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Sometimes, two characters of the opposite sex are very close - so close that you might expect them to be dating. Except they're not. They admit that they matter a great deal to each other, that they would die for each other, that they can't imagine life without each other. They aren't just any pair of friends. They're as close as family. They're like brother and sister!
Often, other people don't believe them. They assume that the couple must be dating--ordating—or at least that they [[Just Friends|secretly wish they were]]. The couple is at pains to explain that this isn't the case. They love each other, like a brother and sister love each other, but they're not ''in'' love. They really are "just" friends. Other characters will waste no time in pointing out the one tiny but debilitating flaw with this theory: They are ''not'' brother and sister.
This doesn't change the fact that their love is completely platonic with no sexual attraction on either side. No matter how other people view them, they can't see each other in that light.
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== Comics ==
* [[Incredible Hulk|Hulk]] and [[She Hulk]], although they are cousins, and were partially raised together.
* [[Wonder Woman]] and [[Superman]]: they've been shipped together for years (both in-universe and out, to a lesser degree), and are frequently paired up in Elseworlds and [[Alternate Universe|Alternate Universes]]s, but they've never been anything more than close friends in the main continuity.
** And the reboot is all set to turn them into an [[Official Couple]]. Yeah.
* Dick Grayson and Donna Troy from the New Teen Titans.They really act like brother and sister and shared leadership of the team.Which is surprising given that he is the [[Chick Magnet]] and she looks like a younger version of Wonder Woman.
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* In the ''[[Circle of Magic]]'' series, this is the explanation for why none of the main characters are sexually interested in each other. They call each other foster siblings.
* At the beginning of ''[[Mansfield Park]]'', Sir Thomas Bertram is reluctant to adopt his niece [[Genre Savvy|for fear]] of [[Kissing Cousins]]. His meddling sister-in-law Mrs. Norris believes raising them like brother and sister will actually be their greatest protection against that trope. {{spoiler|She's wrong.}}
* It's amazing -- youamazing—you can actually ''hear'' Mr. Knightley's heart break when Emma uses these words when they're about to dance in ''[[Emma]]''.<ref> [[Double In-Law Marriage|His brother is married to her sister]].</ref>
* In Patricia Briggs' [[Mercy Thompson]] novels, Mercy's love triangle with Samuel and Adam is resolved when {{spoiler|Samuel, a werewolf, is forced to admit that ''his wolf side'' sees Mercy this way, not as a potential mate}}.
* There's a bizarre, amusing variant mentioned in the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' [[Eighth Doctor Adventures]] novel ''EarthWorld'': Anji considers the Doctor to be like a sister to her. No, he hasn't regenerated into a woman, but he's the Eighth, who's just shy of [[Camp Gay|Camp]] [[Bi the Way|Bisexual]], at least in the novels. She considers him to be [[Bishonen|quite nice to look at]] but not her type, and he very rarely seems to fancy anyone. He does kiss her on the lips later in the book, but that's because he acts as if he had [[No Social Skills]] and has [[No Sense of Personal Space]]. And he opens up to her emotionally perhaps a bit more than he does to his [[Heterosexual Life Partners|Also-Not-Exactly-Heterosexual Life Partner]], Fitz.
