Lightning Warrior Raidy: Difference between revisions

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** The second game has a magical bandanna in a later dungeon that cuts magic damage down to 66%.
*** Both games play this trope straight through the PP-stat. (parry points AKA evade) Your evade stat goes up slowly as you gain levels and is (generally) lowered by wearing armor. The heavier the armor, the less damage you take, but the less likely you are to evade enemy physicals. If your evade is high enough, it pays off wearing earlier/lighter armor to give your PP-stat an additional boost that makes you almost impossible to hit, resulting in less damage in the long run.
* [[Armored Closet Gay]]: Raidy makes it very open every time she's somehow on the receiving end of a lesbian encounter (that she had the slightest bit of say over) she is NOT gay, and that she did not go out of her way to have it happen to her, even though she doesn't try to tear herself away from seeing any other lesbian encounter she might witness and appears to enjoy being the dominate one to every female boss she pays back for what they did to their victims. Further reinforced by her strong distaste for every heterosexual encounter she winds up in (including the very few ones where she had an option to walk away but needed to engage in it for one reason or another).
* [[Bag of Spilling]] - Even though the first game had you powerlevel a great deal, you always start the second game at level 1 again. Raidy herself explains this away by stating she suspects her trek through the desert made her "a bit rusty".
** Additionally, in the second game, after getting halfway into the second dungeon, you get captured and lose ALL your money, equipment and items...which you never get back. Annoying if you've been grinding and stocking prior to that point, although you quickly get better gear.
* [[Brains and Bondage]] - One of the bosses of the second game is the leader of a bandit gang who is also a dominatrix. An NPC in the second game is the owner of her own item store and indulges in BDSM as well.
* [[Big Bad]] - {{spoiler|Cubust (first game), Gav in the second game.}}
* [[Bigger Bad]] - {{spoiler|Jami reveals after you beat her she was basically serving as a middleman for the real [[Big Bad]].}}
** - {{spoiler|You thought that Knight Errant is ''the'' male who causes the whole mess in the first game. A gaintgiant tentacle monster named Cubust's behind it all.}}
* [[Bi the Way]]: Raidy, though she's adamant (to herself) that she isn't. Its more obvious if you trigger the scene with Seita in the second game as she can't help but think of how good she was the following morning. --> '''Raidy:''' Still...she was pretty good. *[[Beat]]* No, no, no! [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|I'm not that kind of girl!]]
* [[Blind Idiot Translation]] - One enemy is called "Medusa" in the first game, when it's clearly a "Dullahan". Also one of the puzzles is translated poorly, leaving its meaning hard to decipher in English, especially because it was based on Japanese perceptions of color.
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* [[Hopeless Boss Fight]] - You have to go through one as part of the plot (of the second game) at least once.
* [[Horny Devils]] - Tiss. The Succubus in the second game is another example played even more straight.
* [[Hot Amazon]] - Shura and a few of the other bosses in the second game rather easily count as this, as Raidy even comments on.
* [[Hot Chick with a Sword]] - Raidy. Foless also manages to look sexy holding a rapier. Camille, Replicant, Suida and Shura also pull this look off in the second game.
* [[Iconic Item]] - Raidy's yellow headband.
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* [[Save Scumming]] - The game openly admits that you're missing the point if you don't make sure that you both defeat and lose to every end boss (so that you can see all the sex scenes). Of course, the only way to do one once you've done the other is to have a saved game from before the fight. Add to that the fact that most end-boss fights are [[Unwinnable]] if you don't have the right item or knowledge when you enter the room where the boss is (with no option to back out) and experienced players will end up saving and reloading a ''lot.''
* [[Sequence Breaking]] - A weird example (apparently due to an error) in the second game: in one of the rooms in the cave, Raidy finds Amura being raped by some guys. After Raidy knocks them out, Amura tells her about the siren (the boss of that level) who enchanted them, and Raidy thinks about defeating her. The problem is, the door to that room is locked, the key is hidden on the next level, and you can only get to the next level after defeating the siren.
* [[Set Swords to Stun]] - Raidy's sword (or anyone's weapons, for that matter) never inflicts any injuries on her enemies. [[Clothing Damage]] is pretty common though.
* [[Shock and Awe]] - Raidy, though she's in pretty good control of her lightning powers, barring one fight.
* [[Shout-Out]] - Possible example with Automatons, who look a lot like Shinku from Rozen Maiden.