Kill Me Now or Forever Stay Your Hand: Difference between revisions

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''"What are you waiting for?" Kav broke impatiently into his thoughts. "You have him alone and unprotected. Shoot him!"
''Doriana smiled tightly; and with that, the underlying tension that had been nagging at him ever since his task force's destruction finally faded away. "Don't be absurd, Vicelord," he said. Pulling out the blaster, he leaned over and set it on an empty chair between him and Mitth'raw'nuruodo. "[[The Princess Bride (film)|I would as soon shatter thousand-year-old crystal as]] [[Sparing the Aces|kill a being such as this]]."
''Mitth'raw'nuruodo inclined his head, his eyes glittering. "[[Batman Gambit|So I was indeed right about you]]," he said.''|''[[Outbound Flight]]'' by Timothy Zahn}}
|''[[Outbound Flight]]'' by Timothy Zahn}}
Jack wants to kill Tom. Very, very, very much. Or he is firmly convinced that it is [[Revenge|his duty]]. Often, both are true.
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Contrast [[Defeat Means Friendship]], [[Fire-Forged Friends]], [[Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal]], [[Cooldown Hug]] and [[Villain's Dying Grace]]. Somewhat of an inverse of the [[Scorpion Dilemma]]. Contrast [["Friend or Idol?" Decision]]. May forestall [[Klingon Promotion]].
== Anime &and Manga ==
* Toward the end of ''[[Witch Hunter Robin]]'', the eponymous pyrokinetic (now on the run) pulls this on her former partner Amon after learning he was assigned to take her down.
* Filia from ''[[Slayers]]'' Try does this with Jillas. When Jillas points a gun at her, she holds his hand with the gun and tells him to shoot. He's shocked and unable to do it, and eventually does a [[Heel Face Turn]] when she saves his life.
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* In ''[[Code Geass]]'', Lelouch dared his fellow rebels, the Black Knights, to kill him when they questioned his leadership. They step back, in part because he also points out that they're completely screwed with out him acting as their [[The Strategist|strategist]]. One of them even [[Lampshade Hanging|comments]] that that must have taken an incredible amount of guts.
* In [[Utawarerumono]], After Hakouro completely defeats fellow Emperor and friend Kuya, he stands in front of her barely functional [[Humongous Mecha]]... and surrenders. If she kills him, she will have won the war she's practically lost, her country will flourish, and her people will no longer be [[Fantastic Racism|persecuted]]. Kuya realizes she can't kill a friend in cold blood, and moreover, that cooperation is what she should have tried, rather than forced unification. Unfortunately, things [[Mind Screw|go downhill]] [[Big No|from there]] [[Break the Cutie|rather quickly]].
* The ''[[Trigun|]]'': The manga versions]] of Vash and Wolfwood have a moment like this, where they're having a fairly friendly moment, Wolfwood stares a Vash's back and thinks, ''he's open, I could kill him right now;'' the motivation being that Vash is Knives' twin brother and if Knives by ''himself'' is a threat, {{spoiler|and Knives' orders to him as Chapel were to protect Vash, and if the [[Big Bad]] wants him protected,}} well... And he doesn't. And then Vash looks around at him, one of those really sad smiles he does, and Wolfwood sort of smiles and thinks Vash knew exactly what he was thinking. They're kind of messed-up for best friends.
* In ''[[Gundam Seed]]'', Lacus combines this with [[Full Name Ultimatum]]. It was probably Athrun's last chance to keep her as a fiancée despite their parents having now turned against an [[Arranged Marriage]] between them.
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* In an episode of ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'', Nathan Petrelli was going to assassinate Mr. Linderman (the season [[Big Bad]]). After pulling a gun on him, Linderman laughed and convinced Petrelli to join him. This wasn't a complete example, as Linderman made it quite clear that Petrelli would be killed immediately if he killed Linderman.
* Another episode has some Secret Service agents trying to stop Peter, Claire and Nathan from getting to Sylar (who has disguised himself as Nathan). Claire steps in front of the guard with the gun and says "I can either tell you what's going on now, or I can tell you after you shoot me." Averted because thanks to her powers she wouldn't actually die if they shot her.
* Kara Thrace tries this in season 4 of ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]''. {{spoiler|It backfired spectacularly in several interesting ways, though fortunately Roslin was a poor enough shot that the obvious way didn't kill her. Particularly amusing was Starbuck's cliche 'I'm not a Cylon and you know that as much as I do' moment followed by Roslin essentially saying 'Actually I do think you're a Cylon' and trying to shoot her.}}
** And in the previous season Adama does this with both Kara and Colonel Tigh, in order to shame them over their spreading malcontent after the events on New Caprica.
*** Even earlier, the Cylon who would come to be known as Athena inverts trope when, as a prisoner of the Colonials on Kobol, she is handed a chance to kill Adama and escape, but instead saves his life, proves she could have killed him right then if she wanted to, then hands her gun back to her captors.