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Antagonist characters from ''[[Kyonyuu Fantasy]]'' include:
== Prince Bobon von Diamante ==
[[File:PrinceBobon.jpg|thumb|Pompous Spoiled Baboon!]]
Voiced by [[Masato Sakurai]] (JP)
Firstborn son of King Hagel I. Graduated from the Royal Knight's Academy along with Lute, Motaire, and Isis.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Ain't Too Proud to Beg]]: Twice in fact. Towards the end of Roxanne's story play when his misdeeds are outed for all to see, he attempts to bribe [[Big Bad Friend|his old classmate]] with a selection of all the most beautiful women he could offer. As if Lute [[Clueless Chick Magnet|ever needed his help in scoring hot mates]]. Again near the end of the game when both he and his villain support are outed as the meticulous traitors they well and truly are. After Bernstein betrayed him to his death; [[This Is Gonna Suck|Bobon is left at the mercy of Felzen]], wherein he pleads with the latter to spare his life in exchange for reinstating him as Captain of the Guard again. The former [[Shut UP, Hannibal|rebuff's his empty promise]] siting how his father knew his own son to be a treacherous little failure whom was [[Jerkass Has a Point|unsuitable]] for the throne and offs him anyway.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Pigs, cows, and baboons (his crown resembles the red butt, so it might be a subtle way for the creators portraying him as a butt-head).
* [[Asshole Victim]]: In Iris' route, {{spoiler|he is killed by the Guardian Tree, which isn't even sentient to know of his villainous nature}}. In the Harem route {{spoiler|when he tries to play on the sympathies of General Felzen, the latter remembers all the times he was a pain to deal with. From early childhood to undeserved successorship as King of Edelland; promptly telling him to go to hell before unceremoniously cutting him down}}.
* [[Authority in Name Only]]: He thinks he should be the next king simply because he is son of the present King. He's too stupid to actually know how to rule a country. All he cares about is ordering people around however he wants.
* [[Bad Boss]]: He is very abusive towards his subordinates, which only work for him out of loyalty to his father or to gain some interest from
* [[Batman Gambit]]: Falls for at least two over the course of the story. The first was a combination mix of this and an [[Impersonation Gambit]] when Lute tricks him into thinking he's the Prefect of Boan and that they would start a rebellion together in Boan. Lute was actually just playing to Bobon's ego to get him to sign a document that would ''prove'' he was committing treason.{{spoiler| Once again, near the end of the Visual Novel during the Harem Route, Emeralia had been caught trying to free Lute from the dungeon, and the Prime Minister wanted them both dead immediately. However, Lute once again plays to Bobon's stupid ego and convinces him that it would be far cooler to execute two "traitors" rather than just one, and that if he were to do so, he may as well do it in front of the citizens as a ''huge'' public display of his power. It works, but it goes a step further when Lute's allies and lovers are able to enact a plan to rescue him and expose Bobon's treason to the world}}.
* [[Body Horror]]: He's a fat, pompous, idiot to begin with, but some of the things that happen to him are pretty gruesome: {{spoiler|In Isis' route, he gets caught and raped to death by the Guardian Tree. [[Discretion Shot|We don't see anything before, during, or after.]]}} In {{spoiler|Shamsiel's Route, he is transformed into a nude pig-like devil after stealing god-like power from the Demon Temple. He then makes the mistake of harming Shamsiel, which causes Lute to unleash his true power on him and in a single move, Bobon is obliterated into dust}}. Lastly, {{spoiler|in the Harem Route, he and the Prime Minister's crimes are exposed, and after a brief chase, Felzen then proceeds to carve Bobon like a pig. [[Discretion Shot]] thankfully comes into play and we don't see him split in half}}.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: This fatass can't be reasoned with to try and change his self-centered and greedy ways. Thankfully though, he's stupid enough to be easily manipulated if you play to his ego.
* [[Casanova Wannabe]]: He thinks his status, reputation, and family are his keys to not just pursuing, but actually taking anything he wants and (disturbingly) any woman he wants all for himself.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: His way of laughing makes him seem like a cow. "Moohoo~"
* [[Complete Monster]]: Figuratively ''and'' literally, depending on the route.
** He conspired to revolt against his father, the King of Edelland, while in Boan along with the Prefect of Boan. {{spoiler|For this he was banished to Lingobard, but the King didn't make his conspiracy public knowledge. Later on, in Isis and Shamsiel's routes, he apparently came back into the kingdom and traveled into the demon forest. In Isis' route he gets killed by the Guardian Tree before he can do anything, but in Shamsiel's route he reaches the demon temple and sits on the throne which grants him god-like demonic power and a pig-man devil form to match, his plan for use of that power? He was going to conquer the world as a tyrant and force all women to be his sex slaves. Lute and Shamsiel managed to destroy him though before he could do any real damage}}.
** {{spoiler|In the Harem route, we learn just how bad having this lard-ball as king can be when his father is murdered. Right off the bat, you notice he doesn't seem at all bothered by Hagel's death, he acts like his "daddy" dying was no different than stepping in mud. The second he steps out from the carriage at the capital, he gets upset for not being greeted by the Prime Minister personally, remarking how he wanted his own harem of women (no, not like Lute's), Bobon even lists off Isis (Motaire's ex-fiancé at the time), Roxanne (recently [[Happily Divorced|widowed]]) and Gladys all as if he's ordering a pizza. As the prince walks through his new castle he remarks how everything looks the same, so Bobon voices how he would like to remodel it. How? Just make a bunch of new taxes to pay for the renovations. What was it he wanted to do when he got the throne? Give everyone orders and make them cry. He further mocks his father saying the king never deserved his former room. After his coronation (which he demanded another grander one... likely on the taxpayer's wages), he demotes Felzen from his new position for no reason at first beyond simply not liking him for supporting Lute, the guy who got him exiled to Lingobard. When the good general [[Innocently Insensitive|cites what a complete moron]] the new king well and truly is, Baboon demands for his [[Off With His Head|immediate execution]]. Even the Prime Minister, who ''hates'' Felzen enough to attempt removing him from office; numerous times in fact, thought this was a bit extreme, so the [[Sinister Minister]] convinces the [[Puppet King|royal tool]] to have him relegated to Boan instead. Later, when Motaire fails to bring him some women to have sex with, Bobon relegates him to Boan without a second thought and mocks him for his failure. That, and... because the false king has always hated [[Evil Is Petty|popular and/or cool guys]] using this; in conjunction with his new kingship status, as an excuse just to kick Motaire around for sport. He then attempts to try and force Aristera and Droit to have sex with him, under threat of death. Motaire tries to stop him, but he coerces to penalize his father too. He forces Motaire to bow to him to him, and again mocks him for it. Not long after, he once more demands Isis and Gladys be handed over to him, specifically so he can "make those tough girls cry just once". Again under threat of death should he fail, but then the Prime Minister just says he should relegate him instead. Later, at Lute's execution, he asks if Lute has any last words, but then denies him them to rub it in his face, and gloats that when Lute dies, he's going to have his body chopped up and then he plans on kicking his head like a ball}}.
* [[Death by Sex]]: {{spoiler|In Isis' route, his brutally mangled corpse was found near the Guardian Tree, which had molested and nearly raped Isis earlier on in the route, so one can only assume that [[Asshole Victim|this is how he died]]}}.
* [[Dirty Coward]]: This fat pig thinks himself the greatest person ever born. He's cocky, greedy, and abusive to everything and everyone around him. He's a big talker when he has power, but falls apart easily when threatened. {{spoiler|In Shamsiel's route, he steals god-like demonic powers in an effort to conquer the world and make all women his sex slaves. Lute and Shamsiel confront him, but Shamsiel is unable to stop him, and he nearly kills her. Lute then awakens his own memories and demonic powers that enable him to withstand Bobon's power, and then he obliterates him in one shot. Bobon dies shrieking like a pig. In the Harem Route, he is gloating and causing problems for everyone around him, but when he and the Prime Minister's betrayals are exposed by Emeralia, both take off running. They get cornered by Felzen and Gladys, but the Prime Minister shoves Bobon into Felzen as a diversion so he could escape. Bobon then pleads for his life to Felzen, claiming he would make him Commander of the Guards again, and that he'd known him since he was little. Felzen acknowledges this. He also says that the King (Bobon's father) had warned him that if Bobon ever assumed the throne, he would lead the kingdom to ruin. Felzen then strikes down Bobon with a single slash and sends him (squealing like a pig) to the afterlife}}.
* [[Drunk with Power]]: It takes no genius to see just what kind of man, what kind of leader Prince Blubber'd turn out to be the very minuet he ascended the seat of power. Even [[Loser Protagonist|the guy whom everyone wrote off as riffraff]] was smart enough to know that the bastard wannabe king would abuse his authority for small and stupid reasons.
* [[Entitled Bastard]]: See [[Entitled to Have You]] and [[Jerkass]] below or [[Complete Monster]] above.
* [[Entitled to Have You]]: He feels that being king or having absolute authority and power gives him a free pass to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and [[Mate or Die|whoever]] he wants... Including flat out saying he wanted to make Isis, Roxanne, Gladys, Aristera, and Droit have sex with him and become his sex slaves even though pretty much all were spoken for.
* [[Evil Prince]]: Or he tries to be, he's certainly depraved but no less inept in the deed.As a prince he tried to start a revolt with the Prefect of Boan.
* [[Evil Is Petty]]: He trolls people he doesn't like, supports nobody or anything aside from him wanting to be in charge, humiliates people on a whim, and has people banished or sentenced to death if he thinks they are "cooler" than he is.
* [[Fat Bastard]]: He's even carrying a big lollipop with dozens more in a saddle bag to put an exclamation point on his gluttony!
* [[Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling]]: He's the fool (big time), to his sister Luceria's responsible.
* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: He may have been born a prince, but Bobon was NEVER going to sit on the throne so long as his father had anything to say about it. He is cowardly, unskilled, stupid, and spoiled rotten, so on his own he's as much of a threat as a dirty diaper. {{spoiler|However, in Shamsiel's route he manages (by some miracle) to travel through the demon forest and reach the temple unscathed (hints point to the Prime Minister telling him the way to do it), and in the temple he seizes god-like powers to become a devil that was capable of conquering the entire world. Lute managed to stop him, but still... In the Harem route, after his father is murdered, he is crowned the new king, and starts making life for all around him pretty much living hell with his cruel and uncaring abuse of power. Again though, he's stopped and Lute becomes the new, true king}}.
* [[Go Through Me]]: When he tries to harm or condemn someone, others generally step in to stop him. {{spoiler|In Shamsiel's route, he tried to kill her AND Lute, but Shamsiel tried to fight him alone at first, but when she was defeated, Lute stepped up and protected her. In the Harem Route, Emeralia gets caught attempting to free Lute from his cell, but Lute steps before him and convinces Bobon to execute the 2 of them together the next day in front of an audience. This actually allows Lutes' allies to initiate their plan to rescue him from his false execution. At which point, Shamsiel, then Gladys, then Isis and Felzen, then Emeralia, and Motaire (in the Prime Minister's case) all manage to protect Lute from Bobon and the Prime Minister}}.
* [[A God I Am]]: How he views himself, regardless of the route he thinks he can and should do whatever he wants. {{spoiler|In Shamsiel's route he seizes god-like power in the demon temple, and takes on a monstrous form}}.
* [[Hate Sink]]: Out of all the douchebaggy characters in the Kyonyuuverse, Baboon is the most universally reviled character anybody could have the ultimate displeasure of ever coming to meet. He's sleazy, lazy, arrogant, selfish, idiotic, abrasive, loathsome and conniving, everyone in series hated the [[Fat Bastard]]. Even the [[Slime Ball|Prime Minister]] cannot stand this flabby moron for his excess and entitlement, and Lute whose friendly to everyone. Especially to the kinds of people whom generally don't deserve it, finds him unsettlingly repulsive; so much so that he actually dreaded the day [[Unfit for Greatness|when Prince Butthead would become king]]. This coming from a guy whose a [[Friend to All Living Things]]? That really states something about a person's character.
* [[High Hopes, Zero Talent]]: He wants to be king, but has nothing that would actually make him qualified to be one apart from being the Prince by birth, which he feels is the only qualification he needs.
* [[Horny Devil]]: {{spoiler|His devil form in Shamsiel's route is covered with eyes and horns, and his goal for using the power is to take all women in the world as his sex slaves. Fortunately, see [[Teeny Weenie]] for what you DON'T see in his demonic form}}.
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Most people mockingly call him "Baboon", "Cow", "Porky". {{spoiler|The Demons refer to him as "Devil (Bobon)"}}.
* [[Inadequate Inheritor]]: 2 times he inherits something, that wasn't meant for him.
** In Shamsiel's route, {{spoiler|he steals the demons' "Hallowed Hand" power from their sacred temple. It gives him a devil form, and god-like magic abilities. However, since he hadn't acquired the power naturally, he was easily killed off by someone who DID have the power naturally: Lute.}}
** In the Harem route, {{spoiler|the Prime Minister murdered Bobon's father, the King, and put Bobon on the throne as the new king. King Hagel I had NEVER wanted Bobon to become king after him, and that was something he told other people he was friends with such as Felzen and even Luceria. So, it doesn't take long to see why that was when Bobon does take the throne. It's even less surprising when the people turn against him, even the Prime Minister quickly regretted making him king, and was already planning to have him killed and replaced soon}}.
* [[Impersonation Gambit]]: He falls for a very convincing one pulled off by Lute in Boan, and it leads to his plot being exposed and he is imprisoned and punished for it.
* [[It's All About Me]]: His sense of entitlement is boundless. He doesn't care for anything or anyone aside from himself.
* [[Jerkass]]: To the point that even most of the other villains have to grind their teeth just to put up with him.
* [[Karmic Death]]: Happens 3 times in the story, and each is more karmic than the last...
** In Isis' route, we never see it, but Lute and Isis {{spoiler|had found his mutilated corpse near the Guardian Tree. Judging from what the tree had done when it captured Isis, he was likely raped to death by it. However, his reason for being there in the first place isn't revealed until during Shamsiel's route}}.
** In {{spoiler|Shamsiel's}} route, {{spoiler|he actually reaches the farthest demon temple in the forest and uses it to seize god-like demonic power, which he reveals was his true reason to go into the forest to begin with. Why? He was going to become a tyrannical devil that would conquer the entire world with "Hallowed Demon" powers (as well as make all women his sex slaves). He uses said powers to almost kill Shamsiel, and this leads to Lute fully awakening his own natural-born Hallowed Demon powers which he then uses to obliterate Bobon in one shot}}.
** In the {{spoiler|Harem}} route, {{spoiler|he becomes the king, and immediately abuses his powers on those around him: Humiliating and then relegating Motaire, firing and relegating General Felzen, making unreasonable demands of the Prime Minister, and trying to arrange to force Gladys to have sex with him. Where does this get him? The Prime Minister began planning to kill Bobon too and put Motaire on the throne in his place. Felzen helps with a plot to smuggle Gladys into the capital to save Lute, and eventually, they corner Bobon and Felzen promptly sends him to hell}}.
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: Never shows an ounce of humanity to anyone.
* [[Large Ham]]: In the worst ways. Humorously though, the other characters tend to call him names like baboon, cow, or pig.
* [[Loser Son of Loser Dad]]: Played with and subverted. Prince Buttbrain's father was a magnanimous leader who practically radiated charisma and heart, while he on the other hand was a [[Narcissist|self-absorbed]], unimportant [[Upperclass Twit]] whom the king, in his infinite wisdom. Saw as glaringly unsuitable for the throne or the reigns of any kind of real power. That said, his father wasn't perfect either, while Hagel the I was in no way stupid he wasn't very keen [[Horrible Judge of Character|on reading the atmosphere]] either. Which is what led to the [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|problematic civil strife and conspiracy issues]] in his country to begin with, as well as {{spoiler|his untimely demise at the hand of a [[Devil In Plain Sight|less than untrustworthy royal advisor]].}}
* [[Man Child]]: He is actually older than he looks, around the same age as Lute, but acts much like a child.
* [[Mean Boss]]: {{spoiler|Pretty much the second he comes back toward the end of the Harem Route, he is this to everyone he comes in contact with}}.
* [[Never My Fault]]: Invoked, when he and the ruling power of Boan were exposed in their duplicity and betrayal. He immediately tries to assert his innocence despite evidence to the contrary.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: In Shamsiel's route, he {{spoiler|steals god-like demonic power and becomes a tyrannical devil. His plans for using said power were very sinister, but Lute and Shamsiel confront him before he is able to do anything with it. He almost kills Shamsiel, but in doing so, caused Lute's own true demonic "hallowed hand" powers and memories to awaken, which allowed him to overpower and annihilate Bobon in a single blast}}. If you think about it, Bobon also inadvertently helped in other parts of the story as well... {{spoiler|At the very beginning, Lute was pretty much set to remain in Boan for the rest of his career if not life, but thanks to Bobon and the Prefect's schemes which he uncovered and thwarted, he was able to be promoted and return to the capital (which led to the events of the other routes, including the true ending of the Harem Route)}}.
* [[No One Could Survive That]]: {{spoiler|In Isis' route, he had apparently been caught by the Guardian Tree, except unlike Isis, no one else was there to stop the tree, so it's hinted that he was brutally raped to death by it. In Shamsiel's route, he seizes god-like demonic power, but unintentionally causes Lute's own true powers to awaken, and at that point he obliterates Bobon in a single shot. Lastly, in the Harem Route, he gets exposed for his crimes against his father, and Felzen strikes him down}}.
* [[Not Good with Rejection]]: How does he respond to King Hagel's barring him as a successor? He plots rebellion with the Prefect of Boan.
* [[Obviously Evil]]: One look at his image and you knew. For anyone his age (at least 18+) to be walking around like that he must have a few screws loose, which is exactly right since he's a [[Psychopathic Manchild]].
* [[Out with a Bang]]: {{spoiler|Technically it's how he dies in Isis and Shamsiel's routes, though the meaning varies}}.
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: In Shamsiel's route, he takes on the form of a {{spoiler|[[Irony|pig-like devil]] after stealing god-like demonic power via sitting on the throne in the Demon King's temple. Said powers include giving him the "Hallowed Hands" ability of the King of all demons (the Incubi) and make him seemingly untouchable even to Shamsiel's magic. However, said power wasn't naturally his, so when challenged by one who DID have it naturally: Lute. His stolen powers were made worthless and he was destroyed in a single shot}}. On the funny side {{spoiler|Bobon's super powered form lacked [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall|spiky golden hair!]] It also showed him technically naked, but at the same time... apparently even [[Compensating for Something|god-like powers couldn't make up for his]] [[Teeny Weenie|junk anymore than microscopic]]}}.
* [[Pride Before a Fall]]: From the very first time he shows up in the story, and all the way to the very end, NOBODY likes this guy. In or out of story. Let's look at how he meets his end in each route:
** {{spoiler|Roxanne's route ends with him being banished to Lingobard, and some may think that a benefit to Lute staying in Boan, would be that he can keep Bobon from trying to re-enter the kingdom}}.
** {{spoiler|Isis' route ends with him dead. How? He got caught, raped, mutilated, and raped to death by the Guardian Tree as he attempted to find the demon temple}}.
** {{spoiler|Shamsiel's route has him reach the demon temple and seize a god-like demonic power that gives him a monstrous form. However, that doesn't help him much against Lute or Shamsiel who proceed to stop him. Lute even vaporizes him with relative ease}}.
** {{spoiler|Luceria's route doesn't go too far into it, but it's likely that he remained in exile to Lingobard with his mother apparently}}.
** {{spoiler|The Harem Ending, which is considered the canon ending, has him becoming king after his father is murdered, but then he and the prime minister are exposed for crimes against the crown and are each executed. In Bobon's case for this, Felzen sliced him like the fat pig that he is... or WAS}}.
* [[Prince Charmless]]: To the point he even resembles the [[Trope Namer]].
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: See his image. He's every bit as vain, pompous, and rotten to the core as he looks. If not moreso. {{spoiler|When he becomes king in the Harem Route, his first act is to force everyone to bow to him as he proclaims they must do as he says from then on. He then tries to force Motaire into bringing women (Gladys, Roxanne, and Isis - Motaire's supposed fiance at the time) to him for the purpose of having sex or as he puts it "making strong girls cry, just once" before throwing them away like trash. In Shamsiel's route, when he seizes god-like power, he proclaims that he intends to use said power to enslave all demons ''and'' force all women in the world to be his sex slaves}}.
* [[Quit Your Whining]]: He's a huge [[Manchild]], and acts like a spoiled baby, much to others' annoyance when he whines over not getting his way.
* [[Reason You Suck Speech]]: He tries to delve these out. His claim being that since he's a prince he is superior to everyone and is therefore above laws and is entitled to saying or doing whatever {{spoiler|(or whoever)}} he wants. In actuality, {{spoiler|more people tend to deliver these about him if not straight to his face. Gladys especially.}}
* [[Royal Bastard]]: Of the whiny, bratty, dopey, undesirable variety. Born of two royalties yet found less than worthy to take up kingship, seeking to further incite riot and rebellion simply because daddy wouldn't name him successor only hammered the point home. Finally the vitiation's made when the shrieking bastard finally got his bottle put emphasis on his inevitably running the kingdom into the ground. Bobon's claims to royal prerogative, ineptitude while in leadership and all around doucheholiness, all it did was prove what an [[Inadequate Inheritor]] Prince Butthead well and truly was right up to the end of his pathetically short lived reign.
* [[Royal Blood]]: Loved, hated or not. Prince Buttelf's heritage was still that of the highest royal lineage of two kingdoms, as we find out in the Gaiden Game.
* [[Royal Brat]]: [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|This. In. Spades.]] Born into royalty, he feels he is owed to anything and everything because of it. From the very air you breath to the very ground you walked on, every large breasted woman within his would be kingdom and most likely to the very thoughts he would allow you to think. [[Sarcasm Mode|It was any wonder why he was passed over as King Hagel's; his father, successor to the throne of Edelland]].
* [[Spanner in the Works]]: Ironically, he becomes this to the other villains' plans, partially due to his stupidity, and because he's so arrogant he frustrates any attempt to have him follow an [[Evil Plan]], something that drives {{spoiler|the Prime Minister}} to annoyance.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Make Them]]: He is ALL for people obeying every order, command, decision, law that HE comes up with... No matter how unreasonable or stupid, but he has zero regard for actually following any rules himself. He feels that if one makes the rules, one is above them and therefore NOT bound by them.
* [[Sexual Extortion]]: In the worst of ways, this idiot blatantly wants to {use his power to do this to not just a any, but ALL women. Good news is... See [[Sexual Karma]].
* [[Scapegoat Creator]]: Tries to reassign blame on Lute and the late Prefect's attendant, Madoise. Making up the [[Blatant Lies|bupkis plea]] that he was framed.{{Spoiler|Humorously Subverted as said [[The Stool Pigeon|toady immediately spills his guts]] the second a little pressure is applied, by that we mean no pressure; [[Dirty Coward|the rat came clean at first sight of the inquisitor]]}}.
* [[Self-Deprecation]]: Prone to do that when Lute call him something, but tries to quickly correct himself when he realizes he had insulted himself.
* [[Sexual Karma]]: His is very bad. He sees women as commodities. He actually LIKES the idea of forcing women, especially strong women (with large breasts) to not only submit to him, but he also wants them to cry for it. Suffice to say... he has it coming when {{spoiler|he was raped to death by the Guardian Tree in Isis' route, and then how he got cornered by Gladys in the Harem Route, and executed by Felzen for his misconduct}}.
* [[Sissy Villain]]: This lard-ball is a total coward, completely unskilled (at anything), and SO spoiled, that the only way this fool is even close to a threat is {{spoiler|when he stole demonic god-like power, but even then he still got beaten in one shot pretty easily}}. Otherwise? {{spoiler|He's as much a threat to someone's life as a dirty diaper}}.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Oh, Like you wouldn't believe. Just because he's the son of the King; being crowned prince by birth. Bobon thinks he's [[Entitled Bastard|entitled to anything and everything in his fathers kingdom]], including the throne and/or any woman he lays eyes upon. There was some small movement behind the scenes working to put him on as king, but given [[Fat Bastard|what a huge prick he is]] these supporters are largely unpopular in garnering follow through with their endeavours.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: Loves to act snooty and self-important, given most anything he ever wanted growing up, granted excuses by people of power for allowances, gaining a selfish and ugly mindset as a result. In short, Bobon is a rotten, conceited, fugly, useless, dumbass who makes you wonder how a [[The Good King|guy like Hagel]] could produce [[Where Did We Go Wrong?|such a lemming as this]]. He even makes [[Jerkass Ball|Motaire]] [[The Bully|seem like]] [[Bastard Boyfriend|a nice guy]] by a [[Mistreated Bride|huge comparison]].
* [[Speak Ill of the Dead]]: His own words for his [[Too Good for This Sinful Earth|Late Father]]; [[The Good King]]. Shows just how much of an ungrateful and undeserving [[Spoiled Brat]] he was when he finally got his crown.
* [[Teeny Weenie]]: In {{spoiler|Shamsiel's}} route, he seizes {{spoiler|god-like power and assumes a demonic form. Lute and Shamsiel confront him, but during this, he is naked, but thankfully, you can't see anything... meaning... this}}.
* [[Token Motivational Nemesis]]: {{spoiler|Motaire}}, of all people is the one who feels he is this. The logic is that maybe by seeing how vile and repulsive someone like Bobon is, perhaps the rest of humanity would become inspired to be better than the sort of person he is.
* [[Treacherous Advisor]]: In the {{spoiler|Harem Route}}, when {{spoiler|he becomes king, it doesn't take long to see why he shouldn't have been made king to begin with. The Prime Minister actually struggles to keep his outrageous and harsh abuse of power in check. To the point that Bobon had barely been king for a day and the Prime Minister was already planning to have him killed off and replaced soon.}}
* [[Treachery Cover-Up]]: When he had tried to spark a rebellion against his father, the king, in Boan with the Prefect, he is exposed and caught by Lute. There's a trial in the capital, but much of the information of the event is kept secret from the public by the king's orders so as to prevent people from wanting to rebel or go against or think less of the monarchy. In the end, Bobon is banished to Lingobard to live with his mother, the King's ex-1st wife. Lute was told to keep the matter a secret by the king, and the general public was led to believe that Bobon was merely visiting his mother, not being punished for something.
* [[Troll]]: This fat pig ''loves'' having power over others. Hence why everyone with a brain knows he absolutely should ''not'' ever be trusted with any. He enjoys taunting and humiliating anyone and everyone he wants, and usually his reason for it is simply on a whim. He sees women as things he is entitled to have, take, use, and abuse any time he wants (regardless of their being spoken for much less their consent, which he actually ''enjoys'' them refusing since as he puts it he "likes making strong women cry". {{spoiler|Makes it all the more satisfying when it aaaaaaaall comes back to bite him}}.
* [[Tyrant Takes the Helm]]: Prince lard-ass was a stuck up, self-entitled bunghole with delusions of authority long before he was properly crowned in ceremony. {{spoiler|The second he got his hands on real power for a change, Baboon made it abundantly clear that everyone present and within the kingdom regardless would do as he said. [[Lampshade Hanging|If that's not an indicator to his motives, then...]]
* [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]: According to his cousin and fellow [[Upperclass Twit|idiot noble]]; Argent De Bonn in the Gaiden series. Prince Baboon didn't turn rotten until his ambition for the throne got the better of him. Considering what an asshole he was in story, it's [[Arbitrary Scepticism|impossible to believe]] admittedly.
* [[Unpopular Popular Character]]: Against all conceivable and inconceivable odds in story. There are some who're petitioning for him to become king despite how unworthy a candidate he is. {{spoiler|The minuet news gets out of his death after Lute is crowned Monarch of Edelland, the ruler of the neighboring kingdom of Lingobard declares open war on Lute's nation in retaliation.}}
* [[What an Idiot!]]: He spends majority of his screentime being a complete bastard to literally EVERYONE, and expects that people would just let him get away with whatever he wanted without ever finally being pushed too far. It all comes back to bite him spectacularly:
** {{spoiler|In the Harem Route, he thought he could force any woman he wanted to become his sex slave including Isis and Gladys. Guess who catches him when he's trying to flee for his life when his crimes are exposed}}?
** {{spoiler|In the Harem Route, he thought firing General Felzen and relegating him simply because he "didn't like him" was a good idea. Later, when he is caught between Gladys and Felzen's swords, he pathetically tries to bribe Felzen for his life, even bringing up the fact that they'd known each other since he was a child. Felzen acknowledges that, along with a warning the king had given about how Bobon would bring ruin to the kingdom if he ever took the throne. Hence, Felzen executed him on the spot}}.
** {{spoiler|Another stupid move he makes in the Harem Route is that when he and the Prime Minister caught Emeralia trying to free Lute, they don't execute them right then and there. Sure it works out for the good guys in the end, but think about it. All Lute did was play to Bobon's ego a tiny bit and the moron fell for it with ease}}.
** {{spoiler|One last thing he did in the Harem Route, was his mistreatment of Motaire who had initially been more than happy to see Lute imprisoned and out of the spotlight, but Bobon thought it'd be fun to mock Motaire, force him to bow at his feet to humiliate him, and even trying to force himself on Motaire's groupies. It doesn't necessarily come back on Bobon himself, but it was partially why Motaire had a [[Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal]] against both Bobon AND the Prime Minister who Motaire even helped stop and execute in the end}}.
* [[What Does She See in Him?|What do they See in Him?]]: Surprisingly enough, despite being [[Hate Sink|universally loathed]] by just about everyone in and out of storyverse. Isis once stated that Bobon actually had supporters in the Kingdom of Edelland whom pushed for his ascension in the monarchy, despite his [[Overly Long Gag|many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, ''many'' glaring oversites]] that stood against it. Thankfully, such a movement in his favor was never all that popular to begin with. So nothing came of it in the end.
* [[Where Did We Go Wrong?]]: King Hagel is a good man and a caring father. It's said that his former queen was a noble and loving wife and mother. Princess Luceria turned out fine. What the hell happened with Bobon? Even Luceria (his sister) recognizes that her half brother is a selfish, greedy idiot who isn't fit to lead the kingdom.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Inverted. Take the stupidest, weakest, and most cowardly character in this series and they'd likely either be Bobon himself ''or'' they would be someone who could beat Bobon with only one hand. Literally, nobody likes him (as a person), and anyone who actually knows him, knows that he is not the least bit fit to rule anything or anyone, much less the entire kingdom. {{spoiler|''He'' was the one who actually should have graduated at the very lowest in his class at the Royal Knight's Academy instead of Lute, but the Prime Minister pulled some strings...}}
* [[The Wrongful Heir to the Throne]]: In theory he is gonna be king in the future, but his selfishness and dumbness clearly makes him inadequate for that.
== Prefect Irboyne ==