Kamen Rider Kage: Difference between revisions

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The tone is a mix of comical human characters and a darker storyline involving a race of demonic creatures called Akuma that have been sealed away in a sword for centuries. It is also written in an episode-like format, chapters called episodes and even a promo inspired by the ones airing before new Kamen Rider Series.
An ancient sword is dredged up from the depths of the ocean by fishing boat, believed to be from Feudal Japan and forged by the mythical swords smith Muramasa. However, as its being investigated, a seal is broken and [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|it releases the Devil Kaijin Akuma]]. The Akuma's goal is to please the High Warrior, their deity that demands they prove their strength, by battle or just causing general destruction. They are lead by [[Big Bad|King Mao]] and his [[Omniscient Council of Vagueness]], the Yoso Akuma Rozu.
However, during the first Akuma's attack, he kills the parents of a man named Jarrett Tsuchi. When Jarrett discovers this, he awakens a long dormant power inside him and becomes the Samurai Rider, Kamen Rider Kage. After killing the Akuma, he leaves for five months to train. In the meantime, a woman also met that night by Kage, Karin Akari, becomes the leader of the Anti-Akuma Division of the JSDF, along with her second in command, Eiji Takeo. When Kage returns, Karin is forced to decide whether to help him or follow orders and capture him.
=== Tropes used: ===
* [[Action Girl]]: Karin, she might not fight all the time, but she's tough enough to make a grown man cower in terror.
** Now Jarrett's cousin, Akari, who is Kamen Rider Akarui.
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* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Karin after the five month time jump. She keeps a bazooka in her car. [[Justified Trope|Justified]] by the fact she lives in a world under attack by monsters.
* [[Cute Bruiser]]: Akari, who acts like a young child, has [[Super Strength]] and shows it the first time by throwing a mugger into a tree. However, Akarui is more of a [[Lightning Bruiser]].
* [[Death Byby Origin Story]]: Jarrett's parents are killed by the first Akuma. Eiji's family apparently also suffered this fate offscreen.
** Akari has the same background as Jarrett.
* [[Dishing Out Dirt]]: Kage's Earth Form gives him the power of Earth.
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* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Hikaru, the Roadrunner Akuma, comes to realize that the Akuma's beliefs are false and, after being given a second chance by a mysterous woman, tries to redeem himself for his sins.
* [[Heel Realization]]: After being mortally wounded by Kage's [[Finishing Move]] and left to die in peace, Hikaru comes to see that his views may be wrong and that Kage's statement that true power came from protecting others may be correct. He then resolves that if he gets the chance. Once he's given the chance, he completely regrets his actions.
{{quote| '''Hikarui''': We tested our beliefs on the battlefield and he won…so does that mean he's in the right and I'm in the wrong? I must know…what does it feel like? What does it feel like to be a hero? What does true power feel like?}}
* [[Homage]]: The Akuma and Kage themselves have several homage's to [[Kamen Rider Kuuga|Kuuga]] and the Grongi.
** Taiga is a homage to [[Kamen Rider Agito|G3 and G3-X]] to some degree. His suit announcing the type of attack he's just activated is one to [[Kamen Rider Kabuto|the Kabuto Riders]].
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* [[Mooks]]: The Anti-Akuma Division use armored troops called Masked Troopers to fight the Akuma, but once Taiga is perfected, they prefer using him to cut down on deaths.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]?: Hikaru gets this after being liberated from the High Warrior, realizing he'd killed and destroyed for a deity that doesn't even care about his own people. He personally visits the graves of his victims to apologize for what he's done to them.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: The [[Everything's Even Worse Withwith Sharks|Bull Shark Akuma]] kills Jarrett's parents, triggering his transformation into Kage.
* [[Offscreen Teleportation]]: Akari tends to do this whenever someones attention isn't on her.
* [[Oh Crap]]: [[General Ripper|General Kyo Takeshi]] gets one when his [[Mix and Match Critter]] survives the failsafe, litterally saying [[Oh Crap]].
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* [[One-Winged Angel]]: Akuma can earn a second life by exchanging enough Blood Tears to the High Warrior, causing them to revive upon death as powerful Dai-Akuma based off mythical creatures. Once they fill up their Blood Tears again, they can transform into Ascended Akuma, more powerful versions of their base form, in exchange for the Blood Tears and the second life.
** In the [[Kamen Rider Double|W]] portion of the Movie War, {{spoiler|Kamen Rider Oblivion turns into his demonic Infernal Oblivion form by performing a Triple Maximum Drive. This, however, comes with him going completely [[Ax Crazy]] and insane.}}
* [[Orcus Onon His Throne]]: King Mao and the Yoso Akuma Rozu spend most of their time sitting on their thrones in the bowels of Mt. Fuji. [[Justified Trope|Justified]] in that Akuma are supposed to go by level of strength when attacking.
* [[Our Angels Are Different]]: The Tenshi's name means angel and they have many qualities in common with their namesake, including being hidden among humans and helpping Hikari redeem himself. It's also implied Hikari is being reborn as one.
* [[Our Demons Are Different]]: The Akuma's name means Devil and they're supernatural monsters from another universe. However, they don't have a lot in common with them.
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]: The Fire Elemental Akuma. Kage's Inferno Form also gets has the power of fire.
* [[Reason You Suck Speech]]: Eiji to Arata:
{{quote| '''Eiji''': You're a monster. Even as far as you devils go you're a monster! The others do it for the same reason I fight Kage! It's their job! I may hate every last one of them, but at least they don't savor the suffering and innocents! You're a sadistic demon and you're going back where you belong! My only regret is my armor is still damaged from earlier and I can't send you to oblivion myself...}}
* [[Religion of Evil]]: The Akuma's religion requires dieing in battle to get to the afterlife, not so bad, but to please their God, you have to cause senseless death and destruction on a regular basis.
* [[The Rival]]: Eiji/ {{spoiler|Kamen Rider Taiga}} to Kage. He doesn't have a personal grudge against him or is seeking a worthy opponent, he's just following orders.
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: The Akuma were imprisoned for 800 years inside Mao's Muramasa Blade until the sword was pulled out of the ocean and they were accidentally unleashed.
* [[Second Rider]]: Eiji/Taiga becomes this. Akarui eventually joins in.
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: When Kaze-Arata-Gorudoiguru begins insulting Kage and enjoying how far under his skin he's gotten:
{{quote| '''Arata''': Attacking from behind? That's not like you. (Kage just continues for him without any words) What? No threat? No witty banter about how you're going to stop my rampage in its tracks? Have I gotten to y- ([[Talk to Thethe Fist|Kage shuts him up with a punch to the face]])<br />
'''Kage''': Oh you've gotten to me alright...and [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|you'll soon be wishing you hadn't]]! }}
* [[Super Strength]]: Akari has this. First shown by throwing a full grown man 15 feet into a tree. She Handwaved it by saying she was used to heavy lifting back home.
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* [[The Un-Reveal]]: Kamen Rider Oblivion's true identity is never revealed.
* [[Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty]]: Taiga tends to fight in this fashion, being rather brutal and resorting to a [[Groin Attack]] or two.
{{quote| '''Taiga''': You fight with honor, I just fight.}}
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: In the [[Kamen Rider Double|W]] portion of [[The Movie]] War {{spoiler|Kamen Rider Oblivion has one starting when Kamen Rider Cyclone arrives to fight him and getting progressively more unhinged after that, going off the deep end by performing a Triple Maximum Drive. He goes from a rather composed [[Smug Snake]] to [[Ax Crazy|screaming "Die! Die! Die! Die!" while raining energy balls down at W]].}}
** General Kyo has one after he's tricked and humiliated by Karin, throwing a tantrum and flipping over a table in an outright childish display of anger.
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