Don't get me wrong, I love Jack Black, Adrian Brody is great
Naomi Watts is delightful, my friend
But I didn't come here to see any of them
Get to the fucking monkey!
Get to the fucking monkey!
Get to the fucking monkey!

Tripod, "King Kong"

Oh no!
There goes Tokyo!

Go go Godzilla!

"So, would I recommend Mr. Willowby’s Wonder Tree? Ye gods, yes! 13 seconds of Muppets in a feature film is the most screentime they’ve gotten since 1999! Totally worth sitting through Dustin Hoffman’s Bugs Bunny impression.

By which I mean, please don’t go see this movie."
"Clearly, the distributors had great faith in the reasons for the broadsheet-reading cinephile's reasons for seeing this film. And it had very little to do with the footage of Black Rebel Motorcycle Club."
Is It Just Me Or Is Everything Shit?