretends to threaten someone with a gun as a prank, and says it's not loaded. ''Everyone at the poker table'' takes turns pointing the gun and pulling the trigger at each other. Predictably, the gun ''does'' have one round left; the bullet ricochets around the room and hits a guy's arm (it's in a cast). ''It's still played for laughs'' even though the guy's arm is ''bleeding through the cast''.
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* ''[[The A-Team (film)|The a Team]]'': When two CIA agents attempt to off Pike in the back of the car and lampshaded by the target himself. In fact, Pike begs Lynch not to let that guy shoot him because that'd just be embarrassing. The agent to his left seemed to suck at gun safety and was stupidly putting a <s>silencer</s> suppressor on his pistol. He then proceeds to aim it at Pike such that it'll more likely kill the agent on the right than the target. Pike overpowers him and hands his gun to the agent on the right, hoping that this one isn't as much of a complete imbecile. Sadly, that agent then answers his cellphone, while also pressing the gun to his face. Not to mention that all this was happening in a moving vehicle.
* ''[[Monsters vs. Aliens]]'': B.O.B. is given a plasma gun by a clone, and the gun goes off in his hands and hits said clone. Later, Dr. Cockroach grabs the gun away, claiming that it should be in the hands of someone capable... and then the gun goes off in his hands and shoots another clone.
== Literature ==
* In one of [[Larry Niven]] 's ''[[Man-Kzin warsWars]]'' books, a human picks up a Kzinti energy rifle, smearing blood over the '"insufficient charge'" light to hide it, and captures a Kzin. Having [[I Gave My Word|given his parole]], the [[Proud Warrior Race|Kzin]] asks about the rifle. The human says "It's not charged," and points it upward, pulling the trigger to demonstrate. As they watch the hut burn from outside, the Kzin [[Sarcasm Mode|mentions]] that there is a world of difference between ''insufficient'' charge and ''no'' charge.
* In one of [[Larry Niven]] 's Man-Kzin wars books, a human picks up a Kzinti energy rifle, smearing blood over the 'insufficient charge' light to hide it, and captures a Kzin. Having [[I Gave My Word|given his parole]], the [[Proud Warrior Race|Kzin]] asks about the rifle. The human says "It's not charged," and points it upward, pulling the trigger to demonstrate. As they watch the hut burn from outside, the Kzin [[Sarcasm Mode|mentions]] that there is a world of difference between ''insufficient'' charge and ''no'' charge.
== [[Live Action Television]] ==
* ''[[MASHM*A*S*H (television)|M*A*S*H]]'': used this a lot with gun fanatic Frank Burns. He frequently shot himself, and at one point, he accidentally shot BJ, for which he was relentlessly mocked.
{{quote| '''Frank:''' ''Colonel, Margaret is missing!!''<br />
'''Col. Potter:''' ''So, naturally you shot Captain Hunnicutt.'' }}
** One incident involved him shooting himself in the foot while attempting to steal a high-ranking officer's beautiful revolver, which leads to the [[Fridge Logic]] that not only did Frank assume it was unloaded, but that the man who had his gun stored left the bullets in. He also had a particularly entertaining scene where he pulled the pin on a grenade for no good reason, and about six seconds later realized he was waving around a live grenade. Cue frantic search for the dropped pin and fumbling attempt to return it to the grenade (it worked).
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* ''[[The IT Crowd]]'': Douglas opening a random drawer and finding a loaded revolver. Whilst attempting to conceal it, he accidentally shoots himself in the leg, and spends the rest of the episode trying to hide his injury from his staff. Amusingly, that happens after he checks if it's loaded by ''putting the gun to his head and pulling the trigger five times.'' He is supposed to be [[Too Dumb to Live]], but ''damn''.
* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "Daleks in Manhattan", an actress threatens Martha and the Doctor with a gun, and handles it in an appallingly cavalier way, waving it around and even briefly pointing it at her own head. The Doctor suggests she should maybe put it down, and she shrugs and tosses it aside. The Doctor and Martha both flinch--
{{quote| '''Actress:''' Hunh? [realizes she has gun] Oh, sure. [tosses gun to a chair] Oh, c'mon. It's not real. It's just a prop. It was either that or a spear.}}
* ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]'' does it pretty much every time Rodney McKay fires a gun. Justified since he has no military experience and no training with firearms. In one episode, he frantically asks someone else what the hell he's supposed to do when ''[[Too Dumb to Live|his gun runs out of bullets]]''. Why he hasn't sought out proper instruction on ''how'' to use weapons beyond "bullets come out of this end" by now is part of his many many flaws.
** His best part was when he tried to shoot a Wraith, and hit the magazine release instead...
** Probably has something to do with the heavily lampshaded routine of Rodney being the one to always find the solutions to things, he hasn't had time to seek out proper instruction. The fact that everyone else on the team seems fairly competent means that they may not even do the standard equipment and safety check.
** He does, over the course of the show, go from barely being able to operate a pistol to carrying a P90 and using it fairly competently, though never quite as well the rest of the team. The same thing happened to Daniel Jackson in ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'', who ended up being as much a military commando as he was an archaeologist.
* ''[[It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia]]'': The episode "The Gang Cracks The Liberty Bell" has Frank and Charlie discovering one of the rifles they've purchased is defective when it fails to kill Dee. They check the rest by taking turns staring down the barrel of each gun while the other pulls the trigger.
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'': episode "End of Days", it is implied that Willow and Tara's cat, Miss Kitty Fantastico, met her demise in a tragic crossbow accident.
{{quote| '''Dawn:''' Xander, my crossbow is not out here. I told you, I don't leave crossbows around all willy-nilly. Not since that time with Miss Kitty Fantastico.}}
* ''[[The Three Stooges]]'': short "Disorder in the Court" introduces a gun as evidence. Curly is told to try to pull the incredibly rusty trigger, after being told "[[Tempting Fate|Never fear, it's not loaded.]] After one harmless click, he then accidentally shoots off the prosecutor's toupee when his finger gets stuck in the trigger guard.
** ''Any'' time the Stooges or someone around them insisted a gun wasn't loaded, it was. In "Even as I.O.U." Curly gives a baby a pacifier. When Moe sees that it's a revolver, he reaches in to get it, but is stopped by Larry, who warns that the kid might pull the trigger. Curly insists it isn't loaded, and seeks to prove it...by cocking the hammer and thoughtlessly discharging it in an enclosed space. Pretty much every rule of gun safety is blithely disregarded.
* ''[[SCTV]]'': In a parody of ''[[Captain Kangaroo]]'' called "Captain Combat", Gunny Rabbit is shot by an accidental discharge. (Captain Combat's lesson to the kiddies at the end of the sketch: [[Spoof Aesop|"Never be in a room with a loaded gun unless you're holding it."]])
* ''[[My Name Is Earl]]'': Chubby carries a loaded pistol and an identical looking water pistol filled with vodka that he uses to freshen patrons drinks (and occasionally squirts directly into mouth). He is shown shooting at least one patron's glass and (between episodes) the inevitable happens and he shoots himself in the head.
* ''[[Modern Family]]'': When the families go to a dude ranch, the guys try skeet shooting, and Mitchell sends the others diving for cover when he absent-mindedly turns towards them while holding his rifle.
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* ''[[Lego Star Wars]] II'': After being handed the lightsaber Luke turns it on and Obi-Wan ducks out of the way. Luke then swings it a few times and inadvertently beheads C3PO.
* ''[[Earthworm Jim (video game)|Earthworm Jim]]'': Two of his idle animations are to twirl his blaster on his finger, throw it in the air, catch it and holster it. The aversion is done successfully, with no harm done. In the second (straight) version he catches it wrong, and it blasts him in the face. (Unfortunately, his [[Your Head Asplode|head does not asplode]].) A third idle animation splits the difference — after Jim tosses the gun in the air, it lands on his head, but doesn't go off.
* ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]]'' played with: Ocelot is fond of literally doing this as an extreme form of [[Russian Roulette]].
* ''[[Comic Jumper]]'': [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dor_v-7-DGg Captain Smiley accidentally shoots the cameraman during this ad].
* [[Too Dumb to Live|Captain Qwark]], in ''[[Ratchet and& Clank]] Future: [[Ratchet and Clank A Crack In Time|A Crack Inin Time]]''.
{{quote| '''Qwark:''' This Lombax is young. He does not understand that being a hero is [[Too Many Halves|45% strength, 60% bravery, and 10% raw intelligence.]] *''[points to his head with the barrel of his laser gun*]''}}
== Web Comics ==
* ''[[Questionable Content]]'': [http://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=529 Marten doesn't observe] ''taser'' safety and accidentally electrocutes himself. Of course, he ''was'' drunk.
* ''[[Girly]]'': [https://web.archive.org/web/20130602000655/http://girlyyy.com/go/483 Lampshaded].
* ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'': Sarah is scared of [[Shapeshifting]] and holds a grudge against Tedd after his "just ''[http://www.egscomics.com/?date=2005-12-02 joking around]''" with supposedly "not charged" [[Transformation Ray]].
* ''[[PvP (webcomic)|Pv P]]'': [https://web.archive.org/web/20110717220209/http://www.pvponline.com/2008/09/15/count-of-two/ 2008/09/15], when Scratch tries to threaten someone with his [[Shur Fine Guns|ray gun]].
* ''[[Lackadaisy]]'': [http://www.lackadaisycats.com/exhibit.php?exhibitid=19 In a background extra strip], Rocky shoots himself in the ear when [[Reckless Gun Usage|waving around his pistol]], giving him the hole in the ear seen in the regular strip.
* Brilliantly subverted in [http://wapsisquare.com/comic/all-safe/ this] ''[[Wapsi Square]]'' strip. Monica makes absolutely sure her vintage revolver is unloaded, and then manages to knock herself out with it.
* ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' had the eponymous amorph [http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2009-05-17 literally juggling] his plasma guns... lacking safety switches and powerful enough that he need only one to use as a makeshift [[Jet Pack]].
** That said, he also invokes the trope at one point--hepoint—he acquires a pair of [[BFG|BFGs]]s and saws the barrels in half to make them more maneuverable. When Kevyn points out that he cut off all the safety mechanisms that'd stop the guns from blowing up in his face and insists on repairing them, Schlock demands that he not make the gun ''look'' any safer.
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** Bennett the Sage takes this to the extreme in the two-year anniversary special ''[[Kickassia]]'' where, as Surgeon General of Kickassia, he determines that Uzis make you unkillable, on the grounds that [[You Fail Logic Forever|he's holding one, and he isn't dead]]. He's later seen wiping tears away ''with the barrel of the Uzi.''
* ''[[Girlchan in Paradise]]'', "It's out of bullets, anyway!" "Then that means I can do this!" (''[[Too Dumb to Live|BANG]]'')
* ''[[The Onion]]'', [http://www.theonion.com/articles/8yearold-accidentally-exercises-second-amendment-r,725/ this] article , an 8-year-old boy who unintentionally shot himself in the thigh wins praise from [[Strawman Political|Strawman Politicals]]s for having exercised his constitutional rights.
* ''[http://idiotswithguns.blogspot.com/ Idiots with Guns]'' blog, dedicated to the people who for some reason think Hollywood style gun handling makes them look "cool", as opposed to irresponsible and/or stupid.
== Western Animation ==
* ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'': Homer buys a gun and uses it for such things as opening a can of beer, and turning on his TV (complete with a Mook from a Western falling off a roof at that exact moment). This actually gets him kicked out of the local gun club. In the same episode, Marge gets annoyed when Homer plays with the gun at the breakfast table. Homer puts the safety on, but only manages to accidentally fire the gun, hitting a picture of Marge. He nervously comments that he accidentally turned the safety ''off'', and turns it ''on''... and the gun again discharges, hitting the picture of Marge. Freaked out by now, Homer puts the gun on the table -- andtable—and after a second, without being touched it fires again, this time hitting a knife which is sent flying into the picture of Marge, right between the eyes.
{{quote| '''Lisa''': ... No offense, mom, but that ''was'' pretty cool.}}
** In ''[[The Simpsons Movie]]'', Chief Wiggum can't carry enough donuts, so he stacks them on the barrel of his gun, [[What an Idiot!|and]] [[Big Eater|then]] [[Artistic License Gun Safety|eats]] [[Idiot Ball|them]] [[Donut Mess with a Cop|straight]] [[Don't Try This At Home|off]] [[Too Dumb to Live|it]]. The gun goes off while he's between bites, blowing a hole through his hat. He says "Whoa, that was a close one!" and [[The Ditz|continues]] [[Refuge in Audacity|eating]]. Another episode, showing film of him when he was younger at a firing range, has him looking down the barrel after his gun stops and getting yelled at by his instructor ("What did I say about pointsy-twardsies?"). He then gives the instructor a back massage with the gun and it goes off and shoots the cameraman. He's later shown to have gotten the position of Chief by giving the Mayor a back massage with his gun. Another episode showed Wiggum cleaning his ears with the barrel of his gun, and yet another showed him firing at his TV after forgetting where he left the remote. It was in his gun holster.
** Yet ''another'' Wiggum example is a recent episode where he used two gun barrels as ''earplugs''.
** Also done in Homer The Vigilante:
{{quote| '''Marge:''' I don't think the guns are a good idea.<br />
'''Homer:''' Marge! We're responsible adults. And —<br />
'''Moe:''' [shoots] Whoops.<br />
'''Homer:''' And if a group of responsible adults can't handle firearms in a responsible way —<br />
'''Sea Captain:''' [shoots] Sorry.<br />
'''Skinner:''' [shoots] Uh oh.<br />
'''Moe:''' [shoots] Me again.<br />
'''Bart:''' [shoots] Sorry. }}
** From the episode "Simpsons Tall Tales":
{{quote| '''Homer:''' I'm cleaning my gun with the safety off, safety off, safety off, I'm cleaning my gun with the safety off on a cold and frosty--[shoots]}}
** In another episode, Chief Wiggum is trying to shoot a fly with a gun:
{{quote| '''Chief Wiggum:''' *the fly lands on his nose* HA!! I've got you now!! *cut to commercial*}}
** One comic book had Homer attend an "Arm The Elderly" rally. To the frustration and astonishment of the [[Grim Reaper]], everyone somehow survived.
* ''[[Superfriends]]'': Marvin manages to get the Villain of the Day's freeze weapon and threatens him with it. The villain smugly tells him to fire away because he (and the audience) can clearly see ''he's holding the weapon backward''. In order to demonstrate that he was just as stupid, Zan later did the same thing with a transformation gun.
* ''[[Looney Tunes]]'': Elmer Fudd, for an avid hunter, ignores pretty much every rule of gun safety while out hunting wabbits. Also, there's the scene from ''[[Rabbit Fire]]'', where Daffy looks down the barrel of Elmer's gun and finds out the hard way that there was [[One Buwwet Weft]].
* ''[[Duckman]]'':
{{quote| '''Duckman:''' Did I ever tell you my Dad's last words to me?<br />
'''Cornfed:''' "Careful, son, I don't think the safety is on."<br />
'''Duckman:''' Before that! }}
* In ''[[King of the Hill]]'', Dale tells a story again to the gun club members how he assassinated a Central American dictator. He twirls his gun and accidentally drops and discharges it hitting the cash register. This panicked the others and ruins Dale's reputation as president.
** In the two-part whodunnit in which Debbie dies, it turns out she accidentally shot herself while trying to climb back into the dumpster she was hiding in ([[It Makes Sense in Context|she was planning to shoot Buck]]) while struggling to carry fast food and a shotgun at the same time.
* ''[[Family Guy]]'' also does this; in an episode where Peter becomes the town sheriff, [[Shoot the Hostage|he aims at a thug holding his son hostage and pulls the trigger]]. After the gun fails to fire, [[Too Dumb to Live|he then examines the jam by looking down the barrel.]] Rather than being [[I Just Shot Marvin in the Face|hit and killed by a bullet from his pistol]], he is instead punished with [[Running Gag|a raccoon to the face]].
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