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** ''[[Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep (Video Game)/Headscratchers|Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep]]''
** ''[[Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep (Video Game)/Headscratchers|Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep]]''
** ''[[Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories (Video Game)/Headscratchers|Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories]]''
** ''[[Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories (Video Game)/Headscratchers|Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories]]''
** ''[[Kingdom Hearts 358 Days Over 2 (Video Game)/Headscratchers|Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days]]''
** ''[[Kingdom Hearts: 358 Days Over 2 (Video Game)/Headscratchers|Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days]]''
** ''[[Kingdom Hearts II (Video Game)/Headscratchers|Kingdom Hearts II]]''
** ''[[Kingdom Hearts II (Video Game)/Headscratchers|Kingdom Hearts II]]''
** ''[[Kingdom Heartscoded (Video Game)/Headscratchers|Kingdom Hearts coded]]''
** ''[[Kingdom Heartscoded (Video Game)/Headscratchers|Kingdom Hearts coded]]''
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** Weapon type names are generally pretty uninspired. Broadsword? Claymore?
** Weapon type names are generally pretty uninspired. Broadsword? Claymore?
*** Wait, what? I get broadsword, as it's a broad sword, but claymore? Because it... clays more? It's not a great example of uninspired names.
*** Wait, what? I get broadsword, as it's a broad sword, but claymore? Because it... clays more? It's not a great example of uninspired names.
**** It is if you replace the [[Spell My Name With an S|"c" with a "s"]].
**** It is if you replace the [[Spell My Name With an "S"|"c" with a "s"]].
**** Claidheamh mòr translates (colloquially and dysphemically) to [[BFS]].
**** Claidheamh mòr translates (colloquially and dysphemically) to [[BFS]].
* If meddling isn't allowed, why the hell does Mickey send [[Donald Duck]] & Goofy? How the hell doesn't anyone from a world where only humans can talk, question the fact that there are suddenly talking animals?
* If meddling isn't allowed, why the hell does Mickey send [[Donald Duck]] & Goofy? How the hell doesn't anyone from a world where only humans can talk, question the fact that there are suddenly talking animals?
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** Check out the [[Kingdom Hearts (Franchise)/WMG|Kingdom Hearts]] for theories on Destiny and Dreams.
** Check out the [[Kingdom Hearts (Franchise)/WMG|Kingdom Hearts]] for theories on Destiny and Dreams.
** I believe it was stated in the ultimania that that was Mickey readying him for what was coming, and that Sora was never actually meant to receive one on his own, rather the theory is that he pulled Riku's keyblade from his heart in a moment of pure darkness.
** I believe it was stated in the ultimania that that was Mickey readying him for what was coming, and that Sora was never actually meant to receive one on his own, rather the theory is that he pulled Riku's keyblade from his heart in a moment of pure darkness.
* The game relies on [[Power Trio]] tropes, with heavy emphasis on theme symbolism, sometimes doubled. For example, we have Sora/Donald/Goofy (Fighter/Wizard/Shield and also Red/Blue/Green, a colour combination which repeats a lot). Hayner/Pence/Olette; Selphie/Tidus/Wakka; the Trinity Marks, Xemnas's final battles... The list is extensive. With the Destiny Islands trio of Sora/Kairi/Riku we have the [[Theme Naming]] of sky/sea/land, the knight/princess/sidekick and also the [[Four Philosophy Ensemble|optimist/realist/pessimist]], [[Hero/Mac Guffin|Mac Guffin]]/[[Anti Hero]]... But the major theme of the games are Light/Dark/Twilight. If Kairi is Light (Princess of Heart) and Riku is Twilight (reference CoM), then doesn't that make Sora Dark?
* The game relies on [[Power Trio]] tropes, with heavy emphasis on theme symbolism, sometimes doubled. For example, we have Sora/Donald/Goofy (Fighter/Wizard/Shield and also Red/Blue/Green, a colour combination which repeats a lot). Hayner/Pence/Olette; Selphie/Tidus/Wakka; the Trinity Marks, Xemnas's final battles... The list is extensive. With the Destiny Islands trio of Sora/Kairi/Riku we have the [[Theme Naming]] of sky/sea/land, the knight/princess/sidekick and also the [[Four Philosophy Ensemble|optimist/realist/pessimist]], [[Hero/Mac Guffin|Mac Guffin]]/[[Anti-Hero]]... But the major theme of the games are Light/Dark/Twilight. If Kairi is Light (Princess of Heart) and Riku is Twilight (reference CoM), then doesn't that make Sora Dark?
** Well, I have thought about this too and, YES, Sora actually IS dark. I mean, he's the only one of the three, who actually became a Heartless, and he still has the ability to become one, when his body is disabled (Anti Form). Darkness is not always bad. As Riku said "We're just afraid, of what's inside...". But if you search long enough in the darkness, you MAY find a hidden treasure! Riku did (after a few disastrous attempts) find some cool, black-magic spells inside and maybe Sora will one day learn to control Anti Form, maybe even how to give other Heartless their minds back! ...OK, this last sentence kinda belongs into the WMG.
** Well, I have thought about this too and, YES, Sora actually IS dark. I mean, he's the only one of the three, who actually became a Heartless, and he still has the ability to become one, when his body is disabled (Anti Form). Darkness is not always bad. As Riku said "We're just afraid, of what's inside...". But if you search long enough in the darkness, you MAY find a hidden treasure! Riku did (after a few disastrous attempts) find some cool, black-magic spells inside and maybe Sora will one day learn to control Anti Form, maybe even how to give other Heartless their minds back! ...OK, this last sentence kinda belongs into the WMG.
** Bear in mind that Mickey is also Dark. The Light appears to serve as a guiding light and defender of the good that already exists (Minnie and Kairi) and the Dark is the person who ''forges new light''. Mickey especially has a rather impressive [[Heel Face Turn]] record, guiding both DiZ and Riku towards redemption. With that, either DiZ or Riku could serve as Mickey's Twilight, both use Darkness to achieve their aims and both are noted [[Anti Hero|antiheroes]].
** Bear in mind that Mickey is also Dark. The Light appears to serve as a guiding light and defender of the good that already exists (Minnie and Kairi) and the Dark is the person who ''forges new light''. Mickey especially has a rather impressive [[Heel Face Turn]] record, guiding both DiZ and Riku towards redemption. With that, either DiZ or Riku could serve as Mickey's Twilight, both use Darkness to achieve their aims and both are noted [[Anti-Hero|antiheroes]].
*** Uh, so then is there a point to the Twilight, or was that just an excuse to give Riku a Keyblade?
*** Uh, so then is there a point to the Twilight, or was that just an excuse to give Riku a Keyblade?
**** I guess, if this vein of thought is accurate, that Twilight is a person who embraces both light and darkness, darkness is a kind of narrow-minded fighter, and light is a pacifist who relies solely on their glowing powers to see them through. Alternatively, though, Riku could be dark, Sora twilight, and Kairi light, although they may see themselves as something else. Heh, brings me back to the Genesis/Sephiroth/Angeal/??? -- Hero/Prisoner/Wanderer question raised by Crisis Core. It's true: Kingdom Hearts is the new Final Fantasy VII.
**** I guess, if this vein of thought is accurate, that Twilight is a person who embraces both light and darkness, darkness is a kind of narrow-minded fighter, and light is a pacifist who relies solely on their glowing powers to see them through. Alternatively, though, Riku could be dark, Sora twilight, and Kairi light, although they may see themselves as something else. Heh, brings me back to the Genesis/Sephiroth/Angeal/??? -- Hero/Prisoner/Wanderer question raised by Crisis Core. It's true: Kingdom Hearts is the new Final Fantasy VII.
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*** There are actually two different twilights during a day: Dawn, where darkness shifts to light, and Dusk, where light shifts to darkness.
*** There are actually two different twilights during a day: Dawn, where darkness shifts to light, and Dusk, where light shifts to darkness.
*** In my theory, I believe the concept from the troper above. Kairi is of course Light, Riku is Dusk and Sora is Dawn. Reason? Sora cannot be Dark because of the Keyblade and {{spoiler|Ventus. Because of what happened before [[Bb S]], he became a person of pure light while Venitas became the personification of his darkness}}. Riku is Dusk because he was chosen by {{spoiler|Terra to succeed in using the Keyblade}} but derailed from this path of Light into the Darkness. Who is Dark, I cannot tell you because I don't know myself.
*** In my theory, I believe the concept from the troper above. Kairi is of course Light, Riku is Dusk and Sora is Dawn. Reason? Sora cannot be Dark because of the Keyblade and {{spoiler|Ventus. Because of what happened before [[Bb S]], he became a person of pure light while Venitas became the personification of his darkness}}. Riku is Dusk because he was chosen by {{spoiler|Terra to succeed in using the Keyblade}} but derailed from this path of Light into the Darkness. Who is Dark, I cannot tell you because I don't know myself.
** ''[[Kingdom Hearts 358 Days Over 2 (Video Game)|Kingdom Hearts 358 Days Over 2]]'' lists Roxas's element as "Light". Given that he's Sora's Nobody, it's probably safe to assume Sora is Light as well. Besides, his Keyblade (the Kingdom Key, or Kingdom Chain in Japanese) is the Keyblade of the Realm of Light, just like Mickey's Kingdom Key D (or Kingdom Chain D) is the Keyblade of the Realm of Darkness. Most of Sora's attacks/abilities in ''[[Kingdom Hearts II (Video Game)|Kingdom Hearts II]]'' are light-based, while Riku's are dark-based. Also, in the first game, when Riku reaches his hand out to Sora when surrounded by darkness, Sora attempts to take it, but a flash of light comes from his body, which repels him -- this points to Sora being Light and Riku being Dark. It's possible that, if Riku had gotten the Keyblade instead of Sora like he was meant to, the Keyblade he received would have been the Kingdom Key D, not the Kingdom Key, cementing Riku's position as a warrior of the Realm of Darkness. My theory is that Sora is Light, Riku is Dark, and Mickey is Twilight. Kairi is also Light, being a Princess of Heart and all.
** ''[[Kingdom Hearts: 358 Days Over 2 (Video Game)|Kingdom Hearts 358 Days Over 2]]'' lists Roxas's element as "Light". Given that he's Sora's Nobody, it's probably safe to assume Sora is Light as well. Besides, his Keyblade (the Kingdom Key, or Kingdom Chain in Japanese) is the Keyblade of the Realm of Light, just like Mickey's Kingdom Key D (or Kingdom Chain D) is the Keyblade of the Realm of Darkness. Most of Sora's attacks/abilities in ''[[Kingdom Hearts II (Video Game)|Kingdom Hearts II]]'' are light-based, while Riku's are dark-based. Also, in the first game, when Riku reaches his hand out to Sora when surrounded by darkness, Sora attempts to take it, but a flash of light comes from his body, which repels him -- this points to Sora being Light and Riku being Dark. It's possible that, if Riku had gotten the Keyblade instead of Sora like he was meant to, the Keyblade he received would have been the Kingdom Key D, not the Kingdom Key, cementing Riku's position as a warrior of the Realm of Darkness. My theory is that Sora is Light, Riku is Dark, and Mickey is Twilight. Kairi is also Light, being a Princess of Heart and all.
* A friend of mine thinks that [[Square Enix]] needs to stop making Kingdom Hearts games. When I expressed my disagreement, he explained that each installment just muddies up the story making it more and more confusing (never mind the fact that said friend is a huge [[Star Wars]] fan, need I say more about their confusing storyline?), he also doesn't like that they keep adding [[Final Fantasy]] characters and [[Retcon|retconning]] their back-stories to fit in the KH storyline. When I told him that [[Kingdom Hearts]] is a different continuity from the [[Final Fantasy]] games and that none of the interactions between FF and [[Disney]] characters is meant to be [[Canon]] to their respective stories, he dismissed it as me being the only one to say that. The problem is that I say that because I remember reading it somewhere on the [ Kingdom Hearts Wiki]. Can anyone else back me up on this?
* A friend of mine thinks that [[Square Enix]] needs to stop making Kingdom Hearts games. When I expressed my disagreement, he explained that each installment just muddies up the story making it more and more confusing (never mind the fact that said friend is a huge [[Star Wars]] fan, need I say more about their confusing storyline?), he also doesn't like that they keep adding [[Final Fantasy]] characters and [[Retcon|retconning]] their back-stories to fit in the KH storyline. When I told him that [[Kingdom Hearts]] is a different continuity from the [[Final Fantasy]] games and that none of the interactions between FF and [[Disney]] characters is meant to be [[Canon]] to their respective stories, he dismissed it as me being the only one to say that. The problem is that I say that because I remember reading it somewhere on the [ Kingdom Hearts Wiki]. Can anyone else back me up on this?
** You are indeed correct. Perhaps you could direct your friend in the direction of the wiki?
** You are indeed correct. Perhaps you could direct your friend in the direction of the wiki?