Kyonyuu Fantasy/Characters/Protagonists: Difference between revisions

→‎Isis Petrovna Elenskaya: Adding trope; taking out the Sexless Marriage trope because the character never marries her fiancee in any of the game's routes.
(Splitting the longest characters subpage into three smaller pages)
Tag: Disambiguation links
(→‎Isis Petrovna Elenskaya: Adding trope; taking out the Sexless Marriage trope because the character never marries her fiancee in any of the game's routes.)
(3 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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* [[Ambiguously Bi]]: It depends on how you look at it... {{spoiler|In the Harem Route's epilogue, Isis has become a part of Lute's harem of lovers. During the events that we see, she and the other girls take turns giving Lute boobjobs each morning apparently, and they actually apparently help each other improve their techniques. In Isis' case, it goes even further when she and Gladys rub their boobs together on Lute's shaft as a "commemoration" for his graduation from the Royal Knight Academy. But wait, there's more, because shortly after, the other girls team up to "punish" Gladys for setting that up, and during that, Isis took it upon herself to suck (and yes drink from) Gladys' boob. Later that night, the girls engaged in a group orgy with Lute (using split seeds), and while he was having sex with Isis from behind, Princess Luceria got beneath her and sucked on her boobs (yes drinking from her as well) which she clearly enjoyed}}, so again, depends on how you look at it.
* [[Apologizes a Lot]]: Happens during the {{spoiler|Harem route a bunch, once you become High Commander, Isis can't stop apologizing to Lute for how she treated him back at the Royal Knight's Academy or during the beginning of this story. She can't quite understand that Lute already forgave her for all that because he wasn't bothered by her or anyone teasing him or anything like that. She also kept apologizing for sometimes letting herself address Lute in an informal manner or saying things out of line to him since by then he outranked her as the highest military leader in the kingdom 2nd only to the King and maybe the Prime Minister}}. Again though, {{spoiler|Lute tells her that he doesn't mind stuff like that, much less coming from her since he likes her, she reminds him though that she still had to be careful about it in order to avoid sounding informal in front of others such as officials or politicians she could get in trouble with}}.
* [[Baby Got Back]]: Lute finds her glutes firm and round and lust over them while following her from behind on the Royal Guard path of the story.
* [[Badass Cape]]: {{spoiler|Though we never see it on her, but she does give it to Lute [[You Must Be Cold|to keep him warm during her route]]. So, we can assume it was one given her badassness}}.
* [[Badass in Distress]]: She was the top female graduate from the Knight's Academy, and 2nd overall only to Motaire, her fiance. However, in her route she becomes this several times, and justified since she gets more or less thrown into a situation that leaves her quite out of her element. For starters... {{spoiler|She's sent out on practically a suicide mission to a mysterious forest, her troops all ditch her (aside from Lute), she's left to fend for herself without much experience in field survival training (Lute helps her out), she gets stung by a Sexipede (after ignoring Lute's warnings), and gets molested by a magic tree whose sap induces extreme sexual arousal (that costs her her virginity) and a life-threatening fever, and the fever came AFTER being almost cooked alive and eaten by demons had Lute not intervened and convinced the demons to release her}}.
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* [[Intimate Healing]]: Of the {{spoiler|[[Kiss of Life]]}} variation: {{spoiler|In her route, she catches a deadly fever from being exposed to the sap of the Guardian Tree, so Lute had to seek out the aid of demons to help cure her. They assist him in getting the cure, but she was too weakened to take it on her own, so in order to give it to her, he takes it into his mouth and kisses her to force-feed to her.}} {{spoiler|It works, and it turns out she was awake during it!}}
* [[Insatiable Newlyweds]]: At first, all she wanted was to be happy with Motaire, her fiance, but their arranged marriage meant nothing to him, so he just kept on cheating on her with other women. {{spoiler|In her own route, she and Lute end up fleeing the kingdom and settling down somewhere deep in the countryside living modestly together. It's hinted that they were going at it pretty much every day, and around a year later, Isis even proposed to Lute during sex even though he had already been planning on doing so once he could afford a ring. The epilogue of her route implies that once they were actually married, it's gone from "almost" to definitely every night for them}}. Alternatively, in the {{spoiler|Harem route, she doesn't have sex with Lute a single time during the story, despite her falling in love with him. However, the epilogue of said route, (which is the ''true canon'' route) has Isis become a member of Lute's harem of wives/lovers, and although she is one of the ones he didn't actually marry, she acts as though they are. It's said that they have sex on a daily basis at least a few times, and even further details say that whenever she and Lute are "on duty" alone together, that they spend all that time having sex too}}.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: She does this a bit with Lute {{spoiler|initially}}. But it's later revealed that the reason for this is a mix of her own pride AND the fact that she is on the receiving end of this in her arranged marriage to Motaire. {{spoiler|She gets him back in a most epic fashion during the Harem route. She ends up volunteering to become Lute's personal body guard, even defending him from Motaire on a few occasions, including threatening to kill him (Motaire) if he continued to disrespect Lute. Then, during the climax of the route, when Lute is imprisoned falsely, Motaire goes to check on the Princess, and when he accuses Lute of murder in front of her, she slaps him hard then delivers a crushing [[Reason You Suck Speech]] that includes her professing her love for Lute ''and'' ends on her saying that "when/if he dies tomorrow, you'll (Motaire) be as good as dead to me too}}".
* [[The Last of These Is Not Like the Others]]: As Shamsiel points out in-universe, by the climax of the harem route, {{Spoiler|she is the only one of Lute's love interests that he had no sex with whatsoever}}.
* [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall]]: Lute pulls this in the epilogue of her route. He felt that their journey into the forest was a "fated plot to join their hearts", but even so, the 2 of them were going to live happily for/with each other for the rest of their lives.
* [[Love Across Battlelines]]: {{spoiler|In her route, she comes to the realization that Lute is actually a demon, which according to their kingdom's laws means he is an enemy of the state, but when it came to her being ordered to execute him herself, she defects and chooses to escape with him. From there, they flee the country and abandon their previous lives as knights, choosing to live moderately deep in the countryside together. She even proposes to him (during sex) after a few months living together, again even knowing he's of demonic heritage}}.
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* [[Sex Face Turn]]: In the {{spoiler|Anime Adaptation}}, she is shown to be {{spoiler|working under orders for the Prime Minister instead of Motaire or Emeralia who don't appear at all. For most of her times shown, she is rather unhappy having to be around Lute, but then she drinks wine laced with a strong aphrodisiac from Shamsiel and next thing we see, she is literally hunched over Lute on the bed begging him to make love to her. He obliges of course, and then the next time we see her is following Lute's victory over Gladys in a chess duel. There, she is shown sitting beside him, pouring wine for him, and giggling happily while looking at him}}.
** {{spoiler|It's arguable whether this happened in her route of the Visual novel since she wasn't actually evil, so it was more of her coming around to loving him over Motaire rather than her turning from good to evil. Even then, it wasn't the sex that actually led her to choose Lute either, but it sure did cement her transformation of character}}.
* [[Sensual Slavs]]: Meant to emulate this trope. Snowy white skin, blonde hair, green eyes, and she comes from the game's [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]] of Russia, Ostasia, a enormous, old, almost inhospitable kingdom to northeast of Edelland, that is itself a [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]] of the Holy Roman Empire. And, of course, gorgeous and curvy.
* [[Sexless Marriage]]: Arranged marriage to Motaire, for her part, she would be happy if they could make it work, hell, she would be happy if he would only hold her. He on the other hand, {{spoiler|cheats on her with at least 2 other girls. She knows about them, and thought that after getting engaged, he may stop fooling around. He doesn't.}}
* [[She's Got Legs]]: They pretty much all do, but her legs are especially noticeable.
* {{spoiler|[[Sleeps with Everyone but You]]}}: There are 2 cases of this for Isis: {{spoiler|1st is her fiance Motaire. They were engaged in an arranged marriage for who knows how long, but before and during that time, Motaire was sleeping around with other women, especially his groupies, Aristera and Droit. Never once did he even touch Isis. He says it was because he [[What an Idiot!|was never attracted to her in any way as a woman.]] Eventually, she dumps him in favor of Lute in her, Luceria's, and the Harem Routes}}. In the {{spoiler|Harem}} Route in particular is the 2nd case of this for her. {{spoiler|During the full course of the story, Lute has sex with literally every other female character introduced on-screen at least once (even Aristera and Droit together, but just once) ''except'' for Isis. Even though she had fallen in love with him by the end, she never quite seizes the opportunities and remains a virgin to the end. (A fact that Shamsiel knowingly teases her about when they actually meet and talk.) That being said, by the time of the epilogue to the Harem Route (the canon ending), a year has passed and she has become one of Lute's harem of lovers. In her particular case, it's said that anytime she and Lute were on duty alone, they'd basically spend the whole time having sex, and that's on top of having sex pretty much every day anyway, so by then she had looooooong since given her virginity to Lute... off-screen}}.
Line 545 ⟶ 547:
* [[X Marks the Hero]]: Inverted. {{spoiler|Unlike Lute who is half-human half-incubus, she has no mark on her that would give away her identity as half-human half-nymph, and even ''she'' is unaware of her half-demon heritage. That said, Shamsiel is apparently able to tell this about her by her smell. She claims that she smells very similar to a succubus, but she couldn't be one since Succubus have physical traits that give them away}}.
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: Type A - Thigh-highs with high heel shoes.
== Minor Characters ==
== King Hagel von Diamante I ==
[[File:KingHagelI.jpg|thumb|[[Foreshadowing|Good King. Devoted husband. Loving father.]]]]
The King of Edelland. He is the father of Prince Bobon and Princess Luceria. He lives in the royal palace in Shoenburg, the capital city of Edelland. During the time of the story, he has been trying to initiate political reform from a system of (allegedly greedy) nobles ruling territories to that of a Knighted Bureaucracy (a meritocracy) where skilled, educated, and loyal knights would control territories instead.
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Atsuya Takizawa]] (JP)}}
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: People making inappropriate and rude comments about those of higher positions than themselves, leading him to yell at them.
* [[Big Good]]: Is this overall in the Visual Novel and anime, trying to being positive changes to his kingdom.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: Of sorts. Nearly every conversation he has in the visual novel, starts with him saying something along the lines of "Wooooooah!"
* {{spoiler|[[Death Flag]]}}: {{spoiler|It doesn't take long to figure out that Lute would eventually ascend the throne by the end. Some might assume this would mean that the king may turn out [[Evil All Along]], but he doesn't. Instead, you knew he was going to die the second he told Lute his plans to announce him as his successor and then to retire within a year or so, with Lute taking the throne from there. Granted, there were clues before that, but that was pretty much THE death flag that leaves no doubt. Interestingly, he almost died in Luceria's ending, since the Prime Minister ordered Emeralia to go kill him herself, and she seemingly WAS going to, except that Isis was with him, so she had to abort, and then the King with Isis, went to visit Lute, and caught him and Luceria alone in Lute's room together, and it was exactly how it seemed. The King actually accepted them together and declared that Lute would marry Luceria and be his successor that way}}.
* [[Death Glare]]: Gives a pretty chilling one for such a generally affable individual, but he is more than capable of doing so when [[Kick the Son of a Bitch|someone reeeaaaaly has it coming]] *cough!*Motaire*cough!*.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: {{spoiler|The Prime Minister doesn't care for the King or anything he does, so long as he is able to manipulate him, and control the kingdom from the shadows, he couldn't care less about any of the good the King or anyone else tries to do}}.
* [[Evil Is Deathly Cold]]: Inverted. When Lute first meets with the King AND the Prime Minister in the same place, he compares how it feels to be in their presence. The Prime Minister he felt, gave him a cold and dark feeling, while the King seemed to light up the room with positive feelings.
* {{spoiler|[[Found the Killer, Lost the Murderer]]}}: {{spoiler|In the Harem Route, the Prime Minister murders him and has Emeralia plant the dagger in Lute's room to frame him. It works, and Lute is thrown in the dungeon and sentenced to death... Don't worry, the truth gets revealed by the end}}.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: {{spoiler|He knew about the spy in Vunderbalt, as well as the fact that the Prime Minister was up to something behind his back. Also, given his diatribe with Lute in regards to his conduct with Gladys... lets just say you figure out who Luceria gets her sharp intuition from.}}
* [[Good Is Not Dumb]]: While coming off as a bit naive, the good king is the furthest thing from a simpleton. Being avid enough to admit he jumped the gun while trying to impart knights as the new upper echelon over the nobility in his kingdom which resulted in its civil strife. Knowing full on that his firstborn son was [[Unfit for Greatness]] straight from the getgo. Also being (somewhat) well aware that Rubin was up to no good while in his council. {{Spoiler|Knowing this didn't save him from dying of coarse but still}}.
* [[Good Is Not Soft]]: A prime example being how he banned Motaire from the castles inner sanctum for a time. Having grown more than a little fed up with his disrespectfully self-obsessed ravings not only shows his more humble side but demonstrates he's not afraid to dole out a good tongue lashing when it is well and truly deserved.
* [[The Good King]]: All things considered, he's a good king, a reasonable man, and he was making considerable progress in improving things for his kingdom's citizens.
* {{spoiler|[[Horrible Judge of Character]]}}: {{spoiler|Zigzagged. See [[Idiot Ball]] with regards to the Prime Minister.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Idiot Ball]]}}: {{spoiler|He reveals that he knew the Prime Minister was scheming something behind his back all along, but never actually calls him out on it and the Prime Minister eventually murders him via a knife [[In the Back]]. Was his reason for not acting before then due to lack of actual proof of the Prime Minister's crimes? Was it because maybe the Prime Minister was possibly holding the secret of his wife and daughter's demonic origins over him? Or was it perhaps because of something to do with Emeralia? We never find out the answer}}.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: {{spoiler|Secretly, his second wife who is also Luceria's Mother was a Nymph, but that information was kept secret from practically everyone.}}.
* [[Just a Few Feet Away]]: His guards were {{spoiler|literally RIGHT OUTSIDE THE DOOR! Yet they didn't hear anything when the King was murdered by the Prime Minister, until he had already made it seem like the King was dead when they got there...}}
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Mid-Sentence]]}}: When it happens, he's right in the middle of {{spoiler|trying to hug the Prime Minister to celebrate their supposed joy with the decision of Lute being the King's successor... And then the dagger is plunged into his back}}.
* [[Killed Off For Real]]: Sad, but true.{{spoiler|The King's death in the Harem Route is permanent, because THAT is the true canon ending for the story. It allows Lute to eventually ascend the throne, but the King had been planning that for him anyway. If nothing else, it was the act that FINALLY led to the Prime Minister and Bobon's ultimate downfalls. Which were also permanent since those were part of the canon ending as well}}.
* [[Like a Son to Me]]: Hagle made no secret of it. But his admiration for Lute Hende extended well beyond simply being an exemplary knight and loyal vassal in his eyes, The King generally respected and adored him for more than his ability to work wonders through sheer happenstance. So much so that Hagel took it vary harshly when Motaire insulted Lute within earshot of him while bragging about his own accomplishments. More than anyone (save for Shamsiel), he had the most faith in his abilities as his paladin and a person.
* [[Nice Guy]]: Apart from Lute, the King is just about the nicest man in the Visual Novel and Anime.
* [[Overprotective Dad]]: {{spoiler|To Luceria, but the reason is because her mother was a nymph, which is of the demon race, and there is an extermination order/law that all demons be hunted and killed. Still, Luceria is born half-human half-nymph, but he never tells her this, and to ensure nobody discovers the truth, he keeps her exposure to others to a minimum}}.
* [[Open-Minded Parent]]: In Luceria's route, {{spoiler|he goes to visit Lute to talk to him about inheriting the throne from him, and finds out that Luceria had gone to Lute's room... on her own... alone... at night... without telling anyone else... How does he react? With laughter and joyful enthusiasm. Why? Well for one, he knows Lute is a trustworthy and good man, but another reason is because Luceria's mother was a nymph and she had done the exact same things as Luceria once she had fallen for the King}}.
* [[Parental Substitute]]: In Luceria and the Harem routes, he becomes like a father to Lute.
* {{spoiler|[[Puppet King]]}}: Zigzagged. {{spoiler|He has the title, the authority, as well as power of his position, but at the same time, the Prime Minister claims to be the one actually ruling the kingdom by manipulating events from the shadows. How far either of them's grasps on things goes is up to speculation, because even if he uses manipulation, the Prime Minister still has to obey the King's will and word. (Even if only on the surface).}}
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: His subjects utterly adore him (for the most part).
* [[Reluctant Ruler]]: Mixed with [[Reluctant Retiree]]. The loss of his 2nd wife: Luceria's biological mother. Took a toll on him, then add on the problems with installing the knight's meritocracy system (including a rebellion headed by his former best general and knight), plus the matter of {{spoiler|his daughter (being half-nymph and therefore in danger should that fact be revealed to the public), and you have a man who was seen as a great ruler that WANTS to step down, but can't}}. Why? There's the {{spoiler|Prime Minister secretly manipulating events all across the kingdom}}. Also, the lack of {{spoiler|any (worthy) heir to ascend the throne, because he already decided long ago that Bobon would NEVER be his (appointed) successor}}.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: It's said that he was actively trying to make the transition from having Nobles in charge of territories, to a meritocracy with knights in place instead, although others assumed was too quick to implement it at first.
* [[Sacrificial Lion]]: {{spoiler|In the Harem Route, he was planning to make Lute his successor to the throne. He was going to announce it, and then spend the next year or so showing Lute the ins and outs of the job. After that, he was going to step down and retire, but would have stuck around to help advise Lute when he would take over... Then the Prime Minister heard about this... It pretty much serves to finally bring the Prime Minister into a more direct villainous role, and of course it ends with his downfall once all of Lute's lovers and comrades came to rescue him.}}
* [[Treachery Cover-Up]] He does it {{spoiler|twice}}. {{spoiler|The first time is his marrying of his 2nd wife who was actually a Nymph, a kind of demon, and due to an extermination order/law, could/should have (by law) been executed, but instead he keeps her identity as a nymph a secret from everyone including their own daughter Luceria who was born half-human half-nymph whom he also protected and kept in the dark regarding her half-demon heritage a secret as well}}. {{spoiler|The second time is at the end of the Boan arc when Lute had discovered, exposed, and stopped the conspiracy of Bobon and the Prefect of Boan seeking to start a revolt against the kingdom. He has Bobon deported, and tells Lute to keep quiet about this}}.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]] Zig-zagged. According to {{spoiler|the Prime Minister, he was supposedly this to him, but at the same time, the King was still holding active authority and power over events in the kingdom, as well as his awareness of a traitor in Bustenhalter, AND he also knew that the Prime Minister was plotting against him and especially Lute to some degrees}}.
* [[Where Did We Go Wrong?]]: With Prince Bobon. It's an absolute mystery trying to figure how someone as rotten as Prince Bobon is related to him or Princess Luceria who turned out fine.
== General Felzen ==
[[File:GeneralFelzen.jpg|thumb|Did I stutter?]]
General of Edelland's military.
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Yukimitsu Koshi]] (JP)}}
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Achilles' Heel]]: Like a great many people of certain status, General Felzen's main character flaw is his pride. The stinging narcissistic ego of the elite initially blinded him to the underlying capability of the failing graduate whom everybody disavowed as a blemish on the academy record. Too late did he and his fellow generals realize how tactile & talented Lute really was when faced with Gladys' ploy to have them all dismissed.
* [[Actually Pretty Funny]]: Following Lute's {{spoiler|victory over Gladys}}, everyone is shocked by Lute's seemingly impossible feat. Including {{spoiler|Isis}}, whom Felzen and Lute encounter upon their return to {{spoiler|the Bustenhalter castle with Gladys as their prisoner}}. Lute makes a reference to a {{spoiler|joke request for Isis from before the duel, which was that IF Lute lost the duel and was executed, he wanted Isis to press her boobs into his face after he died as a last request. Isis of course wasn't going to do that, but when they returned victorious, Lute tells her that she could forget about the "boob thing" they'd talked about. Isis blushes and basically calls him a jackass. Felzen gets curious and asks what this supposed "boob thing" they spoke of was. Lute explains, and Felzen actually busts out laughing}}.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: It's a little hard to name something precise. Looking at his armor you see green scales, so you might say dragons, alligators, turtles, or... Probably any green reptile that can rip somebody's head off is fitting for him.
* [[Badass Cape]]: His comes complete with badass shoulder armor.
* [[Bait and Switch]]: {{Spoiler|When Felzen corners Bobon after Bernstein’s murder of Hagel is revealed, the fat prince begs for his life by playing the sentimentality card. Felzen comments how Hagel always talked about Bobon to him; specifically about how the fat prince would someday bring ruin to the kingdom. Felzen cuts him down on the spot.}}
* [[Bare Knuckle]]: He's skilled in many fields including hand to hand combat, and could take pretty much anybody with or without a weapon. {{spoiler|He also favors his bare fists when punishing insubordinate troops, such as Motaire.}}
* [[Benevolent Boss]]: His troops all respect him, and for good reason. That being said, if you upset him or insult him or his comrades, be prepared to face his wrath (and usually fists).
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: He acts like this {{spoiler|after Lute wins him over}}.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: His moment comes in {{spoiler|the Harem route. When it comes time for Lute's execution, Felzen had had his loyal followers allow Gladys' troops to be smuggled into the city where they acted as decoys to lure most of the Royal Guards away. Then, as Gladys and Shamsiel freed Lute from his bindings, Felzen and Isis stood in front of the platform to keep anyone who might have tried to stop Gladys at bay. When the treachery of Bobon and the Prime Minister was revealed, Felzen and Gladys lead the troops to storm the castle to capture them. They corner Bobon first, and after some pointless groveling from him, Felzen executes him. Shortly after, Felzen and Gladys corner the Prime Minister, and with some help from Motaire, the 3 of them execute the Prime Minister too}}.
* [[Big Good]]: {{spoiler|Following Lute's victory over Gladys, he becomes one of Lute's biggest supporters. At least, the top male supporter apart from the King}}.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: {{spoiler|After Lute wins him over, Felzen is very supportive of Lute, even suggesting him to being the King's successor to the throne. Which the King agreed to and eventually DOES do. He even takes it upon himself to beat the crap out of Motaire whenever he catches him disrespecting or attacking Lute. He is also the one who kills Bobon in the Harem Route, and is one of the 3 to slice up the Prime Minister later on in the same route}}.
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: Felzen isn't one to mince words. Even to the King, he's said to be very blatant with his opinions, but then, that's something the King actually respects him for.
* [[Digging Yourself Deeper]]: When [[Running Gag|Wone Qwanne]], is accused of overstepping his authority when he {{spoiler|arranged and accepted a duel between Gladys and Lute, he points out how he had information linking the 3 generals to hiring assassins to attack Lute. Zant is the first to slip up and basically prove their guilt in doing so, followed by Felzen}}.
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: He's a good commanding officer, and his troops would follow him anywhere. However, if you do something to upset him, he'll get in your face, and give you a good taste of his fist. {{spoiler|Just ask Motaire.}}
* [[Easily Forgiven]]: Lute puts a remarkable amount of faith and trust in him and the other generals. Something even THEY think he's a bit odd for doing. {{spoiler|This mostly applies to how he and the other 2 generals had hired assassins to attack Lute in Bustenhalter castle. Sure, they were only meant to test him, but still. The punishment for such an act should have been imprisonment, if not death}}.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: Hot-blooded temper? Check. Outgoing attitude? Check. Red hair? Check.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: He knows from experience that the Prime Minister is not to be trusted, {{spoiler|and the King had told him that Bobon is not fit to ever rule the kingdom. Both bits of information come in handy since he saves Lute from drinking suspicious wine being offered by the Prime Minister during a banquet, and then when he made preparations to help with a rescue plan to save Lute from wrongful execution at the end of the Harem Route}}.
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: Good, obviously. He has one right across his face just below his eyes and over his nose. Helps with showing off how he's more of an aggressive, hands-on kind of military leader.
* [[Gondor Calls for Aid]]: In the Harem Route, when Lute is {{spoiler|framed, imprisoned, and sentenced to death, Shamsiel is unable to rescue him alone, so she recruits the help of the other women Lute loved}}. At the same time though, Felzen, {{spoiler|as well as Zant and Schlamm play crucial roles in the plans to save Lute. Felzen had been appointed Commander of the Guards up to that point, so he was able to get those loyal to him among the capital's guards to let Gladys, Zant, Schlamm, and their forces infiltrate the city and reach the execution platform in time to prevent Lute's death}}.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: While not a villain, he and the other 2 generals are fairly hard on Lute in the beginning.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]: He is very passionate and forward with others. He doesn't hesitate to voice his opinion on things, and is very dangerous on a normal day, so suffice to say you don't want to piss him off.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: At a glance, you probably just see him as another [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]] type of [[Hot-Blooded]] [[Fiery Redhead]]. And you know what? You're right... Sort of. {{spoiler|As it turns out, he's actually a very forthright and bluntly honest individual, because he cares about his subordinates as well as the kingdom's well-being. This led him to clashing with other politicians in the kingdom, most notably the Prime Minister whom he had secretly told the King that he should have removed from office. In retaliation, the Prime Minister began doing everything he could to send Felzen to backwater portions of the kingdom to keep him away from the capital. It wasn't until the Queen passed away that he was finally allowed to return, because she had actually wished for it. That said, the Prime Minister went right back to trying to keep Felzen out of politics or from having any real power to the point of sending him and the other 2 generals to Bustenhalter to deal with Gladys' rebels. This in turn is actually reflected in how excessively irritable Felzen was toward Lute: Sure, Felzen has a temper, but he was more or less venting over his own humiliating circumstances. Hence, after Lute finally wins his support and respect, and then when Lute stands up for him to become the new Commander of the Guards, it actually moves Felzen to tears... Even if he doesn't quite admit it}}.
* [[If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...|If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Him]] Initially, he's one of the many who utterly HATES Lute, {{spoiler|but eventually he and the others warm up to him after he does some pretty impressive feats and makes some very cool-headed decisions. At which point, he and the other generals become like much older brothers to Lute. Offering advice, guidance, and yes protection. Rather comically, they say stuff like this to Motaire whenever he gave Lute some crap in their presence. Usually followed by a [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]}}.
* [[Jerkass]]: Of the 3 generals, Felzen is the most outspoken amongst them, which gives him a bad reputation among the nobles. He was liked by the King and late Queen, but the Prime Minister hates him, and had him removed from the capital at the first chance he could. {{spoiler|He is also pretty harsh on Lute, and had he not been interrupted, might have actually struck Lute down when Lute was eating breakfast}}. That said, {{spoiler|he starts to trust and respect Lute after Lute confides in him about the king's warning of a spy in their midst, and by the end of the story, he is almost like an older brother to Lute}}.
* [[Jerkass Realization]]: Takes a lot of time and endless infuriation on his part when Lute finds new and amazing ways of pissing Felzen and his fellow general off. But he soon comes to realize two things. A) Lute's not the hairbrained undesirable who flunked out of knight school he and countless other jerks labeled him as, (going so far as to deduce the fact that Prince Butthead actually did worse than him. Only getting out of dead last [[Man Behind the Man|by someone rigging the grade system in his favor]]), and B) Motaire wasn't the elite paragon of the illustrious academy of future knights that he'd mistaken him for. That Skill without any real character may as well be the definition of disposable.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: He's tough, he's loud, and he's very forward with everyone about his views this made it to where most of the noble class hate him, but his troops respect and trust him dearly. {{spoiler|The King and late queen both think highly of him as well, even with his aggressive attitude}}.
* [[Killed Mid-Sentence]]: {{spoiler|He first does this to Bobon, as he tried to pathetically buy Felzen out and get him to spare him. Not long afterward, he, Gladys, and Motaire all cornered the Prime Minister and pulled this off on him as well}}.
* [[Like a Badass Out of Hell]]: His men respect him, his enemies crap their pants and RUN FOR THE HILLS! Both are for good reasons: He's an excellent, though forthright and blunt, general. His combat and tactical prowess were only ever 2nd to the {{spoiler|late Duke Wackenheim, and his daughter Gladys}}.
* [[Like a Broken Record]]: {{spoiler|With that whole... "Hiring assassins" thing that he and the other 2 generals did to Lute, and how Lute never punished them for it. Lute eventually finally gets him to stop bringing it up, and they're able to move on}}.
* [[Living Lie Detector]]: In regards to knowing the true character of Bobon and the Prime Minister. Plus after learning of the true persona Lute Hende truly has, Felzen knew full well that the very idea of the former killing the king was a boldfaced lie. Deducing that it was most likely some cockedup scheme perpetrated by the Prime Minister who'd been [[What an Idiot!|vying for Baboon]] to inherit the throne since the Knight Academy.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: His name means "Reliable" and "Enthusiasm". Guess what? He's a trustworthy and efficient general and a very forward person who would never back down from a fight.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: He's one hell of tough knight, but he's still a bit up in years, so he's not as fast as Gladys or the other knights. That said, if he catches you, he can and ''will'' kick your ass!
* [[The Neidermeyer]]: Coming off as a boisterous, loudmouthed, insubordinate and foul tempered braggart who constantly listed the MC's numerous shortcomings while acting like he's without fault. He and the other two old bastards conspired against their former student turned commanding officer at the behaste of their [[Treacherous Advisor]]; [[Overly Long Gag|Glaum Zoin]]. Thankfully he grew out of this near the middle to end of the story.
* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]: He delivers several to {{spoiler|Motaire}} when he acts disrespectful toward Lute.
* [[Old Soldier]]: He is this, but is the youngest of the 3 generals. {{spoiler|The Prime Minister's nickname for he and the other 2 generals is the "3 Old Bastards"}}.
* [[Parental Substitute]]: {{spoiler|Of sorts to Lute}}.
* [[Quick Draw Decision]]: {{spoiler|When he saw Lute's moves during his chess match with Gladys, he was in awe at how fast, yet brilliant they all were. To the point where he actually records the whole game to tell others how Lute did it. It was also at this point that Lute managed to fully win him over as an ally}}.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: He's brash, outspoken, and courageous. He garners great respect from his troops, and is never one to stay behind when there's a battle. {{spoiler|Rumor has it that he had actually once taken it upon himself to speak to the king directly about having the Prime Minister dismissed from his position, and this was the spark of his life of being relegated away from the capital.}}
* [[Sand in My Eyes]]: {{spoiler|When the King, Prime Minister, and Lute were discussing the matter of who to make the next Commander of the Guards, Lute nominated Felzen saying he would definitely be best suited to the task, and the fact that he had been sent to nothing but rural positions for the most part until now meant that his talents had been wasted thus far. The Prime Minister tried as best as he could to block this, but the King came to siding with Lute's decision and when he officially appointed Felzen, he gratefully accepted, and as he left the room, he had [[Sand in My Eyes|to wipe his face on his sleeve]]}}.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: {{spoiler|In the harem route, he gets promoted to Commander of the (Royal) Guards in the capital, thanks to Lute, and it is because of this that he is actually able to help contribute greatly later on when Lute was facing execution for a false charge}}.
* [[Took a Level In Kindness]]: At the start of the story, he's easily one of the biggest or rather loudest characters to openly bash Lute for his low graduating scores from the Royal Knight's Academy. {{spoiler|However, after Lute confides in him about a traitor within Bustenhalter, he starts to see Lute in a better light, but then he makes a complete turn to become Lute's ally after he was able to defeat Gladys in their chess duel. From there, the 2 are on very good terms. Felzen even takes it upon himself to kick Motaire's ass a couple times when he'd spoken ill of Lute. Lute even helps get Felzen promoted to become the Commander of the Guards, which Felzen was deeply appreciative of}}.
* [[Unlikely Hero]]: He and many others thought that Lute was just the lowest scum of the Royal Knights, so it came to a complete shock later on when he manages to pull off some extremely difficult feats. {{spoiler|Killing assassins, making very strategic long-term decisions of mercy, besting Gladys in a duel, and even later winning her over as a lover}}.
* [[Victory Gloating]]: {{spoiler|Following Lute's victory over Gladys in their duel, Lute was being both modest and honest when he said that he had no idea how the hell he beat her since he wasn't paying any attention to his moves. On the other hand, Felzen had witnessed the game, so he thought Lute had won entirely via skill, and did pretty much ALL of the bragging about how awesome Lute was during the duel}}.
* [[Work Hard, Play Hard]]: Felzen is a very aggressive man. He's forthright, stubborn, and has a temper. If he is your friend and you piss him off, he won't mix words and call you out. If you piss him off further, he's likely to kick your ass or kill you. If you're his enemy and you piss him off, you best start running! However, when he is happy or celebrating, he doesn't hold back much there either}}.
== General Zant ==
[[File:GeneralZant.jpg|thumb|Be cautious around women, they may merely be aiming for your prestige.]]
General of Edelland.
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Ranmaru]] (JP)}}
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Achilles' Heel]]: As with Felzen before him, Zant's lack of character perception tends to blind him from the greater qualities within people who're not of his elite ideal. As with a great many before him, Lute Hende was little more than an [[Underestimating Badassery|oversight he'd berate and ignore]] over someone whose [[Beauty Is Bad|more flash than actual substance]] like Motaire at first. Even despite the sound logic of the perceived failure's reasons for keeping him and his coworkers over the [[Evil Chancellor|aide who isn't a fighter]], it still takes some sound convincing from the younger of the three to pierce his egocentric judgements.
* [[Badass Cape]]: His is white with gold trim.
* [[Big Good]]: Not as prominently as Felzen, but he eventually becomes a supporter of Lute as well, even personally intervening when Motaire tries to attack him at a formal ball.
* [[Digging Yourself Deeper]]: When [[Running Gag|One Coin]], is accused of overstepping his authority when he arranged and accepted a duel between Gladys and Lute, he points out how he had information linking the 3 generals to hiring assassins to attack Lute. Zant is the first to slip up and basically prove their guilt in doing so.
* [[Femme Fatale]]: Invokes this trope as an warning to Lute. The latter's internal narration speculates if it happened before with him.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: He warns Lute about getting involved with women at the celebratory party in his honor. It is implied that he had been taken advantage of a woman before, so he spoke from experience.
* [[Gold Digger]]: {{spoiler|There are indications that he was the victim of one in the past, when he warns Lute to avoid being alone with girls at the celebratory banquet. As Lute puts it, "It seemed like he had been f---ed before, and not in the good way}}.
* [[Gondor Calls for Aid]]: In the Harem Route, when Lute is {{spoiler|framed, imprisoned, and sentenced to death, Shamsiel is unable to rescue him alone, so she recruits the help of the other women Lute loved}}. At the same time though, Zant, {{spoiler|as well as Felzen and Schlamm play crucial roles in the plans to save Lute. Zant's part was to assist in smuggling the "cargo" into the capital. Cargo that concealed Gladys and many of her subordinates so that when the time came, they could launch a surprise attack inside the capital to provide a diversion while Gladys, Zant, Isis, and Shamsiel went to the execution platform directly to free Lute. It pays off}}!
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: He isn't evil, but he and the other generals were very mean to Lute at the beginning of the story.
* [[Ignored Epiphany]]: When his fellow general points out how abstaining from dismissing them after the [[Traitor|treacherous Guam Loin]] revealed their act of insubordination to their commanding officer was foolish. Zant is initially adamant in holding to that claim even when Both his junior and senior come to grips with the wisdom in his action, acknowledging that their whistle blower wasn't at all fighter and therefore unsuitable to defend the castle. He eventually grows out of his stuffed shirt opinion.
* [[Jerkass]]: He and the other two generals were pretty harsh on Lute at the start of the story. {{spoiler|In fact, when they are seeking to test Lute, Zant is the one who contacts and hires the assassins for the job}}.
* [[Jerkass Has a Point]]: {{spoiler|At the banquet being held for Lute, Zant shows up, and after sending Motaire packing, he warns Lute to be very careful of the women in attendance, because many nobles and officials had been introducing their daughters to him all evening. He and Lute both figured the reason for that, was likely on the off chance Lute would be interested in one and end up being married off to one someday. Signs pointed to Zant speaking from experience}}.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: He cares very much for the well being of the kingdom, but treats Lute like utter crap {{spoiler|at first. He eventually comes around and even goes to the capital and attends the celebratory ball in Lute's honor where he acknowledges him... indirectly, but Lute understood his good intent and was grateful}}.
* [[The Neidermeyer]]: Along with Felzen and Schlamm; Only a bit more biting and narcissistic in regards to the vaunted Knight Academy he/they teach at and towards it's (supposed) [[Loser Protagonist|greatest failure]]. So much so that he ended up blurting out his guilt in they're hiring of assassins against Lute Hende.
* [[Old Soldier]]: Of the three generals, he is implied to be the middle one in terms of age. {{spoiler|The Prime Minister's nickname for the trio is the "3 Old Bastards"}}.
* [[Parental Substitute]]: {{spoiler|Of sorts to Lute}}.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: He's not as physical as Felzen, but when Motaire tries to attack Lute a formal ball, he's immediately on it and has Motaire thrown out.
* [[Tender Tears]]: Both he and Schlamm cried at Lute's wedding/coronation as king to his newfound queen in Luceria.
== General Schlamm ==
[[File:GeneralSchlamm.jpg|thumb|Youngsters need to learn respect!]]
A general of Edellbard, and was a graduate from the very first class at the Royal Knight's Academy.
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Dobu Rokuro]] (JP)}}
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Achilles' Heel]]: Like his fellow generals Felzen and Zant, Schlamm's oversized oversight of personal ability clouds his judgement of people. Made especially worse given how particularly [[Glory Days|old school this guy is]]. Like most everyone in story, possibly more so given his [[Tough Act to Follow|stone age high standards]], he boasts the most backbitten condescending worldview on personal worth. Especially in regards to [[Loser Protagonist|the hero of the story]]. Despite this during the Gladys Arc. Schlamm, unlike Zant, has enough sense to admit [[Took a Level In Kindness|when he and others were wrong]] about character depth as his junior points out before the fateful duel.
* [[Badass Cape]]: Wears a white cape with a golden trim.
* [[Big Good]]: Becomes one as part of a [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment towards the end of the Harem Route.
* [[Brutal Honesty]]: Tends to give away his true opinions about things after the other generals are finished. Even when that could easily lead to his doom.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: In a world of demons, magic, political strife, and rebellions, one would need to be this to have lasted as long as he has.
* [[Gondor Calls for Aid]]: In the Harem Route, when Lute is {{spoiler|framed, imprisoned, and sentenced to death, Shamsiel is unable to rescue him alone, so she recruits the help of the other women Lute loved}}. At the same time though, Schlamm, {{spoiler|as well as Zant and Felzen play crucial roles in the plans to save Lute. Schlamm and Zant's jobs were to help smuggle "cargo" into the capital. Said "cargo" actually had Gladys and some of her subordinates concealed within it, and when the time was right, they busted out Trojan-Horse-Style to provide a diversion while Felzen, Gladys, Isis, and Shamsiel reached the execution platform to free Lute. It pays off}}!
* [[Grumpy Old Man]]: He wasn't fond of Lute to begin with. He wasn't impressed with any of that year's graduates from the Knight's Academy either. {{spoiler|However, after Lute defeats and converts Gladys, he still doesn't really think much of Lute compared to the other 2 generals, but near the very end of the Harem Route, he comes around}}.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: He isn't evil, but he's very rude to most people apart from his fellow generals. {{spoiler|He also takes the longest to finally acknowledge and start respecting Lute, just in time though...}}
* [[Heel Realization]]: Again, while not evil; see above. He's a big enough man to admit when his opinions of a first impression have been entirely wrong, siding with General Felzen when the latter realizes (Finally!) that Lute wasn't the failure the academy grading system, {{spoiler|which was [[Government Conspiracy|tampered with]] for political reasons}}, had labeled him as. Lamenting how the three were too late to see the truth of their commanders real capability.
* [[Jerkass]]: He is very harsh on the youngsters these days. Not even Motaire and Isis' accomplishments at the Royal Knight's Academy were enough to impress him, so that means he thought VERY little of Lute who was the bottom scoring graduate of the class.{{spoiler| He gets better, but it takes him the longest to do so out of the 3 generals}}.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: He is loyal to the kingdom, but he thinks very little of the younger generations, especially Lute. {{spoiler|By the end of the Luceria and (especially) the Harem route, he has completely tossed away the "Jerk" part of this trope, following after Felzen and then Zant}}.
* [[The Neidermeyer]]: While not as outspoken as his fellow Generals; Schlamm possesses the most condescending of tones in regards to those they deem less than dirt.
* [[Not So Stoic]]: At the end of the game when he and his fellow generals sat and ate with King Lute in his quarters, Schlamm would talk up a storm with the lot of them about current events in Boan as well as about old times from a year ago.
* [[Old Windbag]]: He is not very impressed with youngsters these days. {{spoiler|After Lute's accomplishments with handling the Vunderbalt Rebellion, he eventually acknowledges and comes to respect him}}.
* [[Old Soldier]]: He is the oldest of the 3 generals, and was a graduate from the very first class at the Royal Knight's Academy. He doesn't think highly of the latest generation of knights, {{spoiler|but warms up to them overtime. The Prime Minister refers to him and the other 2 generals as the "3 Old Bastards"}}.
* [[Parental Substitute]]: {{spoiler|Of sorts to Lute}}.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: {{spoiler|He and the other generals played key roles in the plan to save Lute from his execution. Schlamm and Zant were in charge of smuggling Gladys and her troops into the capital}}. {{spoiler|Furthermore, in the epilogue of the Harem Route, he and Gladys had come up with ideas to improve things in Boan. He was to keep watch over the former rebels as they built up Boan's agriculture, keep an eye on the bordering Lingobard in case of invasion (which ''did'' happen briefly after Bobon died), and building up proper flood control facilities in the area as well}}.
* [[Tender Tears]]: He and Zant cried at the coronation and wedding of Lute as he married princess, then crowned queen Luceria.
* [[The Bus Came Back]]: Of the three generals, he is the one to be around the least. {{spoiler|It isn't until nearly the end of the Harem Route that we see him again, and even then he does very little on-screen}}.
== Aristera ==
[[File:MissAristera.jpg|thumb|Groupie Number 1]]
One of Motaire's groupies.
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Haruna Ren]] aka [[Jinbo Tomoe]] (JP)}}
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by her include:}}
* [[Absolute Cleavage]]: As seen in the image.
* [[Be a Whore to Get Your Man]]: She and Droit's approaches to getting with Motaire. {{spoiler|Later on they pull this off literally when pursuing Lute since they flash their boobs to a guard and allow him a quick feel if he let them pass into Lute's bedroom. Much to Isis' irritation and dismay}}.
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: She and Droit both wear them, yet they can both run very fast even while wearing them.
* [[Gold Digger]]: She and Aristera seem to go after and cling to whoever is the most popular, powerful, and/or wealthy in their midst. With the exception being {{spoiler|newly-crowned "king"}} Bobon, who had attempted to force them into it.
* [[Everyone Has Standards]]: She may be a gold digger, but even she refuses to let Bobon... {{spoiler|Who was the KING at the time}}, touch her.
* [[Escape Artist]]: She and Droit seem to be able to come and go in the castle as they please, but not because they're given permission though. {{spoiler|Most of the times we see them, if Motaire isn't with them, then they are just seconds away from running off, which they do successfully many times}}.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: She and Droit aren't trained in combat at all, but they can outrun Isis, even while wearing high heels.
* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: Played with and Inverted. Like her fellow cabaret dancer, Aristera seems to like playing musical chairs over where her loyalties lay. First it was with [[Jerkass|Motaire]] who was both the [[Jerk Jock|top graduate]] of his class as well as [[Upper Class Twit|heir]] to the Platine estate. Then it was to [[Loser Protagonist|Lute]] who started out on the [[Working Class Hero|bottom rung of things]] only to eventually [[Social Climber|rise through the ranks]] at rapid pace and outclass the asshat she was slutting up too in the beginning, {{spoiler|of coarse it helps that he's [[Accidental Pornomancer|Half Incubus]] with [[X Marks the Spot|actual factual magical hands]] that aid in his seductions}}. Only to dump the later after him being [[Frame Up|wrongfully accused of killing the king]] and branded a death row traitor, she and her friend Droit [[Professional Butt-Kisser|sheepishly apologizing]] to their former meal ticket. Then going back to Lute again after the later is [[Big Damn Heroes|rescued from the conspiracy surrounding him]] and is eventually crowned King of Edelland.
* [[Power Is Sexy]]: She and Droit fawn over whoever is the biggest deal around them. At first, it's {{spoiler|Motaire, then Lute, then Motaire again, then they reverse this trope when Bobon tries to get at them, and then back with Motaire for real at the end}}.
* [[Stripperific]]: Her outfit brings to mind belly dancers.
== Droit ==
[[File:Droit.jpg|thumb|Groupie Number 2]]
One of Motaire's groupies.
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Yuzuki Sachi]] aka [[Kondou Yuuki]] (JP)}}
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by her include:}}
* [[Absolute Cleavage]]: As seen in the image.
* [[Be a Whore to Get Your Man]]: She and Aristera's approaches to getting with Motaire. {{spoiler|Later on they pull this off literally when pursuing Lute since they flash their boobs to a guard and allow him a quick feel if he let them pass into Lute's bedroom. Much to Isis' irritation and dismay}}.
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: She and Aristera both wear them, yet they can both run very fast even while wearing them. {{spoiler|To the point of outrunning Isis and Royal Guards several times.}}
* [[Gold Digger]]: She and Aristera seem to go after and cling to whoever is the most popular, powerful, and/or wealthy in their midst. With the exception being {{spoiler|newly-crowned "king"}} Bobon, who had attempted to force them into it.
* [[Everyone Has Standards]]: She and Aristera may be gold diggers, but neither of them were willing to let Bobon, {{spoiler|who was the newly crowned KING}} touch them.
* [[Escape Artist]]: She and Aristera seem to be able to come and go in the castle as they please, but not because they're given permission though. {{spoiler|Most of the times we see them, if Motaire isn't with them, then they are just seconds away from running off, which they do successfully many times}}.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: She and Droit aren't trained in combat at all, but they can outrun Isis, even while wearing high heels.
* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: Played with and Inverted. As with her bosom buddy Aristera, Droit tends to hopscotch with whomever has the greatest sociological pull at the time. Her main subject at first was [[Upper Class Twit|Motaire]]; all around [[Jerkass Ball|unlikable popular guy]] with major amounts of [[The Chew Toy|karmic kickability]] abound. That is, of coarse, until [[Lovable Jock|Lute]] came along. Same guy whom she and her slut friend [[But for Me It Was Tuesday|didn't even bother to remember]] on their first meeting, that is until he began to [[Always Someone Better|outshine his senior]] with his many impressive deeds. And again like her compatriot, end up leaving the fallen hero when she and her both; [[Gullible Lemmings|like every other idiot in the kingdom]], bought into that BS line where [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness|the local hero]] [[Tall Tale|killed the king]]. [[Professional Butt-Kisser|Kissing up]] to Motaire after they come crawling back to him, only to return to our heroes good graces after his [[Dude in Distress|dramatic rescue]] and whirlwind coronation as the [[Standard Hero Reward|New King]].
* [[Power Is Sexy]]: She and Aristera fawn over whoever is the biggest deal around them. At first, it's {{spoiler|Motaire, then Lute, then Motaire again, then they reverse this trope when Bobon tries to get at them, and then back with Motaire for real}}.
* [[Stripperiffic]]: Her outfit is similar to what you'd expect an exotic dancer to wear, although not as much as Aristera's.
== Motaire De Platine ==
[[File:MotaireDePlatine.jpg|thumb|Top of the class. {{spoiler|Huge Jerkass}}]]
Top of graduate of the Royal Knight academy class that Lute was in.
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Aiko Takeda]] (JP)}}
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Abusive Spouse]]: Though they're engaged, he is straight up abusive towards Isis, and all she has ever done is her absolute damnedest to try and make things WORK between them. In Isis' route he mocks her for being scared to go on a mission where literally ALL previous parties to venture out on said mission were never heard from again. She starts to tear up from this, and he mocks her further. She even seems as though she wanted to spend her "last night together" with him before going out on the mission (which one could possibly interpret as her even being willing to have sex with him) but he turns her down and tells her it being their last night [[What an Idiot!|makes no difference to him.]] He tells her that if she dies on the mission then that was all she was worth, and then he declares his intention to break off their engagement regardless of her survival or not... Right before the icing on the misery cake: His groupies show up and he ditches Isis to go with them (which includes cheating on her).
** By the end of her route, he doesn't tone it down either in that {{spoiler|he reveals that he had actually bet against her coming back, and then he proceeds to seemingly flirt with her and invite her to sleep with him that night. Why? He was toying with her, because he knew she now had feelings for Lute AND that the Prime Minister had ordered for Lute's immediate execution}}. Oh, and on top of all of THAT abuse, he even gets physically abusive towards her {{spoiler|during his attempt to kill Lute. She blocks his sword and pleads with Motaire to stop, but Motaire ignores her and makes it clear that he would kill her too}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Ambiguously Evil]]}}: As far as he's concerned, {{spoiler|he's not evil}}. He's just following orders. {{spoiler|Though his mistreatment of Isis is ''entirely'' his own doing.}} He's just too blinded by his own pride and ego {{spoiler|initially}} to realize his actions {{spoiler|serving and listening to the Prime Minister}} aren't as good as he thinks. {{spoiler|There IS a reason why he is listed right before the actual villains on this page.}} {{spoiler|In the end, he has a [[Heel Realization]] and has a [[Face Heel Turn]]}}.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: A [[Rare Male Example]]. His armor stops at his chest, exposing his midriff.
* [[Bastard Boyfriend]]: Or rather, fiance. To Isis. He treats her horribly, despite all her efforts to try and get things to work.
* [[The Beautiful Elite]]: Pretty on the eyes? Check, wealthy to an extreme? Check? Head of his class at the prestegious academy for paladines? [[Rule of 3|I believe his personal presentation is self-explanitory]]
* [[Beauty Equals Goodness]]: Inverted. See [[Jerkass]].
* {{spoiler|[[Because You Were Nice to Me]]}}: {{spoiler|In the Harem route, Motaire seemingly has the worst string of luck of his entire life, the lowest scoring "loser" of his class, ends up getting promoted to higher status than him, said person also steals several of the women Motaire had had feelings for or was with. Add in several incidents where Motaire gets in trouble and usually subjected to a [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] at the hands of others to punish him for trying to talk down to Lute, and you can see things weren't going good for him. However, in the Harem Route, the King is murdered and Lute is framed as the culprit. During his imprisonment, Motaire is treated so terribly by the new "King" Bobon and the Prime Minister, that he realizes that things were better when Lute ''was'' around. In fact, he even goes to the dungeon and admits to Lute that while he still doesn't exactly like him because of how he accomplished and surpassed him, Motaire said that he was no longer ashamed to call him his peer}}.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Lute's existence annoys him. Lute being a part of his class in the Knight's Academy irritates him. {{spoiler|Lute surpassing him in rank infuriates him. Lute (unintentionally) stealing his spotlight in the public's eye angers him. Lute being treated as a bigger deal than him makes him mad. Lute stealing his fiance's affection sets him off. Lute (supposedly) "stealing" his groupies from him? THAT pisses him off. But worse than THAT? The very thought of Bobon taking his girls... THAT is his biggest button}}.
* [[The Bully]]: He's one toward Lute [[Jerk Jock|(both during and following their time at the Royal Knight's Academy together)]]. He's also a [[Bastard Boyfriend|jerk to his fiance, Isis.]] In all honesty [[The Neidermeyer|he's not even all that beloved by other soldiers in the platoon either]]. Even the generals and King Hagel [[No Accounting for Taste|wonder what was so elite about him given his jerkass performances]]. {{spoiler|He gets better by the end of the Harem route.}}
* [[Casanova Wannabe]]: He thinks his status, reputation, and family are his keys to pursuing just about any woman he wants. {{spoiler|It's pretty bad, but as bad as Motaire is/was, Prince Bobon surpasses him by far in the darkest side of this trope}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Corrupt the Cutie]]}}: {{spoiler|He tries to invoke this upon Princess Luceria and even Roxanne, but both turn him down... in favor of Lute.}}
* [[Covert Pervert]]: {{spoiler|He's not very good at hiding his cheating ways since Isis knows about it, but maybe he's not trying}}.
* [[Compensating for Something]]: Unlike Lute, Motaire loves pointing out his accomplishments and who he is to other people, his family is responsible for inventing the bra in their world, so he's extremely wealthy... {{spoiler|It is revealed by his groupies after they have sex with Lute, that Motaire has never made either of the orgasm before}}.
* [[Complaining About People You Don't Like]]: You could make a drinking game out of how many times he whines about Lute. You'd also make a mint from pennies and dimes accumulated hearing how many people can't stand his ass.
* [[Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like]]: See [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]] below. Also, in regards to {{spoiler|Lute's rescuing the kingdom via his victory and mercy toward Gladys and the Rebels}}.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: His attire makes him look like trouble, but the issue is actually zigzagged depending on the route. {{spoiler|In any other route aside from the Harem route, he's either evil or so much of a self-centered d-ck that he may as well be. However, in the Harem route, he spends most of it being a spoiled snob and trying to still act superior to Lute who had surpassed him in both rank, status, and opinion in the eyes of the generals, king, and even his fiance and women he was in love with. Near the end, he pretty much LEAPS at the chance to take Lute down when Lute is framed for murdering the king, but then when Bobon becomes the new king and things start going from bad to living hell, he changes his mind and FINALLY realizes that Lute was innocent, and indeed worthy of being king, and even goes as far as to save Lute's life and help execute the Prime Minister for treason and the murder of King Haegel}}. Suffice to say, it took a while to get there.
* {{spoiler|[[Death by Sex]]}}: Almost. {{spoiler|Apparently, while visiting Boan, he kept insulting Lute and the people of Boan, so Shamsiel took it upon herself to punish him, though he thought it was only a dream. It was mostly thanks to Lute telling her not to, that she didn't flat out kill him, despite making it clear that she would have if not for Lute's mercy}}.
* [[Digging Yourself Deeper]]: To a hilarious extent during Lucaria's chapter. When Motaire overheard King Hagel's asking Lute to teach his only daughter swordplay, not only did the former get up in arms. He outright burst into the private space without consent to chew out his senior officer in front of the King, [[What an Idiot!|bad move]], one made worse by his continued denouncing of said lord and the Kingdom's favorite to his face. Something which [[Death Glare|Hagel takes great offense too]]; offenses compounded by [[Poor Communication Kills|a poorly worded explanation]] by the latter regarding Gladys and Burstenhalter which came off like he was [[Underestimating Badassery|denouncing Felzen's competence]] as a leader. Ending in the spoiled ass getting kicked out of the castle for a time. One cannot help but find satisfaction in that; considering his excessive pride had been the source of contention for a lot of people in story.
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]: He isn't fond of Lute on a normal day, but when bad things happen to him, BECAUSE of Lute (he blames Lute, but it's more because of his own ego). {{spoiler|Lute usually expresses sympathy toward him, but that is something he very much hates when coming from him.}}
* [[Drowning My Sorrows]]: Following {{spoiler|Lute's victory over Gladys}}, there is a banquet held that night to celebrate. While attending, Motaire is furious at the mere idea of {{spoiler|Lute defeating Gladys and being considered more praiseworthy than himself, so despite others attempts at stopping him, he drinks until he passes out}}.
* [[Entitled Bastard]]: His ego leads him to believe he is far superior than most, especially in the case of Lute. {{spoiler|It infuriates him seeing Lute rising to prominence instead of and over him. He also thinks he can be with any woman he wants... Not as badly as Bobon, but still. He feels himself more worthy of Princess Luceria or Gladys than Lute, by far. He gets better by the end of the Harem Route, but it took a while}}.
* [[Entitled to Have You]]: His attitude as far as the women he actually seeks out. He tries to get with Roxanne (even while her husband is still around), Luceria the princess, and even his former teacher: Gladys.
* [[Expy]]: He is pretty much [[Beauty and the Beast|Gaston]] with him being an arrogant [[Jerk Jock]] with his air-headed groupies almost constantly around, as well as his major entitlement complex.
* [[Favouritism Flip Flop]]: {{spoiler|Initially}}, everyone thought he was the very best of the best. What with him graduating top of his class at the Royal Knight's Academy, and him being the heir to the richest family in the kingdom if not among the richest in the world at the time (since they invented the bra). However, in at least 3 routes, this changes to varied extents. {{spoiler|In Isis' route, she was trying desperately to remain devoted to Motaire, but he treated her like crap and said some terrible things to her, so it's no surprise that by the end of her route, she fell out of love with him and moved on to be with Lute}}. In {{spoiler|Luceria's route, she, Gladys, Isis, the 3 generals, and even the King all come to see Lute as a very competent and worthy man, and meanwhile after so many tantrums from Motaire, start to see HIM as being the incompetent moron of the 2}}. Then, lastly is the {{spoiler|Harem route, where it all goes full circle and Motaire is explicitly surpassed in everyone's eyes by Lute. Then at the end, when Lute is framed and sentenced to be executed, Motaire receives several crushing [[Reason You Suck Speech|Reason You Suck Speeches]] that finally get through to him and lead him to realize that Lute truly IS as good and competent as everyone said, and that Motaire himself was a fool for blindly following the Prime Minister against Lute. Finally, Motaire encounters the Prime Minister during his escape attempt, and he tries to bribe Motaire with the promise of putting him on the throne as king if he helped him, but Motaire turns him down and not only saves Lute's life, but is also one of the 3 to execute the Prime Minister for his crimes}}. From then on, {{spoiler|he had redeemed himself, so people were seeing him in a better light. He became Captain of the Royal Knights, and was even taken back by Aristera and Droit (who had left him during Lute's rise to prominence after having sex with him (Lute). Even Isis and he were on better terms since they cancelled their engagement and she was then free to become one of Lute's wives/lovers}}.
* [[Foil]]: To Lute, which is pretty obvious from the start.
* [[Good Adultery, Bad Adultery]]: {{spoiler|For his part, he's been cheating on Isis with other women since long before they got engaged in their arranged marriage. She even knew about it and hoped he would stop once they were, but he didn't. During the story, he even tries making moves on other women right in front of Isis, such as hitting on Roxanne when they visited Boan. On the other hand, Isis ends up technically cheating on him in a few routes, especially her own. The 1st two times were because she was under the influence of Sexipede venom and then the Guardian Tree's sap, which cost her not only the first time she was ever directly touched or exposed to a man in a sexual manner, but also her giving Lute her virginity. Later on in her route, she fell in love with Lute and has sex with him willingly at least twice more during the trip, but once they get back to the capital, she severs all ties with Motaire and flees with Lute. In the Harem and Luceria routes, she falls in love with Lute overtime in those, but never actually acts upon it, though she implies wanting to. Instead, in the case of the Harem route, she breaks off their engagement and pursues Lute, even becoming one of his harem of lovers/wives. HOWEVER, all that said, another instance of Motaire being cheated on was in the case of his Groupies: Aristera and Droit. Once Lute had defeated Gladys and ended her rebellion, he was being declared a national hero, so of course Motaire's gold-digger groupies started trying to hook up with him instead. After a few failed attempts, they finally DO have sex with Lute a single time, at which point they confess that Motaire had never brought them to orgasm before, and that they would leave him. They did, and Motaire was ''pissed''. In the end though, the epilogue of the Harem Route reveals that although Isis left Motaire for Lute, Aristera and Droit took Motaire back}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Good All Along]]}}: It's buried... deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, DEEP, beneath his giant cocky self-absorbed, thickheaded, ego}}. But he actually IS a good man, it just takes a LOT for it to finally surface. A combination of {{spoiler|several well-deserved ass-kickings, a bunch of [[Reason You Suck Speech|Reasons you SUCK Speeches]], sprinkle in him losing his groupies, then getting everyone he admired to either hate him or ditch him for Lute, get everyone woman he had a crush on to utterly despise or leave him, AND top it all off with him having to literally bow his head to "King" Bobon, and you have a seriously broken man. Thankfully, he FINALLY manages to pick himself up, figure out who REALLY is good and who really needs a sword to the head (the Prime Minister and Bobon for mistreating him), and at long last he has a [[Heel Face Turn]] for the better. He saves Lute's life AND assists in killing the Prime Minister, and from then on, he basically becomes one of Lute's best friends/allies}}.
* [[Gullible Lemmings|Gullible Lemming]]: Technically speaking, he IS trying to protect the kingdom... In his own overly-prideful, arrogant, dumbass ways. However, that doesn't stop him from following almost anything that comes from the Prime Minister as legitimate orders or truth. Such as, {{spoiler|in Isis' route ending, he gloats that he is in cahoots with the Prime Minister since he had been told about Lute being a demon and need for execution even before Isis had confirmed anything. He then goes to confront Lute with unrelenting intent of executing Lute AND Isis when she tries to stop him. In the other routes, he acted as a messenger for the Prime Minister by bringing orders from the Prime Minister to the Prefect of Boan and later delivering a sealed message to [[Running Gag|Glawn Crayonn]] in Bustenhelter}}. Perhaps his [[What an Idiot!|crowning moment of gullibility]] comes when {{spoiler|the King is murdered and the dagger used for said murder is discovered in Lute's bedroom. Despite there being a complete lack of motive, he was SO jealous of Lute by that point that he immediately accepted Lute's guilt as the truth and threw him in the dungeon. It isn't until later, after Bobon becomes king and starts making life miserable for everyone, and Motaire gets chastised for his blinding stupidity for believing the Prime Minister, that he FINALLY begins to question the evidence and after actually investigating more thoroughly, he [[Heel Realization|learns the truth]] and has a [[Face Heel Turn]] at the very end}}.
* [[Handsome Lech]]: Cheats on his fiance, Isis, pretty much to her face.
* [[Historical In-Joke]]: His family is said to have been responsible for inventing the bra in their universe. Suffice to say his family is among the richest in the world during the story.
* [[Humiliation Conga]]: Mostly his own fault thanks to his ego.
* {{spoiler|[[I Just Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]}}: It's complicated. ''Very'' complicated... {{spoiler|So by now you've probably read about how big a jackass Motaire is. If not, see [[Jerkass]] below. He definitely doesn't love Isis at all, but at the very end of the Harem Route, he has a [[Heel Face Turn]] and saves Lute's life. The end and epilogue to the Harem Route show him moving on from Isis or at least releasing her from their engagement and allowing her to pursue her feelings toward Lute, which she does, and even becomes a member of Lute's harem of lovers. As for Motaire and Isis' overall relationship at that point, seeing as he gets taken back by his groupies, it seems they both moved on and could at least be friends from then on... But only in that route which, thankfully is the canon one}}.
* [[It's All About Me]]: {{spoiler|Initially,}} he sponges off his reputation from graduating top of his class at the Knight's Academy, as well as the fact that his family invented the bra. {{spoiler|He gets better by the end, after a few well deserved ass-whoopings to humble him.}}
* [[Jerkass]]: He has an enormous ego. He had graduated at the top of his class at the Knight Academy, which he loves to tell people. {{spoiler|He's engaged, but he not only cheats on Isis, his fiancé, he does so practically in front of her face. She had tried to make their relationship work, but he continued to cheat on her even after they were engaged. In Isis' route, when she is preparing for the mission into the forest, he says some utterly despicable things to her, such as if she were to die during the trip then that was all she was worth, and that he had no feelings nor attraction to her in any way, and even if she survived the mission, he was pretty much going to break off the engagement to her as soon as he could. He even mocks her after saying all of these things to her when she is about to cry from it}}. This all on top of how lowly he sees and treats Lute, and {{spoiler|openly insults the people of Boan}}.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: The way he treats Isis is appalling. He cheats on her (practically TO HER FACE). He ignores her, yells at her, mocks her, berates her, basically spits on every attempt she makes to try and make things work between them, and says things to her at one point that almost drive her to commit suicide (more than once). But perhaps one of the most twisted examples comes at the end of Isis' route when he {{spoiler|attempts to lure her to have sex with him while he knew full well she was in love with someone else at that point AND that they were under orders from the Prime Minister to kill that same person}}.
* [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: On the receiving end, regularly gets accosted by people he pisses off both directly and indirectly. Often told off by his superiors when he acts in rather disorderly conduct, ends up dumped by his two gold-digging groupies for a guy he wrote off as a failure, is eventually disengaged to his fiancé after Lute is imprisoned and slated to be executed, is summarily rewarded for his jealously driven persecution with relegation by the bastard king whom replaced his former liege. All of which he well and truly deserved, seeing as he was an egotistical rat and all around unfaithful husband to be who openly and often loudly boasted of his many accomplishments (except many of which weren't even his, he mooched off his fathers popularity more than he himself did anything worth a damn) to everybody who never cared to listen.
* [[Manchild]]: What the [[Fake Ultimate Hero|knight academies supposed ace's]] personality boils down to. A full grown brat with an inflated sense of self-worth whom cannot stop bragging about greatness he never had. Narcissistic and vainglorious to the point of making even his former supporters & admirerers irate with his tantrums whenever Lute upstages him. This especially shows whenever he openly mocked or attempted to throttle the former in full view of people whom gave the failure turned celebrity more respect and praise than Motaire ever got.
* [[Miles Gloriosus]]: Played with and inverted. He's a world class Jerkass who won't come off about how his father invented the bra and his family is loaded. And that bit about him going on about how he was the top graduate at the Knight Academy over and over and over again near every time he makes an entrance. But despite this he actually has the skills to back up his [[Sarcasm|modesty]], being the best chess player in the kingdom just under [[Chessmaster|Gladys Vom Wakenheim]]. As well as a skilled swordsmen in his own right.
* [[Mistreated Bride]]: {{spoiler|He is a complete asshole toward Isis, no matter what she does to try and make it work between them he couldn't care less}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal]]}}: In the Harem route, {{spoiler|this is part of the reason he covers for Princess Luceria, Isis, and Roxanne, eventually turning against Prince or rather "King" Bobon and the Prime Minister completely due to how poorly they treated him}}.
* [[Gondor Calls for Aid]]: In the Harem Route, when Lute is {{spoiler|framed, imprisoned, and sentenced to death, Shamsiel is unable to rescue him alone, so she recruits the help of the other women Lute loved}}. Throughout this, Motaire actually {{spoiler|catches wind of their conspiring. He checked on the Princess, but saw Roxanne in her place. Isis chastises him for his arrogance and pride that has kept him from acknowledging Lute, and says if he exposes them, they were prepared to die for Lute, and if Lute were to die, she would never forgive him. Later on, he encounters General Felzen who was being removed from his post, and Felzen also berates him for stupidly following the Prime Minister, telling him that if he were to rescue Lute, then he could have anything he wanted, but he'd need to learn to think for himself. Then, he encounters Princess Luceria for real who asks him to save Lute, but he doesn't, so she too tells him to get out of her sight, saying that anyone who hates Lute is an enemy of hers, and she never wants to see him again. All the while, Motaire was going through some tough times thanks to "King" Bobon and the Prime Minister. The night before the execution, the women were discussing how the plan was progressing, and they wondered if Motaire would keep his mouth shut about it. Shamsiel offered to [[Death by Sex|silence him herself,]] but the others convinced her not to. Later on, when the rescue is a success and the Prime Minister as well as Bobon are exposed for treason, the Prime Minister tries to get Motaire to help him escape, but instead Motaire FINALLY does the right thing and not only helps stop the Prime Minister, but he also saves Lute's life and helps execute the Prime Minister personally}}!
* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]: He ends up on the receiving end of one of these several times due to his pride and mistreatment of Lute. {{spoiler|He received them from... Shamsiel (minor), Isis (knocked out) Gladys (once), General Felzen (3-4 times, once along with soldiers), General Zant (once, before being tossed from a party), and even the King (verbally, indirectly of course).}}
* [[Oblivious to Hints]]: It takes quite a bit to get through his ego to help him see his erred ways. That's why it wasn't really the hints that got through, but all the ass-kickings he brought upon himself that did it instead.
* [[Pet The Dog]]: Now don't misunderstand, he treats Isis like utter garbage almost all the time, despite her best efforts to make a relationship work between them. {{spoiler|However, in the Harem route, Isis had planned on breaking off the engagement to him, but held off on doing so since he had been dumped by his groupies and was feeling pretty low at that point, so she was being polite to him}}. Unfortunately though, {{spoiler|when Lute is framed for the King's murder and Motaire believes the evidence against him, Isis slaps him and flat out renounces her engagement to him. All that said, he DOES give a few of these moments back later on... He opts to cover for Princess Luceria being missing by not exposing Roxanne acting as her stand-in. He even visits Lute in prison and finds out the truth about Lute's rapid promotions, Bobon's failed plot, and the Prime Minister's link to [[Running Gag|Wan Taun]], and ends it commenting on how poorly fed Lute seemed and muttered how he should have brought Lute something}}.
* [[Really Gets Around]]: During the beginning, yes. {{spoiler|He basically tries to sleep with everyone except Isis who he is ACTUALLY supposed to be engaged to... Funny news is, once Lute starts rising the ranks, Motaire gets less and less. Isis, and even his groupies dump him. However, in the true ending's epilogue, Droit and Aristera are revealed to have taken him back.}}
* [[Reason You Suck Speech]]: He ends up on both ends of them. He constantly deals them out to Lute. You could make a drinking game of how many times he brings up Lute graduating last in their class, how he himself was the top of the class, and how he is SO much better than him in every way. {{spoiler|He also delivers an incredibly harsh one to his betrothed Isis in the start of her route.}} Then, later on in story, {{spoiler|especially the Harem Route}} he ends up on the receiving end of several: {{spoiler|Gladys, Felzen, Zant, Isis, Lute (briefly), and even Princess Luceria (to everyone's surprise) all deliver them to him. Telling him to shut up with his stupid pride, get rid of his over-inflated ego, stop his hostility toward Lute, quit trusting everything the Prime Minister tells him and to actually ''think'' for himself about who he should be helping, and who he should be careful of. At the very end, they finally sink in and he atones for his mistakes}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Reformed but Rejected]]}}: {{spoiler|In the Harem route, after several well-deserved ass-kickings, plenty of lectures from those around him telling him to tone it down on his pride and blind hatred for Lute (and anyone he felt was beneath him), plus a handful of instances that demonstrated Lute's competence as a knight and leader, and a glimpse at what a total asshole Bobon and the Prime Minister are to those around them when in charge, he FINALLY realizes whose side he should be on and goes as far as to save Lute's life AND he promptly assists in executing the Prime Minister for his crimes. After that, during the Epilogue we learn that yes Motaire has become a better man overall even reaching the rank of Captain of the Royal Knights, but Isis still leaves him in favor of Lute. Motaire himself was taken back by Droit and Aristera}}.
* [[Royal Blood]]: Not royal per say, but his family invented the bra, and given how big a deal that is, it's safe to say his family will never have to worry about money. It is also his status as a Royal Knight that gives his family prestige.
* [[Sexual Extortion]]: Who is using who, when it comes to [[Gold Digger|Aristera and Droit being with him?]] {{spoiler|Another example is with his fiancé Isis. Near her route's ending, after her meeting with the Prime Minister and being ordered to kill Lute, Motaire approaches her. He tells her she looks beautiful and more like a true woman than she had when she left. He even offers her the chance to come to his room later...(A first.) She turns him down saying she's not in the mood. He reveals he knew she was feeling troubled about her orders to kill Lute (a man she had completed a mission with), so he offers to help her with it. The [[Unfortunate Implications]] behind this are quite disturbing}}.
* [[Sexual Karma]]: He cheats on Isis all the time {{spoiler|with his groupies, Aristera and Droit especially}}, but it comes back on him wheeeeeen... {{spoiler|in Isis' route, she leaves him for Lute.}} Even more karmic, is {{spoiler|in the Harem Route, where not only does Isis break off their engagement after first refusing to have sex with him, but also, after Lute rises above him in rank. Lute ends up having sex with Gladys (whom Motaire had had a crush on), Droit ''and'' Aristera (who end up dumping Motaire after that), AND Princess Luceria (who was widely regarded as the most beautiful woman in the kingdom). It's not all bad karma though, because he has a [[Face Heel Turn]] and saves Lute's life at the end of the Harem Route. In the epilogue it's revealed that Motaire has been appointed captain of the Royal Guard, AND that Droit and Aristera apparently took him back}}.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: His family invented the bra, and he was the top graduate from his class at the Knight's Academy. His ego however, is so inflated that it's almost like he thinks Motaire invented the bra and opened the royal Knight's Academy himself. Even the castle guard of Boan think he and he alone assumes to hold up all of Edelland.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: His family invented the bra, and thus are likely among the richest people in the world at that time, so it isn't much of a surprise that he became this.
* [[The Ace]]: In theory, as the top graduate of the Knight Academy, and he indeed gets the kind of respect someone would get from it. In practice, not so much. Zant implies the reason behind of that it's an emphasis on combat ability on the Academy, what means Motaire is good in combat but fails at thinking.
* [[The Friend Nobody Likes]]: The treatment he gets compared to Lute later in the game, and somewhat in the beginning too. He's such an insufferable blunderbuss with his boasting of perfection and family name that many soldiers, townsfolk and even some of the top brass cannot tolerate him (at least later in story).
* [[Took A Level In Badass]]: He starts out as the top graduate of the Royal Knight's Academy, but {{spoiler|he becomes a bit of a [[Butt Monkey]] especially in the Gladys and Harem routes, but it is in the Harem route that he finally achieves this when he saves Lute's life}}.
* [[Took a Level in Jerkass]]: It happens briefly in two chapters, {{spoiler|in Isis's route he regularly denounces her as unfavorable wife material despite their being betrothed, and all while in the company of his [[Gold Digger|two snow bunnies]] no less. But when his wife to be finds herself unable to commence with orders to execute Lute on the grounds of his demonic origins because... she fell in love with him. He snidely admits to being in cahoots with the Prime Minister whom issued the kill order while gloating about how he had no problem killing both him and his former bride in as sneering and baneful manner as you'd expect from an obnoxious pretty boy.}} And again towards the true ending of the game, where Motaire; having become so blinded by [[Driven by Envy|petty jealousy]], immediately believes the one guy in story who lacks either a murderous or conniving bone in his entire body is the prime suspect for the King's murder. He did nothing beyond that to warrant most everybody denouncing him as a traitor and a failure; but boy did that not stop everyone within arms reach [[What an Idiot!|speaking their mindset]]. Bad enough he was a spoiled asshat who boasted superiority while more often than not proving otherwise, but one can guess doing nothing at all while an innocent man was slated to die to uphold a lie was the [[Rage Breaking Point|final nail in the coffin for his already dwindling popularity]].
* [[Took a Level In Kindness]]: {{spoiler|It takes a looooooooong time}}, {{spoiler|and quite a few well-deserved ass-whoopings to humble him, but he comes around by the end of the Harem Route and becomes Lute's friend. He also releases Isis from their engagement so that she can pursue Lute, while he is taken back by his groupies Aristera and Droit. Yes, THEY took him back}}.
* [[Unfit for Greatness]]: Thanks to his shortsightedness, huge over-inflated ego and utter disrespect/disregard toward others. Lots of people feel like he's not fit to be leader of an army, let alone a ruler. {{spoiler|A few much needed [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|No-Holds-Barred Beatdowns]] later to humble him, and he has a [[Face Heel Turn]]: during which, he turns down a promise of becoming King (though it likely wouldn't have happened, but still) and in the epilogue to the Harem Route, he has been made Captain of the Royal Knights}}.
* [[Unlikely Hero]]: He may have graduated first from his class of Royal Knights, but people began catching onto his issues especially with his attitude. By the end of the {{spoiler|Harem Route}}, it seemed more like he was just going to spend all his time feeling sorry for himself rather than actually contribute anything to the story's end, {{spoiler|but then, at pretty much the very last moment, the Prime Minister is chased into him by Gladys, Shamsiel, and Felzen. The Prime Minister tries to bribe him, but then Lute suddenly appears through a magic portal. The Prime Minister attempts to kill Lute when suddenly... CLANG! The blow was blocked by Motaire who says he's done following the Prime Minister's BS orders, and then he, Gladys, and Felzen take it upon themselves to execute the Prime Minister}}.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: To the Prime Minister. {{spoiler|Motaire's kind of an idiot though, and for the longest time he was carrying the Prime Minister's messages to his other agents, but once Motaire finally figures out the Prime Minister's true intentions, he turns on him.}}
* [[Upper Class Twit]]: Played with and ultimately subverted (surprisingly). Although unambiguously a stand out individual produced by the royal knight academy whom is unanimously hailed as a jack of all trades by his superiors and the like. Most people whom really got to know the heir to Plantine goldmine couldn't stand this guys freaking guts. In some respects, Motaire was as much of a pompous, vain and conceited asshole as Bobon or the Prime Minister {{Spoiler|whom Motaire was directly subordinate to for quite some time}}. A great many people likening him to a haughty jerkass whom acts like he does all the work around the kingdom, his fiancé Isis regularly has to pry him off of every beautiful lady he comes across or outright deal with severe disrespect in the form of his tomcat ways and harsh verbal abuse, the way he treats the protagonist alone shows what a condescending self absorbed prick he well and truly is; seeing as he won't shut up about individual comparisons between himself and Lute, such egocentricity reaches a fever pitch later on where even those whom revered him as the best of the best steadily become irate at his whining and ranting about how a no class loser outflanked him as the most magnanimously amazing individual in Edelland. Gladys was livid enough to clobber the bratty pretty boy after he assaulted her one true love and Felzen toke to wholoping him several times whenever he insulted the new favorite of the kingdom, General Zant went so far thump him before kicking Plantine out of a lavish ball when he attempted to throttle Lute in a jealous rage, [[Nice Guy|King Hagel]] was grossly offended by his excessive egotism and disrespect towards one whom was his majesty considered a miracle worker and even [[Friend to All Living Things|Princess Luceria]] likened him to a complete idiot for letting the love of her life be executed on trumped up charges. It's not until around the point when said story reaches its crescendo, as well as an [[Humiliation Conga|aformentioned string of embarrassingly funny incidents]] that humbled him, did he eventually [[Character Development|grow out of this conceited mindset and develop]] both as a person as well as a dependable knight.
* [[What Happened To The Mouse?]]: {{spoiler|His fate is also left a bit ambiguous in some of the routes' endings. In Roxanne's ending, he stays in the capital. In Isis' ending, the last we see of him, Shamsiel had collapsed the floor beneath him so he fell at least 1 story and was likely injured or dead thanks to debris. In Shamsiel's route, Isis' fever had returned leaving her bedridden, although she had wanted to force him to apologize and stop cheating on her, but signs pointed to him probably not doing either. Lute gives him a mean look, and Motaire walks off to be with Aristera and Droit, and that's all we see. In Luceria's ending, Isis leaves him, Gladys rejects him, Aristera and Droit dump him, and the Princess marries Lute. Motaire is last seen crying at the wedding (proooobably not out of joy)}}.
* [[Your Cheating Heart]]: Zigzagged. ''Many'' times. {{spoiler|By the time of the beginning of the story, he is in an arranged marriage to Isis, but he cheats on her. It's said that she knew about his skirt-chasing ways before their parents set them up together, and she had hoped it would stop when they became engaged. It doesn't. He pretty much openly cheats on her with other women, especially his groupies Aristera and Droit. He also cheats on her while in Boan, much to her dismay (and no it wasn't with Roxanne although he likely wanted to)}}.
** In Isis' route, {{spoiler|he proclaims to her that he cares nothing for her nor is he attracted to her as a woman (Why? [[What an Idiot!|We never know.),]] and that even if she makes it back, he's planning to break off the engagement. For her part, Isis tried to make things work between them, despite his poor treatment of her. However, in her route, she winds up (technically) cheating on Motaire with Lute: After being stung by the Sexipede, he exposes and milks her breasts (he was the first man to see let alone touch her breasts), and then after the incident with the Guardian Tree, she loses control and then has sex with Lute (which costs her her Virginity). Later on, she and Lute have sex at least 2 more times during the journey, but those times were her own choices to do so. When they return to the capital and during the ending of her route, she decides to break up with Motaire to be with Lute}}.
** Alternately, in the Harem Route, {{spoiler|Isis winds up falling in love with Lute over the course of the story and breaks off her engagement to Motaire near the end. However, in that route SHE isn't the one who cheats on him. Instead, once Lute had risen in rank and popularity after defeating and converting Gladys, it was Aristera and Droit (Motaire's groupies) who seek out and eventually have sex with Lute. Interestingly, they dump Motaire not long after that. By the epilogue however, it's said that they took him back and Motaire had let Isis out of their engagement to pursue Lute, so it all seemed to work out}}.
* [[Your Approval Fills Me with Shame]]:
** For all the crap he says about Lute and for all the utter contempt he has for him, {{spoiler|during the routes where Lute surpasses him in rank, he is very much ashamed of being as he feels "spoken down to" by Lute. Despite pretty much every incident of this being Lute more or less telling him to just relax and not try so hard to force his delusions of grandeur down people's throats and just move up the ranks with time naturally. At the end of the Harem route though, he FINALLY overcomes his pride and acknowledges Lute, even saying he was no longer ashamed of having been his peer at the Royal Knight's Academy. Then, in the epilogue, he has become Captain of the Royal Guard and one of Lute's friends}}.
** When Bernstein compliments him on the Harem Route and suggests that he might {{spoiler|be Bobon's successor as [[Puppet King]] once he's outlived his usefulness, it seems to be the last push Motaire needs to complete his [[Heel Face Turn]] and side with the heroes against him and his coup.}}
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Or in his case, very-light-almost-greyish-blue hair.
== Devils ==
[[File:KF Devils.jpg|thumb|More humane than... [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|well, Humans]].]]
Remnants of the Hallowed Demon's living within the Girupon Woods of Edelland.
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by them include:}}
* [[Eloquent in His Native Tongue]]: The Devil tribe speak in a forign demon tongue that only others of their race can properly comprehend. Even half-demons like Lute.
* [[Flying Brick]]: A demon can fly using magic even if he is very heavy.
* [[Guardian Entity]]: These guys serve as the last line of defense against would be usurpers and tyrannical types seeking to steal the hallowed power from the Demon King's Temple. But they cannot venture anywhere near there on their own to prevent it's theft.
* [[Dark Is Good]]: Though feared and reviled by a great many individuals of Edeland with their [[What Measure Is a Non Human|high religiofascist xenobia]]. The Devils within the enchanted forest are honestly a lot more likable and empathetic than most every [[Humans Are Bastards|human in story who Lute meets]], of coarse that's assuming you have demon lineage within you or are of the devil's kin yourself.
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]: None among the demon's living within the woods have individual names.
** [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Be they coming to the player in singles or clans, he/she or they simply refers to them as Demons.
* [[Fluffy the Terrible]]: Judging by their appearance, you'd think they'd be less imposing than they are. But looks can be deceiving.
* [[Good All Along]]: While deeply despised by the majority of humans in the kingdom of Edeland, it turns out the Devil Tribe exists solely to protect and defend the throne of the Demon King from would be trespassers seeking to usurp absolute ultimate power from it's keep. It is they're sacred duty to hold out until their former king's successor comes to reclaim his birthright.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: When most people see these guys, they liken them to monsters due to their appearance and based on speculation born of rumor. In truth however they view a great many humans with the same sentiment, based on their [[Humans Are Bastards|self-hating ways]]. {{spoiler|With the way the kingdom is currently run and how many people treat the protagonist, they're not wrong}}.
* [[Hidden Elf Village]]: played with, since their kind were slated for extermination by greedy and callous humans within Edeland. The Demon tribe have sequestered themselves within a heavily enchanted forest which leads into the domain of the demon world.
* [[Horny Devils]]: it's in the name, [[Department of Redundancy Department|they are devils]] after all.
* [[Humans Are Cthulhu]]: Interestingly enough, the devil's perceive humanity in the same breadth as humans perceive them to be monsters. So much so that they likened the worst example of their kind; [[Fat Bastard|Prince Bobon]] to a satanic archetype of some kind. Fearing for themselves and the world if a whoreson like him obtained the power acquitted by [[From Bad to Worse|sitting upon the Demon King's Throne]].
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: While they have no qualms about killing and eating humans when the need arises. Said devils who inhabit the woods are actually kind, courteous and loyal to each other and to the scion of their fallen lord king. Plus, to be fair, humans hunted their kind down and nearly murdered them all out of bigotry and racist fear. Not to mention [[Humans Are Idiots|said jerkass species]] keeps sending soldiers [[Too Dumb To Live|into their territory without consent, basically on what levels out to a practical suicide mission on a regular basis]]. So not like the grunts and their moronic bosses didn't ask for it.
* [[Rocket Jump]]: Isis once mistook their vast leaps for [[Not Quite Flight|flying]], but given the way they soar through the air every time they vanish into the treetops, you never know.
** [[Flight]]: Subverted, as they are said to indeed possess the ability to flight by the story's protagonist.
* [[The Unintelligible]]: Everything they say is incomprehensible to the person listening. Even the dialogue that comes up in the word box on scree is just a bunch of PS controller button symbols. Lute Hende, due to his decadency of the Hallow Power, can miraculously understand as well as hold commerce with them.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: The demon race of the Girupon Woods are all loyal servants to the Hallowed Demon clan lead by the late demon king, Lute Hende's [[Disappeared Dad|father]]. {{Spoiler|Because of his hybrid lineage and successor ship to [[Superpowerful Genetics|the hallowed hand]], the devils of the forest immediately recognize the newly christened demon king within our hero the minuet they lay eyes upon him.}}
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Pink Hair]]: Or at least pink and purple with these guys.