Just Here for Godzilla: Difference between revisions

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* In general, if you have a favorite B-movie actor and plenty of time and/or disposable income on your hands, you'll watch droves of otherwise unwatchable films just to catch a glimpse of your hero - and that goes double if you're a horny male and the "star" is a sexy babe. Take Anna Nicole Smith, for instance. How many boys aged 14 to 25 watched the crappy movie ''To the Limit'' just to see her naked body - when she wasn't even the main character in that film, and in fact it was a sequel to an earlier film, ''Da Vinci's War'', which she wasn't in and which was made before most people had even heard of her?
* The ''[[Godzilla]]'' franchise, which probably became famous only for the monster fights (hence the [[Trope Namer|trope title]]).
** A common complain about ''Godzilla Final Wars'' is that Godzilla finally goes into action only near the end of the movie despite the movie is supposed to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the series.
* Most action films score very low on plot originality, character development or any kind of message. Audiences simply want to see explosions, people fighting each other or fast paced special effects.
* Most romantic drama films and comedies are extremely predictable, yet women and couples just want to see a romantic story on a fairy tale level to leave the cinema with a happy feeling.
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* A small minority of the audience for ''[[Black Swan]]'' is Just There For The [[But Your Wings Are Beautiful|Wingfic]].
** And quite a few more are Just There for [[Girl-On-Girl Is Hot|the Mila/Natalie sex scene.]]
* Many people watched ''[[The Machinist]]'' for the shock of seeing Christian Bale's [[Dyeing for Your Art|Nightmare Fuel ThinessThinness.]]
* Some people watched [[James Cameron]]'s ''[[Titanic]]'' only because of ship's sinking scenes.
** Back when it was released most teenage girls went to see the film solely because they were so in love with [[Leonardo DiCaprio]]. In fact many people only remember the romantic scenes and are completely unaware that the entire story was based on a real life incident.