Living Toys: Difference between revisions

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** Believe it or not, ''Woody'' was like this too at one point; early-stage drafts of the first movie featured a Woody who was outright psychotic, terrorizing the other toys into submission and in general abusing his position as Andy's favorite. All this was in response to [[Executive Meddling|demands from up the chain]] to make Woody "edgier", but eventually the movie reached it's low point and the team had to go to their bosses and say, "We can't make this movie. This isn't our movie anymore." Fortunately, the execs relented.
* The titular ''[[Devil Dolls]]''.
* In ''[[The Boy]]'', the viewers are led to believe that "Brahms" - a creepy doll that depicts a male child, which female protagonist has to take care of - is some sort of cursed or evil thing. {{spoiler|In truth, however, [[Subverted Trope| it is simply a creepy-looking doll]], and Brahams is, in fact, a fully human (though insane) adult living within the walls of the house, [[Scooby-Doo Hoax| and all of the apparent-supernatural acts were caused by him]].}}
=== Literature ===