Legend of Galactic Heroes: Difference between revisions

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** In general, the Alliance's attempted "liberation" of the Empire following Yang's successes with Iserlohn is a testament to its leadership's utter lack of grasp with reality.
* [[Recycled in Space]]: Just from the description this anime sounds like ''[[War and Peace]]'' [[Recycled in Space|IN SPACE!]] Which really just makes it all the more great.
** It's more like ''[[Romance of the Three Kingdoms]]'', ''[[House of Cards]]'' and ''[[Game of Thrones]]''. [[Older Than They Think|Despite it predating the last two on the list.]]
*** In Space.
* [[Red Baron]]: Many characters have them, but the one most commonly referred to by his nick name is "Gale Wolf" Mittermeyer.
** Yang Wen-Li has a few: "Miracle" Yang, Genius Yang, The Hero of El Facil, etc.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Reuenthal and Mittermeyer; they even get matching capes!
* [[Redshirt Army]]: Anyone who fights the Rosenritters. (Except for Reuenthal, possibly the only person whose fight with Schönkopf ends in a draw.) Also the common Terraist cultists.
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* [[Rousseau Was Right]]: Most of the main characters on both sides are inherently noble people who want what's best for their nations.
* [[Sacrificial Lion]]: Just because many characters die doesn't mean some of them aren't remembered more than others. {{spoiler|Kircheis}} is a good example.
* [[Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale]]: In regard to population growth and migration rates, at least. 269 years before the battle of Astate the FPA was founded by the remainder of a group of 400000400,000 prisoners who had escaped the Empire. 113 years later they had sufficient population and industrial capacity to field a starfleet that could defeat the first Imperial fleet sent to subjugate them and hold their own afterwards. It is stated that after the Empire becomes aware of them large numbers of dissidents emigrate to the Alliance, swelling their numbers. By the time of the main series, the Empire's population is stated to be around 25 billion people and the Alliance's around 15 billion. Not completely impossible, but very unlikely considering the circumstances.<ref> Considering the limits of natural population growth, the fact that Alliance territory can only be reached through a couple of narrow space corridors no doubt guarded by Imperial fleets with orders not to allow passage to the rebel territories, the fact that it would likely be difficult for fleeing dissidents to bring along everything you need for colonising new planets thus placing a burden on existing Alliance infrastructure, the social and political implications of admitting large numbers of new citizens whose ideas of how the government should be run might be at odds with those of the original founders and so on makes it difficult to see how this could work.</ref>
* [[Schizo-Tech]]: Quill pens and bulky computers exist alongside cybernetic replacement limbs and powered armour-wearing soldiers wielding axes. Using ultrasound to examine the development of fetuses seems to be [[Lost Technology]], given that the doctor who watches over the delivery of {{spoiler|Prince Alex}} feels the need to announce "It's a boy!".
** No wonder, since the novels were written in the '80s.
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*** Well yes, but arguably realism was never really the point. The mystery illness was just a device to {{spoiler|give Reinhard a "proper" death that rounds out his legend.}} Hilda even tells people that Reinhard {{spoiler|didn't "die," he "let go of his life"}} or something to that effect.
*** There is a fairly severe taboo about using real conditions and diseases in media in Japan -- it would be highly unlikely that Yoshiki's publisher's legal team would allow him to reference an actual disease in fear of offending someone with the actual diseases. {{spoiler|Generic, unexplained space illnesses}} would be acceptable, however.
* [[Red BaronSobriquet]]: Many characters have them, but the one most commonly referred to by his nick name is "Gale Wolf" Mittermeyer.
** Yang Wen-Li has a few: "Miracle" Yang, Genius Yang, The Hero of El Facil, etc.
* [[Someone to Remember Him By]]: Felix, {{spoiler|Reuenthal's son by Elfriede. Reuenthal even comments on the [[Dramatic Irony]] before he dies.}} Slightly subverted in that the real mother wants nothing to do with the child, but at least this way he gets to have the best possible adopted parents.
* [[So What Do We Do Now?]]: After {{spoiler|the Empire defeats the Alliance,}} many of the [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|military characters]] on the winning side ([[Badass Army|talented men]] [[Glory Days|who have made their living through war]]) suddenly find themselves with very little to do. [[Tragedy|Tragedy ensues.]]
* [[The Sound of Martial Music]]: In addition to the heavy Prussian influence, the Empire also incorporates elements of the Habsburg Austrian monarchy. Tellingly, there's a more pronounced 19th Century Austrian flavor to the Empire once Reinhard takes more direct control.
* [[Spacebattles.com]]