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[[File:pocahontaslwyh_3934.gif|link=Pocahontas|rightframe|"Listen with [[Heart Is an Awesome Power|your heart]], you [[Narm Charm|will]] [[The Power of Love|understand]]..."]]
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* In ''[[The Fifth Element]]'' Leeloo knows only The Divine Language, but learns English rapidly. The romance was already beginning to blossom from her big bada boom into Korben's cab.
* In the Sean Astin movie ''Boy Meets Girl'', he falls for Angelina, who only speaks Italian, and he only speaks English. But thanks to a literal God of Love played by Joe Mantegna, they don't even notice that they don't speak the same language till the initial magic wears off.
* While it's not clear they shared anything more than an embrace, in [http://en.[ The Year We Make Contact|2010]], a young female cosmonaut who apparently speaks no English spends the aerobraking maneuver cuddling in fear with Dr. Floyd.
* While no language barrier is involved, ''The Piano'' features a romance between a mute woman and an illiterate man.
* In ''[[Stargate (Film)|Stargate]]'', Daniel Jackson falls in love with Sha'uri (Sha're in the [[Stargate SG 1|television show]]) despite Daniel having not learned the language of her planet... yet. Arguably, the scene where they finally learn to translate ''is'' [[Geeky Turn On|when they fall in love]].
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* In ''1632'', the first novel of the ''[[Ring of Fire]]'' series, young 21st-century American Jeff Higgens, after having Saved The Damsel (a 17th century German girl named Gretchen Richter), he is smitten and in less than a day is proposing marriage. Since they have no mutual language, he has to propose using a German/English dictionary. It is said that this bit is based on an actual World War II era marriage between a G.I. and an Italian girl.
* ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' features Dany and Drogo, neither of whom speak more than a word of the other's language when they're married. They do both eventually become passably fluent in both languages, but they still have sex every single night in the meantime.
* A subplot in ''[[GravitysGravity's Rainbow]]'' features a relationship between a Russian soldier (the father of Tchitcherine) and a black African woman. Using scraps of their respective languages, the two of them develop "the beginnings of a new tongue, a pidgin which they were perhaps the only two speakers of in the world."
* Bruce Sterling's short story "In Paradise" puts a twist on this--the lovers can communicate, but only through the automatic translator on the woman's high-tech phone ("It's from Finland.") This limits the time they can talk, but not the time they spend together.
* [[Papillon]] took on not one but two wives in the South American tribe he was sheltered in. By the time he married the second, he could rudimentarilly communicate with the first wife. But when he married Lali they were still communicating in gestures and nods.
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* ''[[Seinfeld]]'': In "The Old Man," George was attracted to a woman specifically for this reason. Quote, "I would like to dip my bald head in oil and rub it all over your body."
* There's a bit of humor about this in ''[[Coupling]]''. In one episode, Jeff (a character constantly falling victim to [[Digging Yourself Deeper]], which actually occurs in that episode) flirts with an Israeli woman who speaks no English, and the other characters actually suggest that this is a good pairing since she wouldn't realize the stupid things he was saying. [[Fun With Foreign Languages|Things still go wrong.]] To this end, the [[Word of God]] regarding the [[Where Are They Now? Epilogue]] has Jeff in Israel, pretending he speaks only Hebrew and thereby avoiding embarrassing conversations with anyone.
* ''[[The Twilight Zone]]'' episode [http://en.[ chr(28)The Twilight Zonechr(29)|"Two"]] involves [[Adam and Eve Plot|lone male and female survivors]] from opposing armies falling in love in a post-apocalyptic town.
** "Probe 7, Over and Out" featured a man who'd crash-landed on an alien planet and a woman who was stranded there. They didn't speak the same language, but they fall in love. To make the above plot even more [[Anvilicious]], their names are Adam and Eve. Guess what the planet gets called? (Hint: Irth.)
* An episode of ''[[Night Court]]'' had Bull trying to make time (in his own gently loopy way) with a comely,if skeptical, female Swede. She finally comes around, and as the episode ends, starts hitting on him in Swedish. Bull's cheerful comment: "Aw, shuddup."
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