Lethal Weapon/Headscratchers

Revision as of 23:46, 3 December 2013 by Gethbot (talk | contribs) (clean up)

  • What the HECK happened to Delores!? She was in Lethal Weapon 3 at the beginning, showed up again breifly later, and then she was dropped from the story line all together. What happened?
    • She had nothing to do with the story whatsoever, other than the possibility of creating wacky misunderstandings or some sort of comic relief that Leo would be there for anyway. And considering Murtaugh was stuck in a Heroic BSOD, followed by an enraged He's Back, there was absolutely no way she'd fit without being anticlimatic and a tired gag.
  • In the first film, how did Murtaugh know where to find General McAllister at the end? It looked like he just wandered into the right alley.
    • It was the alley outside the club McAllister held them hostage. Murtaugh was looking for him but it was a lucky coincidence that he fled at that point, at that time.
  • At the end of the first film, Mr. Joshua drives up to Murtaugh's house to get revenge. As he does so, he kills two police officers who were sitting outside watching Murtaugh's house. When Mr. Joshua goes inside, he sees a note that reveals Murtaugh and Riggs were expecting him at the house. So....why the hell didn't they warn those two patrolmen sitting in their car??
    • Isn't that the reason the patrolmen were there?
  • So Lorna survives getting shot with Hollywood "cop killer" bullets by putting on two ballistic vests, even though they just easily punched through a solid steel bulldozer blade? That makes no sense even if you forgot that earlier in the movie, Riggs demonstrated the ammunition by shooting clean through a free-hanging vest. In case you're not following, that's two layers it went through in that scene, yet the same two layers somehow stopped the bullets cold at the end. Wait, what?
  • I'm genuinely curious about the legal aftermath of the second film. While there were oodles and oodles of evidence against Rudd and his cronies (especially when they started killing off police officers) there surely had to be some sort of Internal Affairs or even Department of State investigation at the end to clear Riggs and Murtaugh of any culpability. I'm particularly interested in the kind of defense that could apply: they didn't have any warrants for searching/destroying Rudd's property, much less arresting, let alone killing his staff (not all of their kills were in self-defense.) In fact, much of the property they destroyed wasn't even Rudd's, it was the sovereign domain of the South African government. It gets worse when you remember that they had BOTH left their badges behind in order to indulge in acts of revenge, outside the auspice (and legal procedure) of the LAPD. Would they be reprimanded? Suspended temporarily? Demoted?