• Beth's moment with Mr. Laurence when she goes next door to thank him for the letter.

"All his crustiness vanished; he just set her on his knee, and laid his wrinkled cheek against her rosy one, feeling as if he had got his own little granddaughter back again."

"I knew a girl, once, who had a really remarkable talent for music, and she didn't know it; never guessed what sweet little things she composed when she was alone, and wouldn't have believed it if anyone had told her."

  • In the film Mr. Bhaer says that he's not worthy to marry Jo because his hands are empty. Jo is quick to take them and say "Not empty now." Cue the Big Damn Kiss under the Umbrella of Togetherness in the Happy Rain!
  • Fritz Bhaer, period. Say what you want about Jo/Laurie or the lack of it -- that man earns his happy ending in magnificent fashion. After all the waiting, all the hoping -- he's been a bachelor for years, after all -- he finally finds love and finally gets his girl. And it is beautiful.