Kamen Rider Gaim/Characters/Beat Riders: Difference between revisions

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=== General Tropes ===
* [[Adorkable]]: Many of them to an extent, but Kouta takes the cake.
* [[Badass]]: Their Armored Riders can practically eat waves of Inves for breakfast on a daily basis and are the only ones in Zawame who have a chance of standing up to Yggdrasil {{spoiler|and the Overlords.}}
* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]: Although they (well, mostly Kouta but still) break their necks and spines trying to the civilians from time to time, the citizens of Zawame City hate them for supposedly causing the Inves outbreak.
* [[Five -Man Band]]: Zig-zagged all over the place, mostly averted though. The armored riders almost never come more than groups of two, but at rare times can put aside their differences for a short amount of time. Originally this is how is should've gone for each arc.
** The Beat Rider Saga
*** [[The Hero]]: Gaim, he's the first Armored Rider and their main fighter throughout the series. In fact, his Driver was meant to be given to his leader, Yuya, not Kouta.
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*** {{spoiler|[[Sixth Ranger Traitor]]: Minato and Zack, who both betray the alliance for Kaito. In the latter's defense though, he does it so he can kill Kaito himself.}}
*** {{spoiler|[[Sixth Ranger]]: Takatora and Mitsuzane. After several episodes of being out of the loop, Takatora returns just in time to try to knock some sense into Micchy. Micchy on other hand, goes back to being good after Kouta's attempted [[Heroic Sacrifice]].}}
* [[Hero with Bad Publicity|Heroes with Bad Publicity]]: They become this when the Inves outbreak happened, causing everyone to point fingers at them, [[Jerkass Has a Point|due to the fact they're the only ones who use Inves in their games and how they treat them like toys]].
==Kouta Kazuraba/Kamen Rider {{color|blue|Ga}}{{color|orange|im}}==
The main character of ''Kamen Rider Gaim''. Kouta is an earnest young man who quits Team Gaim so that he can get a job and support his sister. However, after finding the Sengoku Driver and Orange Lock Seed, he is drawn back into the competition between the different Beat Rider gangs, believing that his new-found power is the key to his maturation as an adult.
* [[Acquired Situational Narcissism]]: Downplayed, but after getting his Rider powers he used them for every little thing while acting very cocky.
* [[Adorkable]]
** {{spoiler|[[Adorable Abomination|Adorkable Abomination]]: From #41 onwards.}}
* {{spoiler|[[All Your Powers Combined]]: In Kiwami Arms, he can use the weapons of every single Armored and New Generation Rider.}}
* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]: An in-universe example: {{spoiler|Micchy comes to believe that Kouta is an idiot who ruins his plans by rushing into things who also "corrupts" everyone that Micchy cares about with his beliefs. However, it's clear that this way of thinking is a result of Micchy's increasingly evil and deluded worldview, and Kouta really is the heroic and noble [[Hope Bringer]] that Mai and Takatora see him as. Also in #36, Kaito believes that Kouta is naive at best and insane at worst.}}
* [[Arch-Enemy]]:
** Kouta's morals slowly make him Sid's most hated enemy after he becomes Sigurd.
** {{spoiler|Kouta also becomes this to Micchy after the latter's sanity breaks. Micchy starts to see him as the root of all his problems and attempts to kill him.}}
** {{spoiler|And in the final episodes, he becomes one to Kaito. Where Kaito believes that people lose strength with compassion and vice versa, Kouta believes the opposite, that they can have both, and that they become stronger if they do.}}
* [[Badass]]: While not all that great at the start of his tenure, he shows signs of this as he was completely willing to fight off a monster before gaining powers. Plus, the intro to the series and his appearance in Kamen Rider Wizard assures us he will eventually grow into a full-fledged badass, then #11 comes around making his ''Wizard'' appearance look like a joke compared to the potential he showed as a [[One-Man Army]].
** [[Badass Biker]]: Just like any other Rider.
** [[Badass Boast]]: Gives one to Takatora in #23.
{{quote|'''Kouta''': I'll never give up! If you say sacrifices are necessary, I'll fight the world that demands them!}}
** {{spoiler|[[Colonial Badass]]: Commands a horde of Inves in #45 against Kaito's army.}}
* [[Bash Brothers]]: Had this relationship with Ryugen then to Baron through the series. {{spoiler|Then went to back to Ryugen in the final episode.}}
* [[Batman Grabs a Gun]]: This is basically what accepting Kiwami Arms really is for Kouta. He takes the power in an obvious [[Deal with the Devil]] situation because he needs greater strength to deal with the Overlords. He's also essentially admitting that it's hopeless to reason with the Overlords, abandoning his role as a protector to become both a conqueror and destroyer as he unleashes lethal force on sapient beings (though his intentions remain noble and the Overlords are almost entirely evil).
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: With Mai, according to the rest of the team.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Friendly, nice, somewhat naive and all around do-gooder…until you piss him off enough.
* [[Big Good]]
* [[Big "NO!"]]: Does an epic one when he tries to stop Sigurd from killing Ryoji.
* [[Bishonen Line]]: His transformation from the bulky and heavily armored Kachidoki Arms to the lightly armored and rather thin Kiwami Arms can be seen as this.
** {{spoiler|Played even straighter in #46, after Kouta eats the Forbidden Fruit and becomes the Man of the Beginning. Overall, it just looks like him with blonde hair and silver armor, while still having godly power in his possession. This makes his most powerful form the most human looking of all.}}
* [[Calling Your Attacks]]: While he normally doesn't do this, when he uses the Showa Rider Lockseed in Kamen Rider Taisen, he shouts out two famous words when he activates the Ichigo Squash.
{{quote|'''Gaim/Ichigo''': Rider…KICK!}}
* [[Character Tics]]: Holding his sword over his shoulder and going into a Horse Stance as Gaim.
* [[Childhood Friends]]: With Mai.
* [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]: Suffers from this big time. He will always rush to save people, even when it puts him at odds with Mitsuzane.
* [[Confusion Fu]]: In the Beat Rider Saga, initially he didn't know how to use his powers properly so his fighting style is really sporadic and weird until episode 9.
** A straighter, more controlled version of this would be in his [[Super Mode]], Kiwami Arms. He can summon a number of any weapon belonging to any of the Kamen Riders in the series in quick progression, even combine some of their powers for greater synergy.
* [[Determinator]]: He will stop at NOTHING in order to help those in need.
* [[Department of Redundancy Department]]: Gaim's name means Armored Warrior, so he's pretty much called…Armored Rider Armored Warrior.
* [[Multiform Balance]]: Titled "Arms".
** [[Jack of All Stats]]: Orange Arms.<ref>Is weaker and faster than Pine Arms but still stronger and slower than Strawberry Arms, and is in-between their respective attack powers.</ref>
** [[Mighty Glacier]]: Pine and Watermelon<ref>Becomes a [[Lightning Bruiser]] in Odama (Big Ball) and Gyro Mode</ref>.
** [[Glass Cannon]]/[[Fragile Speedster]]: Strawberry Arms<ref>supposed to be only the latter, but the way it is used in the series while still being weaker defensively than Orange and Pine Arms makes it the former as well</ref>.
** [[Lightning Bruiser]]: The Jimber Forms, due to all of them using S-Class Lockseeds (more powerful than A Class Lockseed users)<ref>Among themselves is a different archetype: Jimber Lemon is a [[Mighty Glacier]] for giving Gaim a boost in strength, Jimber Cherry is a [[Fragile Speedster]] for being his fastest form, and Jimber Peach is a [[Squishy Wizard]] as it gives Gaim [[Super Senses|Super Hearing]] but also sensitivity to high-pitch sounds.</ref>
** [[Infinity-1 Sword]]: Kachidoki Arms<ref>Initially, it was established as Gaim's most powerful form, but was quickly overshadowed by the more powerful Kiwami Arms.</ref>
** [[Super Mode]]: Kiwami Arms
** {{spoiler|[[Serial Escalation]]/[[God Mode]]: Man of the Beginning. Kouta doesn't require his Sengoku Driver to use this form, so he perpetually has access to immense power.}}
[[Category:Kamen Rider Gaim]]