Like Brother and Sister: Difference between revisions

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== Fan Works ==
* [[DC Nation]] takes the Troia and Nightwing dynamic and cranks it to eleven. One of the alternate universe plotlines even implied that they may have been brother and sister in ''several'' of Donna's other "short and unhappy lives."
** In the same universe, Connor Hawke will ''say'' his feelings for Mia (Speedy) are like this... the truth is a bit more complex.
* In ''Titans and the Lost Boy'', Starfire apparently decides that Ryouga is similar to a Tamaranian. This leads to her growing closer to him, which eventually leads to this kind of relationship. Said relationship persists throughout the sequel, ''[[Dark Titans]]'', and the sequel/crossover with ''[[The Road to Cydonia]]'', [[Mega Crossover|''Reflections Lost on a Dark Road''.]]
* In the [ ''Subroutine''] [[Fan Verse]] ([[Tron: Legacy]] / [[Tron 2.0]] [[Patchwork Fic]]), Jet and Quorra fall into this pattern.
* In ''[[A Study in Regret]]'', [[The Hero|Inspector Lestrade]] and [[Action Girl|Mary Watson]] develop this relationship in the story's [[Rescue Arc]].
* There are three girls who the protagonist of ''[[Isekai by Moonlight]]'' trusts and loves, but the one who he ''never'' thinks of as a romantic interest is [[Sailor Moon]]. She returns the feeling, and he has had to explain their relationship to her fiancée.
== Films ==