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* In ''[[Mara Daughter of the Nile]]'', when Thutmose reclaims the throne from Hatsheput, he offers her a poisoned goblet. She accepts, on the condition she be allowed to drink it in the privacy of her chambers, although Thutmose accompanies her as a witness.
== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay]]'' features a short story where a witch-hunter finds that a town's local priest of Sigmar, and an old friend who once saved his life in his youth, has become a chaos cultist. Rather than treating his old friend to the usual round of [[Burn the Witch]], he offers him a dagger and leaves the room. The priest is given a hero's burial.
== Video Games ==
* In ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'', on Jacob's loyalty mission, he finds his father marooned on a planet where the men of his crew have gone feral and he's kept the women as his personal harem, all of them except Jacob's father suffering from mental degeneration from the food on the planet. You find out [[Apocalyptic Log|how things went so horribly wrong]], and have the option of either taking him in, leaving him alone with a pack of bloodthirsty, feral former crew members...or leaving him alone with a ''half-loaded gun'' and said feral formal crew members closing in. If you do the latter, the trope plays straight, complete with the gunshot while walking away.
* One of the weapons you can pick up in ''[[Dawn of War]] 2'' mentions that leaving a shotgun with a single shell in it in the cell of someone charged with treason is common practice on Meridan. Considering the alternatives that have been described for treason convictions in the setting, this is a ''ridiculously'' merciful and humane act.
* Variation : In ''[[Tenchu]]: Steath Assassins'', you confront a corrupt government minister. Rather than killing him, you offer to assist him (by delivering a coupe de grace) if he chooses an honorable death by seppuku.
* A variation pops up in ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'' during the sidequest "Return to Sender": If you choose to turn in {{spoiler|Chief Hanlon}} for falsifying intelligence reports, as soon as you leave the room, he confesses to the crime over the camp's PA system, and then shoots himself.
** There is a pistol left behind though. His. Which you can then run in and take. It's the unique black revolvers only NCR rangers have, and it's the only way to get one without killing a Ranger yourself.
* In Metal Gear Solid 3, after you are tortured by volgin, Ocelot puts a Single Action Army with no ammo into your holster.
== Web Original ==
* Subverted for [[SCP Foundation|SCP-451]], a former agent who can no longer perceive or directly interact with other people. A colleague left a gun for him [[Mercy Kill|as a favor]]. [[Intangible Man|The bullet didn't touch him]].
== Real Life ==
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* A non-lethal variation often occurs in workplaces where a sympathetic supervisor might discover that a liked employee has nonetheless done something worthy of termination and presents them a resignation form instead of reporting it or before an investigation occurs.
* Before confessing to killing her two sons, Susan Smith asked the sheriff to give her his gun so that she could take her own life.
* During a brushfire war in the CarribeanCaribbean, US Marine Captain Charles Merkel was caught out torturing a prisoner. While awaiting his court-martial he shot himself in his cell. The rumor was that two other Marine officers had visited him and left him a pistol.
*An Inversion happened at Nuremberg. Guards were specifically ordered to prevent suicides. The attitude was, "We went to all this trouble and by golly we're gonna get to see them hang."
== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay]]'' features a short story where a witch-hunter finds that a town's local priest of Sigmar, and an old friend who once saved his life in his youth, has become a chaos cultist. Rather than treating his old friend to the usual round of [[Burn the Witch]], he offers him a dagger and leaves the room. The priest is given a hero's burial.
== Video Games ==
* In ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'', on Jacob's loyalty mission, he finds his father marooned on a planet where the men of his crew have gone feral and he's kept the women as his personal harem, all of them except Jacob's father suffering from mental degeneration from the food on the planet. You find out [[Apocalyptic Log|how things went so horribly wrong]], and have the option of either taking him in, leaving him alone with a pack of bloodthirsty, feral former crew members...or leaving him alone with a ''half-loaded gun'' and said feral formal crew members closing in. If you do the latter, the trope plays straight, complete with the gunshot while walking away.
* One of the weapons you can pick up in ''[[Dawn of War]] 2'' mentions that leaving a shotgun with a single shell in it in the cell of someone charged with treason is common practice on Meridan. Considering the alternatives that have been described for treason convictions in the setting, this is a ''ridiculously'' merciful and humane act.
* Variation : In ''[[Tenchu]]: Steath Assassins'', you confront a corrupt government minister. Rather than killing him, you offer to assist him (by delivering a coupe de grace) if he chooses an honorable death by seppuku.
* A variation pops up in ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'' during the sidequest "Return to Sender": If you choose to turn in {{spoiler|Chief Hanlon}} for falsifying intelligence reports, as soon as you leave the room, he confesses to the crime over the camp's PA system, and then shoots himself.
** There is a pistol left behind though. His. Which you can then run in and take. It's the unique black revolvers only NCR rangers have, and it's the only way to get one without killing a Ranger yourself.
* In Metal Gear Solid 3, after you are tortured by volgin, Ocelot puts a Single Action Army with no ammo into your holster.
== Web Original ==
* Subverted for [[SCP Foundation|SCP-451]], a former agent who can no longer perceive or directly interact with other people. A colleague left a gun for him [[Mercy Kill|as a favor]]. [[Intangible Man|The bullet didn't touch him]].
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