Live-Action TV/Tear Jerker/Lists that need to be integrated into existing Tear Jerker pages: Difference between revisions

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* Michael from ''[[Survivor]]: The Australian Outback'' being evacuated. He was going to be perhaps one of the best players ever (Tina admitted that he could have beaten her) but then passed out in the fire and ran into the water in pain, fingers burned together. They then showed him being evacuated and saying "Bye!" to everyone.
** A few ''other'' people being evacuated. There were a few people where it wasn't really that big of an impact and was sort of a relief to see that they got treatment. (Like say, Bruce in ''Panama'' or Jonathan Penner & James in ''Micronesia'') But some others were odd...Kathleen quit the game in ''Micronesia'' and was having a ''mental breakdown'', but the most recent was in ''Samoa'' where Mike and Russell S. both had extremely low blood pressure and Russell S. was saying "No no let me get back into the game"
=== [[Red Dwarf]] ===
* Interestingly enough, several of Lister's scenes in ''[[Red Dwarf]]: Back to Earth'' can potentially qualify for this. Watching Lister break into tears as he attempts to read ''Sense and Sensibility'' to Kochanski's grave shows that Doug Naylor can write excellently, a start contrast (in the eyes of some) to the last 2 series of the show. It's only made more powerful by the fantastic music and the stunning (considering the shoestring budget) setting in an observation dome.
* Quite a few times in the earlier series as well. More or less anything explaning why Rimmer is the way he is is unbearably tragic, and other scenes such as Kennedy's assassination. As well as that, the scene where Dave remembers being with his friends. The scene ends with them teasing him about something, and him demanding them to "Leave me alone"...with the shot cutting to him 3 million years in the future, the only human left alive just before the last word.
* ''Epideme'', at the part where {{spoiler|Lister decides to kill himself and the virus with him rather than allow the rest of the crew to become infected}}
* The scene in Better Than Life, where all that post comes through from the past. Rimmer gets one about his dad being dead, Lister failing to figure out the scrawling writing for ages, then finally Rimmer realises. He's been dead for millions of years but it sort of just hits him here. The next scene shows Rimmer on the observatory tower, just musing to himself. Lister comes up and actually asks if he's okay, and Rimmer goes on about how while he hated his parents, he just wished he had been able to impress them just once. The end is ruined by the Cat making a joke, but still, very well written stuff.
* The seventh series departure of Rimmer, and his taking up the mantle.
* The ending of Series VIII ("Only the Good") might also fit the bill. Rimmer returns from the mirror universe (he actually [[Dirty Coward|comes ''back'']]) to find that the ship is burning, the others have escaped and he's stuck. Then he discovers that the antidote formula he brought back is actually {{spoiler|the formula for the virus}}. And the paper burns up. With [[Playing the Heart Strings|violin music]]. It's the quiet little "smeg" as he collapses that makes me go all sniffly.
* The oft overlooked episode "Thanks for the Memory". The scene where Rimmer, drunk to the gills, is talking about his regrets is actually quite touching.
{{quote|'''Rimmer''': "That was going to be our song... but I never found anyone to share it with. So now it's my song."}}
=== [[Robin Hood (TV series)|Robin Hood]] ===