Levitating Lotus Position: Difference between revisions

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== Literature ==
* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' [[Virgin New Adventures|New Adventures]] novel ''[[Excited Episode Title|Sky Pirates!]]'', there's a scene where the Doctor's companion finds him "sitting in a lotus and ... levitating three feet off the deck -- something he swore blind that he could only do occasionally and with concentrated mental effort, but which Benny had lately come to suspect was the result of being so engrossed he simply forgot to stay on the ground." (They're in a pocket universe with weird physics, which may or may not explain it.)
* Jake spies {{spoiler|Mike Callahan}} doing this in one of the original ''[[Callahan's Crosstime Saloon|Callahans Crosstime Saloon]]'' short stories. It is one of the first indications that there is a lot more to Mikethis Callahanperson than meets the eye.
* In the ''[[Dragaera]]'' novels, Daymar the Hawklord tends to do this whenever he appears via teleportation, or is simply staying still for a while. Lampshaded in ''Iorich'', in which Vlad wonders why Daymar bothers with a feat that's not especially impressive in a society of sorcerers.
== Live-Action TV ==