Karakuridouji Ultimo/Characters/Neutral Other Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Whenever she shows up, she is drawn in stylish, revealing outfits.
* [[Parental Neglect]]: Yamato's mother is shown like this '''every time''' we see her. Even when she's not shown Yamato mentions that she constantly yells and abuses him. She didn't seem too concerned when he disappeared and their house was destroyed. It seems she also spends their money all on herself, and leaves them with barely anything to live off of. Hell, even when Yamato was a kid, if he was ''two minutes'' late, she wouldn't give him any snacks. The best part? [[Hilariously Abusive Childhood|It's played for laughs.]]
** She's slapped him around a couple times too. Once again, [[AbuseDouble IsStandard Okay When ItsAbuse (Female Onon Male)|it's played for laughs.]]
* [[Pretty in Mink]]: In her first apperance.
* [[She's Got Legs]]