Lode Runner is a series of puzzle platform games where you control a man trying to collect gold and then escape the stage.

Tropes used in Lode Runner include:
  • Ascended Glitch: The enemies have an odd artificial intelligence. These quirks have to be exploited in Championship Lode Runner.
  • Buried Alive: One of the ways for player or enemies to get killed is to get buried inside regenerating bricks.
    • Lode Runner: The Legend Returns takes this trope even further by having the lode runner scream in agony as he is crushed to death.
  • Collision Damage: Player is rather weak.
  • Cranium Ride: It's possible to stand on the enemies.
  • Fake Platform: In some of the games, some of the brick blocks can be fallen through and oftentimes they look exactly like normal brick blocks.
  • Jump Physics: Averted. The player cannot jump except by falling off a ladder.
  • Nintendo Hard: It's very easy to die in these games. In NES Lode Runner, even the first level takes practice. Championship Lode Runner is much more difficult due to level designs and requiring to know the enemy AI perfectly.
  • Respawning Enemies: Enemies respawn after getting killed.
  • Treasure Is Bigger in Fiction: Large gold piles in this series are very common.
  • Press X to Die: Nearly all of the games literally have a suicide button (necessary, since there are certain situations that can render a level unwinnable).