Knights of the Old Republic (video game)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Foil]]: {{spoiler|To Revan. Revan's presence is described as the heart of the Force, while the Exile's is its death}}.
* [[Four-Star Badass]]
* [[Good-Looking Privates]]: Was a general (at least) 10 years prior (likely 14+) but hasn't aged a day since. Looks identical to a recording of nine years prior, which Mira notes isn't just a modeling limitation.
* [[Good-Looking Privates]]
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: Depending on how you play it, this can be her attitude towards the Wars, although she can still be [[The Atoner|regretful of the bloodshed]].
* [[Lady of War]]: The Exile is canonically female.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Besides being standard for Jedi, the main character always starts proficient in all weapons and at least light armor, no matter what class you pick.
* [[Magnetic Hero]]: {{spoiler|Turns out to be one of the Exile's many force powers}}.
* [[Player Character]]: For the second game.
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* [[The Unchosen One]]: A Jedi who lost their connection to the Force and was exiled to the far corners of the Galaxy, returning to a Republic that doesn't like Jedi much at all these days.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]
* [[Vague Age]]: Was a general at least 10-11 years ago and looks identical in a 9 year old recording, while casting documents for the Disciple giving his age as ~25 and his backstory of {{spoiler|having gone to war instead of taking him as a Padawan}} suggests having been a Jedi Knight (and thus adult or near adult) 13 years ago. Mira immediately notes the age gap if you try flirting with her. Those are your only clues for just how old the PC is, but none of the possible heads look anywhere near middle aged.
* [[Vague Age]]
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: Well, up to you really.
* [[Warrior Therapist]]: And boy, (s)he's good at it.
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* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]
* [[Anti-Hero]]: A [[Unscrupulous Hero]] who is willing to lie, cheat, steal and murder to get ahead. Pushing him towards the light side makes him a bit more principled as a [[Pragmatic Hero]], while on the Dark Side, he's a [[Nominal Hero]] who only counts as a hero because his ruthlessness is directed towards the Sith.
* [[The Atoner]]: {{spoiler|For being a gleeful Sith Assassin specialized in torture. Some speculate the reason he was even on Peragus in the first place was to help kidnap the Exile to sell to the Exchange, since no other possibility lines up with the evidence}}.
* [[Berserk Button]]: ''Stay out of his head''.
* [[Bodyguard Crush]]: {{spoiler|Kreia}} [[Mind Rape]]s and blackmails him to ensure his loyalty to the Exile, but it only works because he's already protective of the Exile and anxious to keep her thinking well of him.
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* [[Jerkass]]: Apart from the Exile and Bao-Dur, his default mode of interaction with other party members is to be a dick. You can turn him into a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] with enough influence.
* [[Love At First Sight]]: In cut content, given high enough [[Relationship Values]], {{spoiler|Atton tells the Female Exile in his dying moments that he loved her from the moment he met her and tried to play it off as a joke}}.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Atton may in fact be derived from "atonement". He also believes rather firmly in the rights of the individual and self-reliance, has nothing but contempt for "collectivist" Jedi ways, and with just a slight sociopathic streak... his last name is [[Ayn Rand|Rand]]. May be a coincidence as [[Easter Egg]] dialog exclusive to later playthroughs pokes fun at the fact that his name was originally intended for the main character of ''Jedi Academy''.
* [[Mission Control]]: For a sizeable chunk of the Peragus stage and some of Dxun.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]