Lensman: Difference between revisions

(added links to the novels at Project Gutenberg where they exist, changed the bare category "Multiple Works Need Separate Pages" to the "Multiple Works Need Separate Pages" template)
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== A-E ==
* [[Action Girl]] - Clarissa Kinnison is surprisingly badass, given the time period.
** Especially later on, Clarissa is quite badass for ''most'' time periods.
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** That is, initially. Once they [[Let's Get Dangerous|gear up for total war]], this ceases to apply.
* [[Bastard Understudy]] - Among Boskone (and their controllers, e.g. the Eddorians) it is regarded as quite acceptable, even praiseworthy, for [[The Starscream|an underling to scheme]] to [[You Kill It, You Bought It|supplant their superior]] – the idea being that if he's successful the superior is no longer fit (e.g. not cunning and ruthless enough) to hold their position anyway.
* [[Batman Gambit]]: Used whenever Xanatos isn't available for personal appearances{{context|reason=This Troper has read all six books and doesn't remember any character named Xanatos in any of them.}}
* [[Beam Spam]] - on a regular basis, escalating throughout the series.
* [[Beethoven Was an Alien Spy]]: Several tyrants throughout Earth history, including Nero, [[Genghis Khan]], and [[Adolf Hitler]], were actually guises used by Gharlane of Eddore. Also, an in-universe example with the scientist Bergenholm. In the second book, he comes up with the breakthrough to make the Inertialess Drive safe and efficient. Later, they find out that {{spoiler|he was an Arisian}}.
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** On at least one occasion, Kinnison notes that the previous life on that planet had been exterminated to make way for the base; this is hinted at as being standard Boskonian technique.
* [[Explosive Overclocking]]: Primary beams.
== F-J ==
* [[Faster-Than-Light Travel]] - the "inertialess drive" and later, [[Our Wormholes Are Different|Hyperspatial tubes]].
* [[Fake Memories]] - supplied by the Boskonians whenever their agents bite {{spoiler|the amnesia pill}} and on one occasion more benignly by Kim Kinnison in order to rehabilitate one of those agents, who had been their puppet [[Squick|since she was fourteen.]]
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* [[Finish Him!]]
* [[Florence Nightingale Effect]] - The Chief Surgeon and the Port Admiral try to set this up between Clarissa and Kinnison, only for the two of them to [[Belligerent Sexual Tension|annoy the hell out of each other]] at first. Later, of course, they do fall in love. As {{spoiler|the Arisians had intended them to do all along. They were the penultimates in their breeding program.}}
** This is lampshaded early on: in the first book ''Triplanetary'' it's mentioned ... and demonstrated ... that {{spoiler|the two breeding lines would instinctively be incompatible with each other until the time was right.}}
* [[Friend or Foe]]
* [[Future Slang]] - Lots of it, including "zwilnik" as mentioned above, but the most prevalent is "QX" as a replacement for "OK."
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* [[Jack of All Stats]] - Of the five Children of the Lens, Christopher. More generally, humans compared to other races of the Galaxy.
* [[Judge, Jury, and Executioner]]: The Lensmen generally don't bother with trials or due process.
== K-O ==
* [[Loyal Phlebotinum]] - The Lenses, which kill anyone other than their owners who tries to wield them.
* [[Mad Mathematician]] - Sir Austin Cardynge. (Not actually insane, just... focused. Or perhaps Heinlein would call him ''un''sane.)
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** A few human races are the opposite, as well, with clothing rules that cover everything, like the Tomingans.
* [[Outside Context Villain]]: The Nevians in ''Triplanetary'' - when they first show up wreck both the patrol and the pirate fleets. Once the ''Boise'' gets the proper upgrades, however...
* [[Pardon My Klingon]] - The Lenses assign random words to alien concepts with no direct human equivalent, and all the lenses use the same word afterwards.
== P-T ==
* [[Pardon My Klingon]] -: The Lenses assign random words to alien concepts with no direct human equivalent, and all the lenses use the same word afterwards.
* [[Planet Killer]]: ''Second Stage Lensmen'', as part of the prototypical [[Lensman Arms Race]], has the "nutcracker": two planets that are remotely piloted so that they both hit a third planet at the same time. This crushes the third planet between them.
* [[The Power of the Sun]]: The Sunbeam is a set of satellites in solar orbit. When it's activated, people outside the satellites' orbit notice the sun dim - unless they're in line with the beam, in which case they're exposed to the entire energy output of the Sun. This is enough to melt the multi-foot thick metal hulls of the ships caught in the beam.
* [[Powered Armor]]: According to many, the [[Ur Example]], certainly a very early one (decades before [[Starship Troopers (novel)|''Starship Troopers'']]). Includes [[Deflector Shields|protective force-fields]], [[Inertial Dampening|inertial dampening tech]], [[Jet Pack|rocket thrusters]], a generous [[Frickin' Laser Beams|heat ray]], and [[Really Heavy Armor|the multi-kilohorsepower engines required to move it around]].
* [[Power of Love]]: This is what enables Clarissa to {{spoiler|find and bring back Kinnison after he went through the [[Hyperspace Is a Scary Place|Hell Hole]] and was trapped in a far off dimension that not even Mentor and the children could find.}} The chapter's even ''called'' "The Power of Love".
** Given the early publication date, would that make this the [[Trope Namer]]?
* [[Prequel]] -: ''First Lensman'', the last Lensman novel written by Smith, which finishes linking ''Triplanetary'' to the rest of the series.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]] -: Worsel of Velantia, and also the confusingly named (Human) Valerians and their scion, Van Buskirk (who are a [[Human Subspecies]] because of the high gravity of their planet).
* [[Psychic Block Defense]]
* [[Purple Prose]] - Each space battle seems to be a test to see if Smith can one-up himself.
{{quote|"And from the mouth of that gargantuan cone [of battle] there spewed forth a miles-thick column of energy so raw, so stark, so incomprehensibly violent that it had to be seen to be even dimply appreciated. It simply cannot be described." (... And he was only up to the second book in the series by this point!)}}
* [[Ray Gun]]
* [[Raygun Gothic]] -: Before it was retro, even.
* [[Reverse Mole]] - one of Kinnison's usual tactics, successful to the point that he eventually ends up running the Evil Empire in time for their (at that stage in the story) climactic battle with Civilization.
* [[Rule of Cool]] - averted, surprisingly; the basic fictional scientific principles such as the Bergenholm drive, hyperstatial tubes, force fields, rays etc are all handled with consistency and care. Smith finds new ways to apply these principles, rather than applying [[Applied Phlebotinum]]. Even his predilection for the [[Boarding Party]], and, of course the Valerian Space Axe [[Recycled in Space]], are solidly justified.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]] -: Worsel, to avenge the millennia his people suffered at the hands of the Overlords of Delgon (not to mention his own suffering), vows to obliterate the entire species from the universe. Pretty much does. Considers the fact that he has to torture some of them for information to be a bonus.
** This is a species that {{spoiler|tortures its victims slowly to death in order to enjoy their agonies and then consume their life-force as they die. Little wonder that the Velantians' allies saw fit to help them destroy it.}}
* [[Rule of Cool]] -: averted, surprisingly; the basic fictional scientific principles such as the Bergenholm drive, hyperstatial tubes, force fields, rays, etc are all handled with consistency and care. Smith finds new ways to apply these principles, rather than applyingusing [[Applied Phlebotinum]]. Even his predilection for the [[Boarding Party]], and, of course the Valerian Space Axe [[Recycled in Space]], are solidly justified.
* [[Sarcastic Confession]] -: There is a brief sequence in "Children of the Lens" where Kinnison is undercover as a drug runner. During the course of some business negotiations, this dialogue occurs:
{{Quote|'''Harkleroy''': Thionite - two kilograms! Where and how did you ''get'' it?
'''Kinnison (aka "Bradlow Thyron")''': I asked the Lensman on Trenco to make it for me, special, and he did.}}
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* [[Sleep Cute]] - Costigan and Clio Marsden
* [[So Last Season]] - The powers of Civilization, Boskone, and the Lensmen keep going up and up and up.
* [[The So-Called Coward]] -: Nadreck refers to ''himself'' as a [[Dirty Coward]]. He's also probably the second most effective Lensman in Civilization, prior to the Children of the Lens; the fact that he doesn't stick his neck out leads him to take no risks and defeat the enemies of Civilization with consummate skill, efficiency and [[Guile Hero|guile]].
* [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil]] - The Empire of Boskone.
** His race regards cowardice as a ''virtue''. At one point, he's acutely embarrassed by the fact that he personally faced and defeated three enemies in single combat, instead of manipulating them into killing each other.
* [[Space Friction]] - When you're totally inertialess, running into a hydrogen atom in the almost-perfect vacuum of space actually ''does'' qualify as friction.
** Eventually, the human penultimate, Kimball Kinnison, reluctantly comes to the conclusion that Nadreck is right about this, and that he has to adopt the same sort of ruthless, coldly pragmatic thinking to succeed.
* [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil]] -: The Empire of Boskone.
* [[Space Friction]] -: When you're totally inertialess, running into a hydrogen atom in the almost-perfect vacuum of space actually ''does'' qualify as friction.
* [[Space Pirates]]
* [[Stalker with a Test Tube]] -: The Arisians have been interfering with most of human history, conducting a breeding program to produce humans with mental powers <s>rivaling</s> exceeding their own. The Kinnisons become the end result.
* [[State Sec]]: The Galactic Patrol in ''First Lensman'' is a heroic example. They function as [[Secret Police]] and spy on Boskone's organization, but also quickly absorb the Triplanetary Service (a regular military outfit) and other military forces of Civilization, as well as building their own military fleet. By the time of ''Galactic Patrol'', they have completely subsumed Civilization's government.
* [[Starfish Aliens]] - The Nevians, Palainians and Rigellians, among many others. Thoroughly inhuman and occasionally monstrous aliens who (at least insofar as the named examples are concerned) are either humanity's allies from the start or become so.
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* [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]] - Arisians and Eddorians. Arguably the Ploorans. All three races appear to be {{spoiler|naturally evolved Level Three telepaths.}}
* [[Super Prototype]] - numerous [[Cool Ship|Cool Ships]], from the ''Brittania'' to the ''Chicago''
* [[Reverse Mole]] - one of Kinnison's usual tactics, successful to the point that he eventually ends up running the Evil Empire in time for their (at that stage in the story) climactic battle with Civilization.
* [[Taking You with Me]]: When fighting a losing battle, Boskonian gun crews purposely overload their weapons. This burns out the gun and kills the gun crews, but the resulting high powered beam is enough to break through the shields of the Patrol's defensive cruisers. [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain|It backfires when Patrol scientists figure out a way to safely use method]], creating the devastating primary beam.
* [[Telepathic Spacemen]] - The point of the story.
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"You consider yourself cold, hard, ruthless. Compared to me, you are weak, soft, tender, as helpless as a newborn child. That you may learn and appreciate that fact is one reason why you are living at this present moment. [[Mind Rape|Your lesson will now begin]]." }}
** Later, one of the lesser Guardians does the same to a couple of trespassing Eich.
* [[The So-Called Coward]] - Nadreck refers to ''himself'' as a [[Dirty Coward]]. He's also probably the second most effective Lensman in Civilization, prior to the Children of the Lens; the fact that he doesn't stick his neck out leads him to take no risks and defeat the enemies of Civilization with consummate skill, efficiency and [[Guile Hero|guile]].
** His race regards cowardice as a ''virtue''. At one point, he's acutely embarrassed by the fact that he personally faced and defeated three enemies in single combat, instead of manipulating them into killing each other.
** Eventually, the human penultimate, Kimball Kinnison, reluctantly comes to the conclusion that Nadreck is right about this, and that he has to adopt the same sort of ruthless, coldly pragmatic thinking to succeed.
* [[Touched by Vorlons]] - several characters are touched by the Arisians to varying degrees, particularly the second-stage Lensmen in the later books.
** In fact, the Arisians were largely the inspiration for the Vorlons in ''[[Babylon 5]]'', as the Eddorians were for that series' [[Big Bad]], the Shadows.
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* [[Twin Switch]] - First Lensman Samms does a variation on this so he can [[Reverse Mole|infiltrate a drug cartel]] while under Patrol protection.
* [[Types of Naval Ships]]: Played with. Speeders are smallest (room for one or two people) and fastest. Covettes, frigates, and destroyers aren't used at all. Cruisers are generally designed for specialized tasks, such as prevent hostile ships from going "free", scouting, or launching negabombs. Battlecruisers are used for commerce raiding (by the Boskonians), or for fighting commerce raiders (by the Patrol). Battleships and super-dreadnoughts are front-lime combat units although we see far more of the later then former. Finally, the slow maulers and super-maulers were designed for planetary bombardment, although thanks to the strength of theater shields they proved more successful in ship to ship combat.
== U-Z ==
* [[Uncanny Valley]] - In-Universe. Both Grey Roger's robot slaves, and Roger himself, receive comments to this effect by various characters.
* [[The Unfettered]] - Gray Lensmen, officially called Unattached Lensmen, are free to pursue whatever avenues they desire in pursuit of their moral duty to protect Civilisation, and answer to no one in the field. Technically they are answerable to the Galactic Council and the Port Admiral of the Galactic Patrol.
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* [[Your Princess Is in Another Castle]] - Except for the two prequels that he is not in, all of the novels end with Kim thinking that [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil|THIS time he's finally obliterated Boskone's leadership for sure...]] Although in ''Children...'' he begins to think that "there IS no top."
=== The ''Lensman'' anime contains the following tropes: ===
* [[Conspicuous CG]]: For several spacecraft, a holographic Helmuth communicating to his minions, an illusionary chase sequence, and the Lens. The anime was one of the first uses of CG for the mass market.
* [[Doomed Hometown]]: Boskone destroys Anime!Kimball's peaceful farm world practically as soon as the Lens is on his hand.