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== Cale is suffering from a case of ''[[Ho Yay]]'' ==
* In addition to not minding at all when Richard possesses him, he apparently missed Richard so much he set himself on fire trying to recapture the feeling of that possession. Later, there's "Chicken need Squishy." "Chicken ''does'' need Squishy." Followed by Cale glomping Richard. Plus, there's Cale's remarkable tolerance for Richard's tendency to kill innocent people.
* And is it just me, or was Cale staring at Richard's [[Marilyn Monroe]] moment with something other than horror.
** Shock? Disbelief? Disgust? "lolwut Richard?" I think Cale just loves Richard for his mind, he doesn't seem like the sort to be into dead guys ''that'' way.
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== Richard wasn't evil and was powerless at first. ==
However, due to some unexplained event, he gained absurd amounts of warlock power and did what most gamers can only do in sim games: Test them out by slaughtering everything in sight. He later found he liked the taste of it (literally, in the case of one monk, anyway).
* I always kinda thought that he started out powerless, died, was changed, went insane, and forgot everything other than "Hey, this killing innocents thing is pretty damn fun! Look how they squirm!"
== Richard will be made mortal, goes back in time and becomes the Archmage ==
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* Or they are both really repressed, because of this insurmountable barrier between them that is commonly known as Death. Elf/Troll relationships are hard enough, but at least those two are both living. Pella and Richard are doomed to [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]] unless some miracle returns Richard to life.
** Well, {{spoiler|considering that Richard's alive}}, that barrier might be weaker than we think...
== The little village up the coast (Alvuc for 'A Little Village Up the Coast') is Richard's phylactery. ==
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== Richard's [http://www.lfgcomic.com/page/155 "He is my mother"] isn't a joke, it's a [[Sarcastic Confession]]. ==
Pretty much [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]].
== Aelloon killed Commander Kickass. ==
Think about it. Its been confirmed Kickass has disappeared, its clear that he and Aelloon don't think highly of each other, Aelloon has proven to be overly ambitious in the past, and the issue where Kickass is revealed to have disappeared is immediately after he and Aelloon have a somewhat heated argument over what their next move should be.
* No, he's shown up in Kathenecia offering to help Cale.
== It really was self defence... ==
The Orphanage did, in fact, try to kill Richard. Could a good thing to have in the Movie.
* If an undead guy wearing full black and red clothes came marching up to my orphanage in a time when the undead were not known for their compassion, I'd send out an attack force too.
** Which leads to the question: If you're running an orphanage, what are you doing with an attack force?
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== Richard and the Archmage were BFF/Lovers before Richard died. ==
* Think about it: Richard is [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]. The Archmage is from the distant past. Now the Archamge is trusting this [[Omnicidal Maniac]] with the fate of the world, and ''cries'' when Richard disappears. Richard did not kill {{spoiler|Felbunny even after revealing he knew Felbunny was the Archmage.}} They share a bed/tent.
** For one thing, we have no idea how many hundreds of years old Richard is. Another thing, the Archmage is from ''thousands'' of years ago. Assuming the Archmage is into dead guys, and traveled forward in time to put his plan into motion, he'd have to be really messed up to sidetrack everything for some necrophilia. Also, he's in bunny form. I dont think Richard would do a bunny, no matter how mess up he is. Archmage probably hangs out with him for the added protection while he's in that state.
== The Archmage is really [[Luke, I Am Your Father|Richard's Dad]]. ==
* Or Cale's. Or even Benny's biological father.
** Huh? Benny's green, has three fingers and toes, pointed ears, and sharp teeth. The Archmage is an average elderly human, pasty white. So I repeat: Huh??
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== Krunch will become ruler of Legarion. ==
When Kethenecia wins the war, they will cross the sea to avenge the war against the north in book five (Unless book five is entirely the fight of Legara vs. Kethenecia, then it's book six). Once Legarion is conquered, Cale will need someone to rule the land while he rules in Kethenecia.
* Jossed. {{spoiler|Richard becomes ruler instead, by way of inhabiting the ''crown''.}}
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== Richard's [http://www.lfgcomic.com/extras sentence] is being executed. ==
Richard is becoming human because the demon judge was able to pass sentence on him. The moment Richard was found guilty, he began a slow transformation into the man he once was.
* As a corollary, killing the innocent delays/reverses the change. [http://www.lfgcomic.com/page/475 Hence, this.]
== Now Tavor is just like Richard ==
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== Richard is [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]. ==
* He acts as comic relief so people will ignore him for the most part, and it seems to have worked.
== Richard didn't want to become what he is now. ==
* Back when he was Lord Ashendale, he was essentially a predecessor to Cale; an example of [[The Cape (trope)]] who amassed an army of outcasts to try and overthrow the empire. Unfortunately, when his allies were defeated, he sacrificed his soul to become immortal so he could continue his quest. To do so, however, he had to kill an innocent - much like when Cale killed the boy. In doing so, he gained incredible power, but also [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|went insane]] and lost most of his memory. Him becoming Cale's ally actually is because he subconsciously wants to make sure Cale can succeed where he didn't.
** This actually sounds strangely plausible. This troper also thinks it would be a great plot twist.
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** Seems to be [http://www.lfgcomic.com/page/561 confirmed]
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