• Alternate Character Interpretation: Many of the historical figures in this show differ in terms of popularly accepted behaviours of their Real Life counterparts. Most notable perhaps are the king and queen of France, Louis and Marie.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Maximilien Robespierre
  • One-Scene Wonder: Hungarian reviewers will make sure to mention the coachman who appears once in two episodes each. His rather distinct ethnic features have something to do with it.
  • Tear Jerker: Durand dies trying to save his friends after refusing to obey the King's orders to kill them. Bonus points for the fact that d'Eon is the one who's forced to kill him after he's been taken over by The Virus - a compulsion placed on him to force him to carry out his orders. Just after it seems like d'Eon will be able to break the curse and save him.
    • Robin accidentally killing Teillagory is a big one, too.
    • Anna goes months waiting for D'eon to return, only to die less than a day before she would have seen him again. Oh, and she dies hallucinating that they're finally together.
      • Basically the series is one big Tear Jerker, since it deals with the subject of conflicting loyalties with no clear-cut answer.