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* Shou Tucker from [[Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)|the 2003 anime version]] of ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]''. This prick turns his sweet daughter, and her dog, into an abomination, which Scar has to [[Mercy Kill]]. The worst punishment he gets is getting turned into some kind of twisted chimera. He even lives through the whole show, unlike likeable characters like Hughes. Bullshit.
* Shou Tucker from [[Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)|the 2003 anime version]] of ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]''. This prick turns his sweet daughter, and her dog, into an abomination, which Scar has to [[Mercy Kill]]. The worst punishment he gets is getting turned into some kind of twisted chimera. He even lives through the whole show, unlike likeable characters like Hughes. Bullshit.
** Well actually he did get punished in a way. His goal was to make a body for Nina and try to bring her back to life using the Philosopher Stone. He manages to make the body but it's nothing more then a soulless doll. Whatever was left of his mind is completely gone after this. Still, he never really did get a proper punishment for tricking Al into using the stone like that.
** Well actually he did get punished in a way. His goal was to make a body for Nina and try to bring her back to life using the Philosopher Stone. He manages to make the body but it's nothing more then a soulless doll. Whatever was left of his mind is completely gone after this. Still, he never really did get a proper punishment for tricking Al into using the stone like that.
*** It should probably also be pointed out that Tucker between the first anime and manga are somewhat different in character. In the anime, it's clear he's already rather out of his gourd when they meet him, although it doesn't show until what he did was revealed and he just kept slowly losing his mind as the series progressed. By the end, any physical punishment as a normal person would know might not even apply to somebody who had gone as insane as he had. In the manga, he wasn't as crazy and basically did it [[For the Evulz]].
*** It should probably also be pointed out that Tucker between the first anime and manga are somewhat different in character. In the anime, it's clear he's already rather out of his gourd when they meet him, although it doesn't show until what he did was revealed and he just kept slowly losing his mind as the series progressed. By the end, any physical punishment as a normal person would know might not even apply to somebody who had gone as insane as he had. In the manga, he wasn't as crazy and basically did it [[For the Evulz]].
** This isn't so much of a problem in [[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|the manga and the second anime adaptation]]. When he turns poor Nina into a chimera, he doesn't survive to the end of the ''episode.'' [[And There Was Much Rejoicing|Thanks, Scar.]]
** This isn't so much of a problem in [[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|the manga and the second anime adaptation]]. When he turns poor Nina into a chimera, he doesn't survive to the end of the ''episode.'' [[And There Was Much Rejoicing|Thanks, Scar.]]
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* Dakki from ''[[Houshin Engi]]'' devoured human beings for seemingly no reason, stopped someone from being executed just to build a burning pillar to use on said person, invites people to parties and then sics tigers on them, turned a guy's son into hamburger and had said guy eat it (the guy later starved to death), and in general made things miserable for the inhabitants of Ancient China. But the worst she did was {{spoiler|plot with a godlike entity who's been manipulating the history of the Earth for centuries in order to serve her own interests.}} What happens to her? {{spoiler|she takes control of the body of said godlike entity and uses it to become the Great Mother and merge with the Earth}}. Talk about Karma.
* Dakki from ''[[Houshin Engi]]'' devoured human beings for seemingly no reason, stopped someone from being executed just to build a burning pillar to use on said person, invites people to parties and then sics tigers on them, turned a guy's son into hamburger and had said guy eat it (the guy later starved to death), and in general made things miserable for the inhabitants of Ancient China. But the worst she did was {{spoiler|plot with a godlike entity who's been manipulating the history of the Earth for centuries in order to serve her own interests.}} What happens to her? {{spoiler|she takes control of the body of said godlike entity and uses it to become the Great Mother and merge with the Earth}}. Talk about Karma.
* The [[Quirky Miniboss Squad|Necks of Orochi]] from ''[[Kannazuki no Miko]]'', after having their plot to destroy the world foiled (also, a couple of massacres early on), basically just get revived and live on as if nothing had happened.
* The [[Quirky Miniboss Squad|Necks of Orochi]] from ''[[Kannazuki no Miko]]'', after having their plot to destroy the world foiled (also, a couple of massacres early on), basically just get revived and live on as if nothing had happened.
* Aion from ''[[Chrono Crusade]]'' falls into this trope depending on your interpretation of the ending in each version.
* Aion from ''[[Chrono Crusade]]'' falls into this trope depending on your interpretation of the ending in each version.
** Anime: Although he's apparently killed during a battle with Chrono and Rosette, in the epilogue he appears before Father Remington and seems to be behind the assassination attempt of the Pope in the 1980's. Debate rages within the fandom on if he's ''literally'' there, or if it's an allegorical representation that even though he was defeated, what he wanted to happen came true anyway.
** Anime: Although he's apparently killed during a battle with Chrono and Rosette, in the epilogue he appears before Father Remington and seems to be behind the assassination attempt of the Pope in the 1980's. Debate rages within the fandom on if he's ''literally'' there, or if it's an allegorical representation that even though he was defeated, what he wanted to happen came true anyway.
** Manga: Chrono and Aion face each other in a final battle, charge toward each other, and then...the scene cuts away. We never find out whether he was killed in the battle as he's never seen again, although it's heavily implied Chrono ''probably'' defeated him. But we never truly know for sure one way or the other.
** Manga: Chrono and Aion face each other in a final battle, charge toward each other, and then...the scene cuts away. We never find out whether he was killed in the battle as he's never seen again, although it's heavily implied Chrono ''probably'' defeated him. But we never truly know for sure one way or the other.
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** '''''YUBEL''''' -- once Judai remembers the nature of their past lives, he completely forgives her for everything she put him, his allies, and 12 dimensions through because of her [[Stalker with a Crush|obsession with him]]. Albeit he blamed himself for her mental state, she had been corrupted by the Light of Destruction (turning her more dangerous), and reconciling was the best way to beat her at the time. {{spoiler|He also took responsibility by taking her soul inside himself and thus prevented her from causing any further harm while her mind healed.}}
** '''''YUBEL''''' -- once Judai remembers the nature of their past lives, he completely forgives her for everything she put him, his allies, and 12 dimensions through because of her [[Stalker with a Crush|obsession with him]]. Albeit he blamed himself for her mental state, she had been corrupted by the Light of Destruction (turning her more dangerous), and reconciling was the best way to beat her at the time. {{spoiler|He also took responsibility by taking her soul inside himself and thus prevented her from causing any further harm while her mind healed.}}
** Kagemaru: who did God only knows what to the missing students and who attempted to destroy the world just to stay young. Juudai hugs him and wishes him well and nothing bad ever happens to him at all.
** Kagemaru: who did God only knows what to the missing students and who attempted to destroy the world just to stay young. Juudai hugs him and wishes him well and nothing bad ever happens to him at all.
** Let's not forget the original ''Yu-Gi-Oh!'' Kemo is one of Pegasus's biggest and meanest thugs in the first season, who just disappears after the battle with the Big Five in Season 1. Look at his bosses, Pegasus does a [[Heel Face Turn]] and the Big Five actually die in the anime (when the virtual world where they are imprisoned is destroyed), but Kemo is last seen running through a door with some of his goons. Although maybe Kaiba beat him up again.
** Let's not forget the original ''Yu-Gi-Oh!'' Kemo is one of Pegasus's biggest and meanest thugs in the first season, who just disappears after the battle with the Big Five in Season 1. Look at his bosses, Pegasus does a [[Heel Face Turn]] and the Big Five actually die in the anime (when the virtual world where they are imprisoned is destroyed), but Kemo is last seen running through a door with some of his goons. Although maybe Kaiba beat him up again.
** Nezumi of the original [[Yu-Gi-Oh!]] manga escapes after tricking Yugi and Jounouchi into confronting Hirutani, avoiding getting beaten up or put into a Shadow Game.
** Nezumi of the original [[Yu-Gi-Oh!]] manga escapes after tricking Yugi and Jounouchi into confronting Hirutani, avoiding getting beaten up or put into a Shadow Game.
** Kaiba from the original manga. Sure, Yami punished him with a Shadow game and became somewhat more of a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] in the process, but he still got away with extorting the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons from their original owners, one of whom committed suicide.
** Kaiba from the original manga. Sure, Yami punished him with a Shadow game and became somewhat more of a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] in the process, but he still got away with extorting the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons from their original owners, one of whom committed suicide.
* Rimelda of ''[[Madlax]]'' kills off or is responsible for the deaths of the most likable members of the cast, including {{spoiler|Madlax's apparent romantic interest, Vanessa}}. Not only does she survive in the end, but {{spoiler|she gets together with Madlax}}. Presumably Bee Train was trying to replicate their success with ''[[Noir (anime)|Noir]]''.
* Rimelda of ''[[Madlax]]'' kills off or is responsible for the deaths of the most likable members of the cast, including {{spoiler|Madlax's apparent romantic interest, Vanessa}}. Not only does she survive in the end, but {{spoiler|she gets together with Madlax}}. Presumably Bee Train was trying to replicate their success with ''[[Noir (anime)|Noir]]''.
* Despite ostensibly being one of the "good guys" throughout 2/3 of the series ''[[Mai-Otome]]'', [[Spell My Name with an "S"|Nina Wang]], who is the poster child for [[Love Makes You Evil]] and fits into about several dozen other tropes, pulls a selfish, spoiled, bratty [[Face Heel Turn]]. She willingly and freely betrays everything she's ever stood for, tosses her morals and decency aside, murders her best friend, attempts to murder several of her other good friends, aids [[The Empire]] in conquering the world, and almost single-handedly completes 90% of a plan to bring about [[The End of the World as We Know It]]. Her excuse? She's a little cranky that her father (yes, they're not related by blood, but he's still her FATHER) refuses to see her as a woman and fell in love with her friend instead of her. She continues down this path even after her father, the only thing she cares about, basically DIES (he later lived, but she didn't know...) trying to stop it. Her outcome at the end of the series? Happily ever after, never answering for anything she caused or even having to face anyone or anything from her old life to remind or accuse her, taking advantage of her father's amnesia to make him fall in love with her for real this time.
* Despite ostensibly being one of the "good guys" throughout 2/3 of the series ''[[Mai-Otome]]'', [[Spell My Name with an "S"|Nina Wang]], who is the poster child for [[Love Makes You Evil]] and fits into about several dozen other tropes, pulls a selfish, spoiled, bratty [[Face Heel Turn]]. She willingly and freely betrays everything she's ever stood for, tosses her morals and decency aside, murders her best friend, attempts to murder several of her other good friends, aids [[The Empire]] in conquering the world, and almost single-handedly completes 90% of a plan to bring about [[The End of the World as We Know It]]. Her excuse? She's a little cranky that her father (yes, they're not related by blood, but he's still her FATHER) refuses to see her as a woman and fell in love with her friend instead of her. She continues down this path even after her father, the only thing she cares about, basically DIES (he later lived, but she didn't know...) trying to stop it. Her outcome at the end of the series? Happily ever after, never answering for anything she caused or even having to face anyone or anything from her old life to remind or accuse her, taking advantage of her father's amnesia to make him fall in love with her for real this time.
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* Akabane Kuroudo in the ''[[GetBackers]]'' manga.
* Akabane Kuroudo in the ''[[GetBackers]]'' manga.
* [[Boring Invincible Villain|Paul]] in the ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' anime, has gotten away with countless cases of psychological and physical abuse towards his own Pokemon, equally countless cases of neglect and abandonment, multiple counts of poor sportsmanship, conduct unbecoming a Pokemon trainer outside the arena, one count of critically demoralizing a Gym Leader, and one Rage Quit, among others, with nary a word in reprimand for it. In fact, [[Creator's Pet|he's quite often praised for being a "strong trainer" instead!]]
* [[Boring Invincible Villain|Paul]] in the ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' anime, has gotten away with countless cases of psychological and physical abuse towards his own Pokemon, equally countless cases of neglect and abandonment, multiple counts of poor sportsmanship, conduct unbecoming a Pokemon trainer outside the arena, one count of critically demoralizing a Gym Leader, and one Rage Quit, among others, with nary a word in reprimand for it. In fact, [[Creator's Pet|he's quite often praised for being a "strong trainer" instead!]]
* Cain from the ''[[Trinity Blood]]'' anime, was pulling the strings behind all those events and...he gets away at the end.
* Cain from the ''[[Trinity Blood]]'' anime, was pulling the strings behind all those events and...he gets away at the end.
** This is mostly due to [[Author Existence Failure]]. Sunao Yoshida, the author of the novels that Trinity Blood was based on, died before he finished the series.
** This is mostly due to [[Author Existence Failure]]. Sunao Yoshida, the author of the novels that Trinity Blood was based on, died before he finished the series.
* Any of the abusers from ''[[Mai-chan's Daily Life]]''. (This is not a manga for the weak at heart. Seriously.) Because Mai and Kizuna can regenerate from anything short of total cellular destruction, they are constantly being mutilated throughout their lives as slaves, with nary a shred of payback in sight. The sole exception is the American-looking president of country "A", either because he crossed the line with baby mutilation or because he pissed off the proprietress. Kaede-san is NOT to be messed with.
* Any of the abusers from ''[[Mai-chan's Daily Life]]''. (This is not a manga for the weak at heart. Seriously.) Because Mai and Kizuna can regenerate from anything short of total cellular destruction, they are constantly being mutilated throughout their lives as slaves, with nary a shred of payback in sight. The sole exception is the American-looking president of country "A", either because he crossed the line with baby mutilation or because he pissed off the proprietress. Kaede-san is NOT to be messed with.
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* Ryuk from ''[[Death Note]]'' was the catalyst for several years' worth of murders, simply because he was "bored." At the end, {{spoiler|he just goes back to the Shinigami world from whence he came, with nothing to stop him from returning to the human world and causing another murderous streak. It doesn't help that the only way a Shinigami can die is by using a Death Note to save the life of a human,}} something Ryuk would never do.
* Ryuk from ''[[Death Note]]'' was the catalyst for several years' worth of murders, simply because he was "bored." At the end, {{spoiler|he just goes back to the Shinigami world from whence he came, with nothing to stop him from returning to the human world and causing another murderous streak. It doesn't help that the only way a Shinigami can die is by using a Death Note to save the life of a human,}} something Ryuk would never do.
** Not to mention Hitoshi Demegawa. While in the manga he's just a greedy, obnoxious character, the films take it up a notch, wherein he {{spoiler|[[Politically-Incorrect Villain|sexually harasses Takada]]}}. He is {{spoiler|killed by Teru Mikami}} in the manga and anime, but {{spoiler|does not die in the film}}.
** Not to mention Hitoshi Demegawa. While in the manga he's just a greedy, obnoxious character, the films take it up a notch, wherein he {{spoiler|[[Politically-Incorrect Villain|sexually harasses Takada]]}}. He is {{spoiler|killed by Teru Mikami}} in the manga and anime, but {{spoiler|does not die in the film}}.
** Also Misa Amane, in the films. At the end of the second film, she is {{spoiler|shown to have been let go of by the police after losing her memories of having used the Death Note, despite having previously killed Mogi (who dies here [[Death by Adaptation|in place of]] Ukita in the manga)}}. [[Hand Wave|However]], the police couldn't convict her without exposing the existence of the Death Note. Plus with the Note's destruction, she will as mentioned before lose her memories.
** Also Misa Amane, in the films. At the end of the second film, she is {{spoiler|shown to have been let go of by the police after losing her memories of having used the Death Note, despite having previously killed Mogi (who dies here [[Death by Adaptation|in place of]] Ukita in the manga)}}. [[Hand Wave|However]], the police couldn't convict her without exposing the existence of the Death Note. Plus with the Note's destruction, she will as mentioned before lose her memories.
* Momoko from ''[[Telepathy Shoujo Ran]]'' has quite a history of atrocious behavior throughout the series, ranging from putting masses of people under mind control up to getting a woman killed so she can get her hands on some special plant. At one point she also plays a major part in an effort to [[The End of the World as We Know It|eradicate all of mankind]]. Her fate? She gets to bring her grandmother flowers in the hospital. That ought to teach her.
* Momoko from ''[[Telepathy Shoujo Ran]]'' has quite a history of atrocious behavior throughout the series, ranging from putting masses of people under mind control up to getting a woman killed so she can get her hands on some special plant. At one point she also plays a major part in an effort to [[The End of the World as We Know It|eradicate all of mankind]]. Her fate? She gets to bring her grandmother flowers in the hospital. That ought to teach her.
* The [[Psycho Lesbian]] Duo from ''[[Strawberry Panic!|Strawberry Panic]]'' got away with attempting to wreck a school play, messing around with the Etoile Elections, and two separate cases of [[Attempted Rape]]. Kaname takes this one step further by {{spoiler|pretty much using Momomi to get closer to Amane, her real crush...''and they got back together in the finale''.}} To a lesser extent, Shizuma gets away with pretty much messing around with every attractive student in the school.
* The [[Psycho Lesbian]] Duo from ''[[Strawberry Panic!|Strawberry Panic]]'' got away with attempting to wreck a school play, messing around with the Etoile Elections, and two separate cases of [[Attempted Rape]]. Kaname takes this one step further by {{spoiler|pretty much using Momomi to get closer to Amane, her real crush...''and they got back together in the finale''.}} To a lesser extent, Shizuma gets away with pretty much messing around with every attractive student in the school.
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* ''[[Doubt]]'' has a massive one in {{spoiler|Rei. Who orchestrated the entire event, is shown to have done it at least once before, and comes out from it all with everyone who knows the truth dead and the only survivor hypnotized, psychotic, and ripe to take all the blame while she dances of scott free to do it again gloating all the way.}}
* ''[[Doubt]]'' has a massive one in {{spoiler|Rei. Who orchestrated the entire event, is shown to have done it at least once before, and comes out from it all with everyone who knows the truth dead and the only survivor hypnotized, psychotic, and ripe to take all the blame while she dances of scott free to do it again gloating all the way.}}
* Sae from ''[[Peach Girl]]''. She does do some make-goods, and she encounters some serious setbacks and heartache, particularly in the manga sequel/spinoff, Sae's Story. But the pain she puts Momo through - at one point threatening to disgrace her on an international level, just so Toji will break up with her, and making Momo believe she's been raped - means that she should have had some kind of beatdown. Note that the classmates she tricks early in the series to hate Momo are ready to hold Momo down and maybe hit her, but no such brutality is even mentioned when Sae is majorly exposed. She doesn't do a complete Houdini, except when the level of her actions is taken into account. Her pain with Ryo was largely self-inflicted, so it really doesn't balance the scales.
* Sae from ''[[Peach Girl]]''. She does do some make-goods, and she encounters some serious setbacks and heartache, particularly in the manga sequel/spinoff, Sae's Story. But the pain she puts Momo through - at one point threatening to disgrace her on an international level, just so Toji will break up with her, and making Momo believe she's been raped - means that she should have had some kind of beatdown. Note that the classmates she tricks early in the series to hate Momo are ready to hold Momo down and maybe hit her, but no such brutality is even mentioned when Sae is majorly exposed. She doesn't do a complete Houdini, except when the level of her actions is taken into account. Her pain with Ryo was largely self-inflicted, so it really doesn't balance the scales.
* Nabiki Tendo from ''[[Ranma ½|Ranma 1/2]]''. She runs small scams and petty blackmail schemes all over the place but was only called out once.
* Nabiki Tendo from ''[[Ranma ½]]''. She runs small scams and petty blackmail schemes all over the place but was only called out once.
* Almost all of the villains in ''[[Black Cat (manga)|Black Cat]]'' do not die or suffer any permanent injury. Some are never even defeated or fought. Only one member of the Apostle of the Star dies. Some undergo a [[Heel Face Turn]]. Creed is defeated but spared and actually saved by Train, in spite of the things he had done. Even the [[Man Behind the Man|leaders of Chronos]] who turn out to be pulling the strings are never defeated.
* Almost all of the villains in ''[[Black Cat (manga)|Black Cat]]'' do not die or suffer any permanent injury. Some are never even defeated or fought. Only one member of the Apostle of the Star dies. Some undergo a [[Heel Face Turn]]. Creed is defeated but spared and actually saved by Train, in spite of the things he had done. Even the [[Man Behind the Man|leaders of Chronos]] who turn out to be pulling the strings are never defeated.
** This is also true in the manga. Letting Creed go may actually be excusable (as his mind is more or less broken) but [[Pyromaniac|Kyoko]]? [[The Dragon|Shiki]]? ''[[Complete Monster|The Doctor]]''?!
** This is also true in the manga. Letting Creed go may actually be excusable (as his mind is more or less broken) but [[Pyromaniac|Kyoko]]? [[The Dragon|Shiki]]? ''[[Complete Monster|The Doctor]]''?!
* Rome-Ro from ''[[Heroic Age]]'' pretty much gets away with quite a lot of things from mass genocide, to brutally abusing Yuti-Ra. The two princes cheat death three times and eventually become the rulers of the known universe, after blowing up Jupiter, leading their entire fleet into suicide and bombarding the Bronze tribe homeworld, killing billions of helpless larvae.
* Rome-Ro from ''[[Heroic Age]]'' pretty much gets away with quite a lot of things from mass genocide, to brutally abusing Yuti-Ra. The two princes cheat death three times and eventually become the rulers of the known universe, after blowing up Jupiter, leading their entire fleet into suicide and bombarding the Bronze tribe homeworld, killing billions of helpless larvae.
* Care to guess the ultimate fate of Goldie Musou, the main antagonist of ''[[Gunsmith Cats]]'', a brainwashing, drug-dealing [[Psycho Lesbian]] crimelord? {{spoiler|She ends up in a happy, consensual relationship with Misty Brown, a protagonist she once kidnapped and [[Rape As Love|presumably raped]]. And she doesn't even quit being a drug-dealing crimelord, albeit a less psychotic one.}}
* Care to guess the ultimate fate of Goldie Musou, the main antagonist of ''[[Gunsmith Cats]]'', a brainwashing, drug-dealing [[Psycho Lesbian]] crimelord? {{spoiler|She ends up in a happy, consensual relationship with Misty Brown, a protagonist she once kidnapped and [[Rape As Love|presumably raped]]. And she doesn't even quit being a drug-dealing crimelord, albeit a less psychotic one.}}
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* Waiting for that treacherous [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]] Rosemary from [[Ashita no Nadja]] to finally get what's coming to her? Well, when the series ends, you'll ''still'' be waiting. {{spoiler|A slap in the face is literally the most she receives for her crimes.}}
* Waiting for that treacherous [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]] Rosemary from [[Ashita no Nadja]] to finally get what's coming to her? Well, when the series ends, you'll ''still'' be waiting. {{spoiler|A slap in the face is literally the most she receives for her crimes.}}
* In ''[[Goshuushou Sama Ninomiya Kun]]'', the main villain is duly punished, essentially with death ( {{spoiler|Reika's dark side disappears or gets reabsorbed or something}}). But {{spoiler|Hosaka}} has happily assisted with every step of the evil plan, from simple kidnapping to ''chucking a woman out of a helicopter''... and his comeuppance consists entirely of losing to Shungo in a fight. The woman even forgives him! (So okay, she survived, but he wasn't sure she would.)
* In ''[[Goshuushou Sama Ninomiya Kun]]'', the main villain is duly punished, essentially with death ( {{spoiler|Reika's dark side disappears or gets reabsorbed or something}}). But {{spoiler|Hosaka}} has happily assisted with every step of the evil plan, from simple kidnapping to ''chucking a woman out of a helicopter''... and his comeuppance consists entirely of losing to Shungo in a fight. The woman even forgives him! (So okay, she survived, but he wasn't sure she would.)
* In ''[[Pokémon Special]]'', Karen and Will were [[Elite Mook|Elite Mooks]] who gleefully attempted to [[Mind Rape]] Blue, made it ''very'' clear that they willingly followed the [[Big Bad]] [[For the Evulz]], and ditched the [[Big Bad]] not because they went through a [[Heel Face Turn]], but because they got scared and ran away. And yet, somehow, {{spoiler|they're now part of the Indigo League Elite Four as of the HGSS arc}}.
* In ''[[Pokémon Special]]'', Karen and Will were [[Elite Mook|Elite Mooks]] who gleefully attempted to [[Mind Rape]] Blue, made it ''very'' clear that they willingly followed the [[Big Bad]] [[For the Evulz]], and ditched the [[Big Bad]] not because they went through a [[Heel Face Turn]], but because they got scared and ran away. And yet, somehow, {{spoiler|they're now part of the Indigo League Elite Four as of the HGSS arc}}.
* In one episode of ''[[Cowboy Bebop]]'', Chessmaster Hex gets away scott-free simply on the grounds that he's to old and senile to remember the plan he set into motion 50 years ago that just now activated.
* In one episode of ''[[Cowboy Bebop]]'', Chessmaster Hex gets away scott-free simply on the grounds that he's to old and senile to remember the plan he set into motion 50 years ago that just now activated.
* In the anime [[Jyu-Oh-Sei]] the evil character Nagi murders innocent people. He is never punished for what he does and never shows any remorse. Not only does he live at the end of the series, but the good characters like Thor and Tiz continually defend him and save his life.
* In the anime [[Jyu-Oh-Sei]] the evil character Nagi murders innocent people. He is never punished for what he does and never shows any remorse. Not only does he live at the end of the series, but the good characters like Thor and Tiz continually defend him and save his life.
* In the [[Gilgamesh]], Dr. Monica and the rest of the original scientists survive to the very end of the series with no one else left alive to exact retribution upon them. Monica killed off many people especially during the Twin X incident. At the end of the series he manages to kill off the main characters and the rest of the human race. What happens to him after the end of the series is unknown. Even if he ceased to exist, which is likely what happened, it's still not karma, because that's exactly what he wanted to happen.
* In the [[Gilgamesh]], Dr. Monica and the rest of the original scientists survive to the very end of the series with no one else left alive to exact retribution upon them. Monica killed off many people especially during the Twin X incident. At the end of the series he manages to kill off the main characters and the rest of the human race. What happens to him after the end of the series is unknown. Even if he ceased to exist, which is likely what happened, it's still not karma, because that's exactly what he wanted to happen.
* Dilandu in the ''[[Escaflowne]]'' movie gets away scot-free with his surviving Dragonslayers, without showing any remorse for his previous actions. He just shrugs, comments that there will always be new wars for him to fight, and rides off into the sunset. What's worse is that the scene has an extremely positive tone to it, like he somehow deserved to live and continue his life of violence and bloodshed without learning a thing, except maybe "don't try to fight Escaflowne".
* Dilandu in the ''[[Escaflowne]]'' movie gets away scot-free with his surviving Dragonslayers, without showing any remorse for his previous actions. He just shrugs, comments that there will always be new wars for him to fight, and rides off into the sunset. What's worse is that the scene has an extremely positive tone to it, like he somehow deserved to live and continue his life of violence and bloodshed without learning a thing, except maybe "don't try to fight Escaflowne".
* Surprisingly, [[AIR]] of all things have this in the form of the Buddhist Monks. Their crime? {{spoiler|Killing an innocent (albeit powerful) girl who left the temple to go see her mom, then proceeding to put a curse on her soul so that she will die every time she feels love. This leads into Misuzu's death as well.}} They get away with their crimes. The sadder part? Someone ''was'' considering going on a [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]] on them, but was stopped because {{spoiler|it wouldn't be what that girl would want.}}
* Surprisingly, [[AIR]] of all things have this in the form of the Buddhist Monks. Their crime? {{spoiler|Killing an innocent (albeit powerful) girl who left the temple to go see her mom, then proceeding to put a curse on her soul so that she will die every time she feels love. This leads into Misuzu's death as well.}} They get away with their crimes. The sadder part? Someone ''was'' considering going on a [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]] on them, but was stopped because {{spoiler|it wouldn't be what that girl would want.}}
* ''[[Turn a Gundam (Anime)|Turn a Gundam]]'''s [[Magnificent Bastard|Guin Sand Rhineford]] does presumably lose his power in Inglessa, but it is never shown on screen; in the epilogue, Guin and [[Perky Female Minion|Merrybell]] are seen calmly sailing off on a yacht.
* ''[[Turn A Gundam (Anime)|Turn a Gundam]]'''s [[Magnificent Bastard|Guin Sand Rhineford]] does presumably lose his power in Inglessa, but it is never shown on screen; in the epilogue, Guin and [[Perky Female Minion|Merrybell]] are seen calmly sailing off on a yacht.
** ''[[Super Robot Wars Alpha]] Gaiden'' and ''[[Super Robot Wars Z]]'' fix this by killing him off in battle.
** ''[[Super Robot Wars Alpha]] Gaiden'' and ''[[Super Robot Wars Z]]'' fix this by killing him off in battle.
* [[Troll|Izaya]] from ''[[Durarara]]'' ''does'' get punched for his actions. Once. In the anime only. For emotionally destroying a middle schooler and causing a huge gang war that puts an incredible strain on the relationship between three of the main characters. He also gets hit once by a trashcan Shizuo threw, but this is [[Played for Laughs]] and has no effect on him, and blatantly doesn't make up for having framed Shizuo for numerous crimes and sending wave after wave of thugs to attack him when they were in highschool. The novel however subverts this as karma is starting to come back and hit him particularly {{spoiler|getting stabbed by Jinnai, leaving him in the hospital for days when anyone who hates him can come and kill him.}} Karma seems to have hit him in volume 9 when he's tortured by Earthworm but this is later subverted too {{spoiler|as it turns out he had everything planned out from the beginning and was waiting for the best moment to humiliate her.}}
* [[Troll|Izaya]] from ''[[Durarara]]'' ''does'' get punched for his actions. Once. In the anime only. For emotionally destroying a middle schooler and causing a huge gang war that puts an incredible strain on the relationship between three of the main characters. He also gets hit once by a trashcan Shizuo threw, but this is [[Played for Laughs]] and has no effect on him, and blatantly doesn't make up for having framed Shizuo for numerous crimes and sending wave after wave of thugs to attack him when they were in highschool. The novel however subverts this as karma is starting to come back and hit him particularly {{spoiler|getting stabbed by Jinnai, leaving him in the hospital for days when anyone who hates him can come and kill him.}} Karma seems to have hit him in volume 9 when he's tortured by Earthworm but this is later subverted too {{spoiler|as it turns out he had everything planned out from the beginning and was waiting for the best moment to humiliate her.}}
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* President Kuroi on the anime version of ''[[The Idolmaster (anime)|THE iDOLM@STER]]'', shows himself to be a [[Jerkass]] on a great caliber, attempting to sabotage the 765Pro idols only to prove himself 'superior' to 765Pro's President Takagi. In the end he's shown laughing to himself as his last scheme agaisnt the 765Pro Agency works wonderfully and they can't do anything to get back at him. He ''did'' lose his Project Jupiter, who's sick of his sabotaging, especially that one event involving slandering Chihaya with her [[Dark and Troubled Past]] to the point of traumatizing her, but considering that in his last words, he said that the Jupiters are expendable and he can find another group, it's only a matter of time until he rises back up to try and slander 765Pro again.
* President Kuroi on the anime version of ''[[The Idolmaster (anime)|THE iDOLM@STER]]'', shows himself to be a [[Jerkass]] on a great caliber, attempting to sabotage the 765Pro idols only to prove himself 'superior' to 765Pro's President Takagi. In the end he's shown laughing to himself as his last scheme agaisnt the 765Pro Agency works wonderfully and they can't do anything to get back at him. He ''did'' lose his Project Jupiter, who's sick of his sabotaging, especially that one event involving slandering Chihaya with her [[Dark and Troubled Past]] to the point of traumatizing her, but considering that in his last words, he said that the Jupiters are expendable and he can find another group, it's only a matter of time until he rises back up to try and slander 765Pro again.
* Sakura Kyouko from ''[[Puella Magi Madoka Magica]]'' treats humans as feedstock to farm [[Eldritch Abomination|Witches]], having probably [[Villainy Discretion Shot|directly or indirectly killed hundreds of people]] so she can throw magic around a little more freely. But oh well, she's got a [[Dead Little Sister]] and tries to save a main character (who she also previously tried to kill), so she gets a nice [[Heroic Sacrifice]] (and eventually gets a reasonably good ending).
* Sakura Kyouko from ''[[Puella Magi Madoka Magica]]'' treats humans as feedstock to farm [[Eldritch Abomination|Witches]], having probably [[Villainy Discretion Shot|directly or indirectly killed hundreds of people]] so she can throw magic around a little more freely. But oh well, she's got a [[Dead Little Sister]] and tries to save a main character (who she also previously tried to kill), so she gets a nice [[Heroic Sacrifice]] (and eventually gets a reasonably good ending).
** Whether or not you think he's truly horrible or a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] who [[I Did What I Had to Do|just followed his orders]], many viewers would've liked to see {{spoiler|Kyubey}} get a bit more punishment at the end.
** Whether or not you think he's truly horrible or a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] who [[I Did What I Had to Do|just followed his orders]], many viewers would've liked to see {{spoiler|Kyubey}} get a bit more punishment at the end.
* A large portion of [[Queen's Blade]]'s cast are murderers, thieves, destroyers of nature, and general self-centered [[Kick the Dog|dog-kicking]] psychopaths. The franchise is also a fan of giving happy endings to [[Merchandise-Driven|any character with an official game book]].
* A large portion of [[Queen's Blade]]'s cast are murderers, thieves, destroyers of nature, and general self-centered [[Kick the Dog|dog-kicking]] psychopaths. The franchise is also a fan of giving happy endings to [[Merchandise-Driven|any character with an official game book]].
* [[Yandere|Hatori]] from ''[[Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (Manga)|Sekaiichi Hatsukoi]]'' comes off as one. While most semes in yaoi anime tend to get away with raping their uke and said uke falling for them, this series is known for avoiding the [[Victim Falls For Rapist]] trope to make it more realistic. However, what has made people remember Hatori is in the novel {{spoiler|he ''brutally'' rapes his best friend Chiaki after thinking that he lost said best friend to his rival Yanase.}} What makes it stand out though is {{spoiler|during the rape scene, Chiaki is shown to be screaming and begging him his friend to stop and not enjoying it at all unlike other yaoi "rape" scenes.}} Hatori tries to atone by {{spoiler|quitting his job but given that Chiaki is [[Too Dumb to Live|idiot]], he begs him to stay}} and they hook up...thus starting their rather [[The Masochism Tango|unbalanced relationship]] in the series.
* [[Yandere|Hatori]] from ''[[Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (Manga)|Sekaiichi Hatsukoi]]'' comes off as one. While most semes in yaoi anime tend to get away with raping their uke and said uke falling for them, this series is known for avoiding the [[Victim Falls For Rapist]] trope to make it more realistic. However, what has made people remember Hatori is in the novel {{spoiler|he ''brutally'' rapes his best friend Chiaki after thinking that he lost said best friend to his rival Yanase.}} What makes it stand out though is {{spoiler|during the rape scene, Chiaki is shown to be screaming and begging him his friend to stop and not enjoying it at all unlike other yaoi "rape" scenes.}} Hatori tries to atone by {{spoiler|quitting his job but given that Chiaki is [[Too Dumb to Live|idiot]], he begs him to stay}} and they hook up...thus starting their rather [[The Masochism Tango|unbalanced relationship]] in the series.
** It gets worse as the series progresses. By episode 16, it's like Hatori is trying to see how much he can get away with his [[Yandere]] tendencies. In the episode he gets to cancel his date with Chiaki and expect him to be fine about it, goes to meet his ex girlfriend (of course he was meeting her due to work but Chiaki thought he was cheating on him behind his back, and it's later revealed by Yanase that he went out with a lot of girls during his high school year and that it's not impossible to think that), and finally {{spoiler|barges into Yanase's house and proceeding to beat the crap out of him and then forcing himself into Chiaki's house. And what does he get? He gets yelled at by Chiaki for simply skipping out on the date and he gets Chiaki to calm down easily.}} The last concerning {{spoiler|Yanase}} is the cause of a huge backlash given that {{spoiler|Yanase was just rejected by Chiaki a second time and entered a [[Heroic BSOD]] and Hatori proceeding to beat him up counts as a huge [[Kick Them While They Are Down]] Moment that leaves a bitter taste in the viewers mouth.}}
** It gets worse as the series progresses. By episode 16, it's like Hatori is trying to see how much he can get away with his [[Yandere]] tendencies. In the episode he gets to cancel his date with Chiaki and expect him to be fine about it, goes to meet his ex girlfriend (of course he was meeting her due to work but Chiaki thought he was cheating on him behind his back, and it's later revealed by Yanase that he went out with a lot of girls during his high school year and that it's not impossible to think that), and finally {{spoiler|barges into Yanase's house and proceeding to beat the crap out of him and then forcing himself into Chiaki's house. And what does he get? He gets yelled at by Chiaki for simply skipping out on the date and he gets Chiaki to calm down easily.}} The last concerning {{spoiler|Yanase}} is the cause of a huge backlash given that {{spoiler|Yanase was just rejected by Chiaki a second time and entered a [[Heroic BSOD]] and Hatori proceeding to beat him up counts as a huge [[Kick Them While They Are Down]] Moment that leaves a bitter taste in the viewers mouth.}}