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** ...save the world from a cyborg-mutant overlord and his plans to turn humanity into a peaceful [[Hive Mind]] of long-lived, super-intelligent beings...that would then be unable to procreate, resulting in inevitable extinction within a matter of centuries. (''[[Fallout]]'', which placed a lot less emphasis on the party than ''Fallout 2'')
*** ...mop the floor with the remnants of the American government, blowing up their main base, {{spoiler|Logic-bombing the freaking president}}, racking up a surreal kill count and casually blowing up cities with nuke launchers, either becoming the new Messiah or Satan's offspring. And above all, he is even named 'The Lone Wanderer' (''Fallout 3'')
**** [[Fallout 3|The Lone Wanderer]] and the [[Fallout New Vegas|Courier]] are, infact, the most [[Incredibly Lame Pun|lonesome]] of the Fallout protagonists. They are allowed a maximum head cap of 1 human and 1 [[Non-Human Sidekick|non-human]] per "party". As opposed to the older games, which allowed you a reasonable 5 man team. Heck, depending on how you play, you may end up wandering the lonely wastes with naught but your [[My Master, Right or Wrong|faithful]] [[Loyal Animal Companion|hound]] as your only company. Or with absolutely no company at all.
*** In fact, in the ''Lonesome Road'' DLC, the Courier can get a perk that makes him stronger if s/he goes off to face [[The Rival|Ulysses]] by him/herself, aptly titled [[Title Drop|Lonesome Road]].
**** Fallout loves this Trope. {{spoiler|Fallout 1 makes the PC the person who is most adept to wander the "World Outside" in the first place and he/she ends up to be cast out by his superior. In Fallout 2 PC is descendant of the original PC who must be sent out to the Big World. In Fallout 3 you are child of a person who wasn't supposed to be there anyway. In New Vegas you are a courier, who was not meant to be there in the first place.}}
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** Both Churches that have an established exorcism ritual (Catholic and Orthodox) virtually ''always'' have, as the first step, "see a psychologist and see if that helps". "Consult a physician" (psychology as a separate discipline being comparatively new) has been the first step in exorcisms since at least the time of Augustine—contrary to popular belief, the ancient and medieval worlds didn't automatically attribute all mental illness to demons.
** This trope often comes up in media news to describe a perpetrator in a major shooting massacre. It's usually the first headline about the shooter whether it's actually true or not.
* According to some psychiatric researchers, there is are a number of '[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality_disorder:Personality disorder|personality disorders]]' such as '[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Avoidant_personality_disorder:Avoidant personality disorder|avoidant personality disorder]]', [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_anxietySocial anxiety|social anxiety]] and '[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_shy:Love shy|love shyness]]' that cause victims to be severe introverts. Naturally, there is increased risk of other mental disorders, but these people are rarely dangerous. Sadly, these people are often mistaken for '[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisocial_personality_disorder:Antisocial personality disorder|antisocial]]' individuals who can be harmful to society.
** In the examples above, the person deep down still desires friendship and intimacy, they just have problems obtaining them. For natural loners, who really couldn't care less if they have any friends or not, the personality disorder is called [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizoid_personality_disorder:Schizoid personality disorder|schizoid]]
*** Some psychiatrists don't even think schizoid personality disorder ''is'' a disorder, since those affected may not actually suffer in any way. One calls the disorder "the medicalization of non-conformity".
** Also note that antisocial personality disorder has nothing to do with socialization. A psychopath can have a rather active social life when he's not shoplifting or torturing people.
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* [[Cats Are Mean]] is a product of this, because domestic cats are by nature loners, especially in contrast to pack-minded dogs.
** This is also why loners and cats often get along so well, and both tend to prefer each others company to that of obnoxious sociophiles.
* Spree killer [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Unruh:Howard Unruh|Howard Unruh]].
* Tucson, AZ shooter [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Lee_Loughner:Jared Lee Loughner|Jared Lee Loughner]] who became increasingly withdrawn and mentally unstable after high school.
* Presumably, this is the principle, in part, of the wingman, as opposed to going out on your own to pick up women.
* Chris Rock talked about the killers at Columbine being described as loners despite being part of something they called "The Trenchcoat Mafia". "I saw their yearbook. There were six of them! I didn't have five friends in high school. I don't have five friends now."
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