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* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: Only in cutscenes does Kazuma suffer an actual injury that would cripple him. This also applies to pretty much everyone else; you can do all kinds of brutalities in gameplay that should result in a trip to the hospital or morgue like hitting someone with a motorcycle, slashing or stabbing multiple times with a knife, or [ force feeding a box of nails], and it won't register as a kill if a cutscene doesn't confirm it.
* [[Gatling Good]]: Ryuji Goda in ''Of The End/Dead Souls'' sports a cybernetic [[Arm Cannon]] from the [[Final Fantasy VII|Barrett Wallace]] Collection.
* [[Gave Up Too Soon]]: In Majima's "Toilet Talk" substory in ''0'', Majima exchanges messages with what appears to be a woman named Rina, who tells him that she will be wearing a red rose on her lapel and waiting near a phone booth at Shofukucho West. He goes there and gets ambushed by a quartet of goons who say they've been using such a setup to bait suckers, but when he asks about "Rina" after kicking their asses, the confused goons say they were going by "Mayumi" instead. Majima storms off, angry at having been fooled... and walks past a woman with a red rose on her lapel, who really is called Rina and disappointedly says to herself that the stranger didn't show up. The final shot of the substory is of Rina leaving literally behind Majima's back, neither realising how close they came to meeting.
* [[Gender Blender Name]]: In ''0'', the fact that {{spoiler|Makoto}} is a unisex name hides a twist.
* [[Gilded Cage]]: In ''0'', Majima's story starts this way. He is running a swanky cabaret with plenty of beautiful women at the height of Japan's glitzy bubble economy, but it is eventually shown at the end of Chapter 3 that his apartment is watched by at least four people for any sign of him trying to escape the arrangement that has him on loan to the Omi Alliance. He's desperate to regain his freedom by getting back into the good graces of the Tojo Clan so that he can become a proper soldier of the mob once more, and he doesn't care for the warnings he receives about why that's not a good idea.