Knighting: Difference between revisions

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Subtrope of [[Initiation Ceremony]]. Related to [[Awesome Moment of Crowning]], [[Standard Hero Reward]]. Tenuously related to [[White Knighting]], where a person acts to achieve the glory of being seen as a knight-like figure, not because of any personal chivalry, but because of the personal benefits it will bring.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* {{spoiler|Suzaku}}'s knighting by {{spoiler|Princess Euphemia}} is a much-hyped event in ''[[Code Geass]]''.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* In ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "Tooth and Claw" The Doctor and Rose are knighted as "Sir Doctor of TARDIS" and "Dame Rose of The Powell Estate" by [[Queen VickyVictoria]]. However you don't need place names when you're knighted.
** In the original series story arc ''The Crusade'', the Doctor's companion Ian Chesterton is knighted as "Sir Ian of Jaffa" (Jaffa being where the knighting took place) by King [[Richard the Lion Heart]].
* In ''[[Merlin (TV series)|Merlin]]'', Uther is seen knighting some men. {{spoiler|Then Emilia Fox shows up.}}
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* In the ''[[Babylon 5]]'' episode "A Late Delivery From Avalon," King Arthur knights G'Kar as the first of a new Round Table after the ambassador takes his side against a gang of thugs.
== [[TheaterTheatre]] ==
* Parodied in the song "Knight of the Woeful Countenance" in ''Man Of La Mancha'', the musical adaptation of ''[[Don Quixote]]''. The title character insists that an innkeeper (who he thinks is a king) knights him.
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** Pelleas appoints Micaiah as General of the Daein Army in ''Radiant Dawn'', but the ceremony (and the result) is much the same.
** The [[ROM Hack]] ''Order of the Crimson Arm'' centers around the struggling mercenary Algimas who is unwittingly knighted for rescuing a noble and decides to milk it for all it's worth by restyling his band as a knightly order, the [[Title Drop|Order of the Crimson Arm]].
* The PC of ''[[Neverwinter Nights 2]]'' is hastily knighted to avoid being extradited to a [[Kangaroo Court]]. Notable in that the vigil is actually shown, though most of the other steps are skipped. The PC is attacked during this time, naturally.
* At the end of ''[[Mitsumete Knight]]'', the Asian (aka the player character) gets knighted by the King of the country he fought for as a mercenary, in recompense for winning the war. The Knight Title he gets depends of his Level and number of Medals : from highest title to lowest, there's Holy Knight, Silver Knight, White Knight, Black Knight, Red Knight, Purple Knight, Blue Knight, and Semi-Knight.
* ''[[Mass Effect 1]]'' has the Spectre induction ceremony, complete with rousing music and stirring speeches.
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Parodied in the ''[[Bugs Bunny/Characters|Bugs Bunny]]'' cartoon [[wikipedia:Rabbit Hood|Rabbit Hood]]. Bugs has [[Karmic Trickster|conned]] the Sheriff of Nottingham into thinking he's the king, and that Bugs is going to knight him.
{{quote|'''Bugs:''' Arise, Sir Loin of Beef! ''*strikes Sheriff over the head with his sceptre*'' Arise, Earl (oil) of Cloves! ''*strike*'' Arise, Duke of Brittingham! ''*strike*'' Arise, Baron of Munchhausen! ''*strike*'' Arise, Essence of Myrrh! ''*strike*'' Milk of Magnesia ''*strike*'' Quarter of Ten ''*strike*''
'''Sheriff:''' ''(dazed, slurred)'' [[Non Sequitur Thud|You're too kind, your majesty]].
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* In ''[[Star Wars: Clone Wars]]'', Anakin was knighted by Yoda and the Jedi Council.
** ''[[Rule of Cool|With a lightsaber.]]''
* There were two knightings in ''[[Gargoyles]]''. Princess Katherine used a dagger to dub Tom "Guardian of the Eggs". King Arthur used Excaliber to knight Griff.
* [[The Simpsons (animation)|Krusty the Clown]] was nearly knighted by the Queen of England herself... but then he got a call about the problems with Kamp Krusty.
* [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|Princess Celestia]] does the typical shoulder-tap to Twilight with her horn before she and her friends run off to retrieve the Elements from Discord in the second season opener.
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== [[Real Life]] ==
* [[Sean Connery]] showed up for ''his'' knighting in full Scottish regalia (i.e., a kilt). (Not unusual for a Scot, but still notable enough to warrant a mention on this wiki.)
* [[Stephen Colbert]] was knighted by the Queen of Jordan... with [[Lord of the Rings|Anduril]].
* [[Terry Pratchett]], upon hearing that he would be awarded a knighthood, decided that a knight ought to have a sword, and made his own... [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|out of meteoric iron.]]
[[Category:Royalty and Nobility Tropes]]
[[Category:Rituals and Ceremonies]]
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