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== Literature ==
* [[Mercedes Lackey]]'s ''[[Heralds of Valdemar]]'' series uses a fairly [[Magic aA Is Magic A|well-developed magic system]] that is based almost entirely around this concept. All living beings generate Life Energy, which drains away from them [[Background Magic Field|into the ambient environment]], eventually collecting into [[Ley Line|Ley Lines]]. Where two or more Ley Lines meet, you have a [[Place of Power|Node]], which is a massively powerful energy source that only [[Power Levels|Adepts]] can hope to use without burning themselves out. The ultimate destination of this energy is the nether plane, from which it then reenters the world through living beings. Mages are people who have the innate capability to store additional magical energy within themselves, see this energy, and instinctively manipulate it. It's also possible to manipulate it without mage talent via rituals or [[Blood Magic]]. A person wholly drained of life energy, whether from [[Blood Magic]] or [[Cast From Hit Points|spellcasting beyond their capacity]], will lapse into a coma and die. Accordingly, it can also be used to [[Liquid Assets|heal people]], although this is most efficiently performed by those with the [[Healing Hands|specific talent]] for it.
** Lackey's ''Children of the Night'' has '[[Our Vampires Are Different|psi-vamps]]' who drain energy from others. In this case the energy is [[Emotion Eater|tied to emotions]] -- they drain excitement at first, and later hate and fear. Also, a completely drained victim is usually not physically dead, but is [[The Stoic|emotionally/mentally burned out]] (described as a mindless hulk, with no chance of recovery).
* The ''[[Night Watch]]'' series of novels has the "Others", a group of superpowered and supernatural humans forced to choose between good and evil when they first gain knowledge of their gift, can get energy from taking the emotions of normal humans and store it for later use. Some are actual vampires, and do need blood in addition to any life energy they get, albeit not necessarily human blood. {{spoiler|The good Others take happiness and joy, leaving those they take power from depressed and likely to kill themselves, while the evil Others take fear and depression away, leaving their victims happier and feeling more capable of dealing with problems. Although when it's not a simple one time feeding they establish a cycle where the Others create the emotions they feed off in their actions. So a famous Pioneer Camp is used as a rest resort, the Light feed during the days while helping the kids have fun, while the dark ones feed of the same kids fears at night.}}
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== Web Original ==
* Tied into ley lines (as used by mutants like Fey) and also Ki (as used by mutants like Chaka) in the ''[[Whateley Universe]]''.
* In ''[[Elcenia]]'', this is the fuel used for [[Magic aA Is Magic A|kamai]]. Kyma can refuel with food and sleep, pretty similarly to if they had physically overexerted themselves, and they can also sense life energy.