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** Force weapons are powered by the psychic might of its user, making them more capable of tearing through everything if wielded by a psyker, plus giving ability to channel psychic power for extra damage.
** In one of the official army lists for a [[Army of Thieves and Whores|less-than-honest regiment]], a wargear option is stolen archeotech. This is a piece of strange and esoteric machinery that has a random effect from [[Useless Useful Non-Combat Abilities|playing pretty tunes]] to [[Wave Motion Gun|blasting plasma at enemies]] - one of the results is stated as being a beam of coherent light that can be wielded as a sword and ignores armour.
** ''[[Dark Heresy]]'' has "Sollex-Aegis Energy Blade" - a torch of blazing, roaring, barely contained plasma... which is a clearer [[Shout-Out]], in that it uses "focusing crystals" and due to containment instability hits the wielder when an attack or parry is failed too badly (by 5+ degrees, i.e. 50%+ on d100). Stats-wise it's close to plasma pistol, but instead of a ranged attack allows to parry, multiple attacks with right abilities, and instead of flat 1/10 chance to overheat and injure the user, it depends on Weapon Skill with all bonuses and maluses, andthough extrait has bonus on Parry <ref>backfires on failure by 5+10 degrees, i.e. 50%+ on Parryd100, (thus below WS <40 it's worse, but becomes safe at WS >50+, whichand isWS also35 more than enough to qualify the character forallows Talents giving more than 1 attack + 1 parry in aper round</ref>). It consumes fuel like a plasma pistol, but per round instead of per shot. However, since it doesn't increase damage with Strength, even a character with average statistics can get better damage with more common power swords, and without risk of backfire, but with a more modest chance to destroy enemy weapon.
* ''[[Rifts]]'' has Cyber Knights and Mind Melters wielding Psi Swords, which they can create with their minds. Also the Lightblade, a [[Magitek]] weapon.
* ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]''
** 1st edition had the Wand of Force; one of its powers was to create a 3-foot long luminescent shaft-shaped forcefield emanating from the wand itself that could be wielded as a + 5 longsword. [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]? Also, various force blade spell.
** AndD&D let's3 not forgetintroduced Brilliant Energy weapons, which are often called "lightsabers" by the fandom.
** Don't forget the Soulknife, a character class that can make an energy sword out of pure will!
** ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' spell Chromatic Blade creates a glowing in erratic colors, [[Razor Floss|needle-thin]] line of [[Hard Light]]. It can be blocked normally, but makes no sound, cuts as ''[[Absurdly Sharp Blade|sword of sharpness]]'' and disrupts many "[[Everything's Better with Rainbows|prismatic]]" spells.
** In ''[[Planescape]]'' Tulani Eladrin (one of the very powerful "common" [[Chaotic Good]] creatures) can create these [[Summon to Hand|already in the hand]] at will, and depending on their levels the blade may range from formidable to ludicrously powerful.
* In the less known RPG "Ammo", laser swords are an excellent weapon with variable power settings. Sadly, the higher damage setting drains its energy reserve in a matter of seconds. Psi-blade are more powerful if held by fighters with high willpower, and less consuming.
* ''[[Mekton]]'' has rules for not only a laser sword, but also a laser ''axe''.