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== First Person Shooters ==
== First Person Shooters ==
* In [[Golden Eye 1997 (Video Game)|Golden Eye 1997]], a glitch involving using two controllers at once allows the player to fire on characters ''during cutscenes'' from the camera's perspective, instantly killing any that are hit. This includes Baron Samedi during his [[The End or Is It]]? moment. This has no gameplay impact whatsoever, though.
* In [[Golden Eye 1997 (Video Game)|Golden Eye 1997]], a glitch involving using two controllers at once allows the player to fire on characters ''during cutscenes'' from the camera's perspective, instantly killing any that are hit. This includes Baron Samedi during his [[The End - Or Is It?]]? moment. This has no gameplay impact whatsoever, though.
* The Jedi Heroes in the first ''[[Star Wars Battlefront]]'' game were invulnerable to normal weapons; they would deflect blasters and simply get knocked down by splash damage. It is possible to kill them by using grenades or heavy weapons to knock them into environmental hazards: off the edge of Cloud City, into the Sarlacc pit, or into the Carbonite Freezing chamber. It is also possible to kill them by landing aircraft on them or ramming them them with a speeder bike.
* The Jedi Heroes in the first ''[[Star Wars Battlefront]]'' game were invulnerable to normal weapons; they would deflect blasters and simply get knocked down by splash damage. It is possible to kill them by using grenades or heavy weapons to knock them into environmental hazards: off the edge of Cloud City, into the Sarlacc pit, or into the Carbonite Freezing chamber. It is also possible to kill them by landing aircraft on them or ramming them them with a speeder bike.
** An even easier method is to get them between a few turrets firing at the right rate. The flinch effect will keep them immobilized long enough for you to take them out. Sadly, they'd just respawn like Agents in ''The Matrix''.
** An even easier method is to get them between a few turrets firing at the right rate. The flinch effect will keep them immobilized long enough for you to take them out. Sadly, they'd just respawn like Agents in ''The Matrix''.
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* ''Median XL'' is a ''[[Diablo|Diablo 2]]'' mod that features invulnerable trap-like monsters that kill you instantly when you get near, but don't move. This being ''[[Kill'Em All|Diablo]]'', you can imagine how well that went.
* ''Median XL'' is a ''[[Diablo|Diablo 2]]'' mod that features invulnerable trap-like monsters that kill you instantly when you get near, but don't move. This being ''[[Kill'Em All|Diablo]]'', you can imagine how well that went.
** Not only that, but players figured out ways to kill monsters that are immune to all elements, monsters that cannot even be ''targeted'' (tip: damage reflection) and even monsters that cannot be targeted ''and'' are immune to all damage ''and'' do not have any attack that would trigger damage reflection. There are even four different ways to do so: resurrect monsters with "burn" damage which bypasses resistances and attacks hit points directly; find the item that summons instakill reanimates on your side when you kill enemies; find the item that summons a certain boss whose [[Decapitated Army|death animation is coded to autokill nearby monsters]] on your side and let it "expire"; or use a bugged passive in combination with Open Wounds to cause the monster to take physical damage despite being immune to it.
** Not only that, but players figured out ways to kill monsters that are immune to all elements, monsters that cannot even be ''targeted'' (tip: damage reflection) and even monsters that cannot be targeted ''and'' are immune to all damage ''and'' do not have any attack that would trigger damage reflection. There are even four different ways to do so: resurrect monsters with "burn" damage which bypasses resistances and attacks hit points directly; find the item that summons instakill reanimates on your side when you kill enemies; find the item that summons a certain boss whose [[Decapitated Army|death animation is coded to autokill nearby monsters]] on your side and let it "expire"; or use a bugged passive in combination with Open Wounds to cause the monster to take physical damage despite being immune to it.
* In ''Torneko: The Last Hope'': there are priests in Toro Ruins, and they are treated like monsters, except you can't attack them directly. But you can shoot arrows, magic thunders, or even turn them into items. When this occurs, though, a message appears and says: "Divine retribution!" and a giant lightning bolt drops your HP to 1. Oddly, this is [[Hundred Percent Completion|recorded on your adventure log]].
* In ''Torneko: The Last Hope'': there are priests in Toro Ruins, and they are treated like monsters, except you can't attack them directly. But you can shoot arrows, magic thunders, or even turn them into items. When this occurs, though, a message appears and says: "Divine retribution!" and a giant lightning bolt drops your HP to 1. Oddly, this is [[Hundred-Percent Completion|recorded on your adventure log]].
* ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'' had a rumour/legend that the [http://kol.coldfront.net/thekolwiki/index.php/Hermit Hermit] NPC was killable, via some sort of trickery. As a browser-based not-so-multiplayer role-playing game, he has no stats and no way to be encountered as an enemy. He's said to 'drop' most non-obtainable (or even nonexistent) items in the game.
* ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'' had a rumour/legend that the [http://kol.coldfront.net/thekolwiki/index.php/Hermit Hermit] NPC was killable, via some sort of trickery. As a browser-based not-so-multiplayer role-playing game, he has no stats and no way to be encountered as an enemy. He's said to 'drop' most non-obtainable (or even nonexistent) items in the game.
** The final boss of ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'' is the Naughty Sorceress, who is supposed to be killable only with a certain item in the inventory. Two players, Cobain Dougans and DarthDud, managed to beat her without the special item and were rewarded with custom Golden Sausage and Silver Sausage items. The description on the Golden Sausage reads, 'Congratulations on your surprising victory, and darn you for forcing us to come up with a way to keep that from ever happening again.'
** The final boss of ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'' is the Naughty Sorceress, who is supposed to be killable only with a certain item in the inventory. Two players, Cobain Dougans and DarthDud, managed to beat her without the special item and were rewarded with custom Golden Sausage and Silver Sausage items. The description on the Golden Sausage reads, 'Congratulations on your surprising victory, and darn you for forcing us to come up with a way to keep that from ever happening again.'
*** Cobain Dougans has also managed to defeat the [[The Worm That Walks|Guy Made of Bees]], who is also supposed to be unkillable without the use of a certain (different) inventory item.
*** Cobain Dougans has also managed to defeat the [[The Worm That Walks|Guy Made of Bees]], who is also supposed to be unkillable without the use of a certain (different) inventory item.
*** The Sorceress has been beaten a third time by MimiRiceCat. No Bronze Sausage yet, but the Sorceress has been upgraded ''again.'' It is now no longer even theoretically possible to kill her without the necessary item--you instantly win if you have it, and instantly lose if you don't.
*** The Sorceress has been beaten a third time by MimiRiceCat. No Bronze Sausage yet, but the Sorceress has been upgraded ''again.'' It is now no longer even theoretically possible to kill her without the necessary item--you instantly win if you have it, and instantly lose if you don't.
*** It should be noted that while the others had to get crafty about it, Cobain was one of the highest leveled players in the game, and accomplished this through ''SHEER FORCE.'' In a game where the average player [[New Game Plus|ascends]] by level 15, and there are trophies for those that get to 30, and most clan-quest people hover around 40, he was 116 at the time. Note that leveling up requires you to get a specific base stat (which one depends on your class) up to (current level^2)+ 4, and to get the ''n''th point in a stat requires ''n''^2 total EXP in that stat. [http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/fivepoints/form%20three/ns208.jpg Cobain Dougans' screen shot shows] that he had a base Mysticality stat of 13354, buffed up to 48476. This means he had over '''178.3 million''' EXP in his Mysticality stat, when the only enemies at the time with a base yield of more than 40 EXP were for seasonal special events. [[Determinator]] indeed.
*** It should be noted that while the others had to get crafty about it, Cobain was one of the highest leveled players in the game, and accomplished this through ''SHEER FORCE.'' In a game where the average player [[New Game+|ascends]] by level 15, and there are trophies for those that get to 30, and most clan-quest people hover around 40, he was 116 at the time. Note that leveling up requires you to get a specific base stat (which one depends on your class) up to (current level^2)+ 4, and to get the ''n''th point in a stat requires ''n''^2 total EXP in that stat. [http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/fivepoints/form%20three/ns208.jpg Cobain Dougans' screen shot shows] that he had a base Mysticality stat of 13354, buffed up to 48476. This means he had over '''178.3 million''' EXP in his Mysticality stat, when the only enemies at the time with a base yield of more than 40 EXP were for seasonal special events. [[Determinator]] indeed.
**** It's worth noting that KoL has no policy against botting and no real technical measures against it.
**** It's worth noting that KoL has no policy against botting and no real technical measures against it.
***** To be fair, the limits placed on adventures and consumption each day do restrict how effective botting is in regard to leveling, so long as the multi-account policies are followed.
***** To be fair, the limits placed on adventures and consumption each day do restrict how effective botting is in regard to leveling, so long as the multi-account policies are followed.
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* It's actually possible to kill Fargus in ''[[Fire Emblem]]: [[Fire Emblem Elibe|The Blazing Sword]]''. You're warned ''not'' to do so because it's a [[Hopeless Boss Fight]] otherwise, but people have managed to defeat him legitimately. Alas, it's not a good idea to do this because this causes a [[Nonstandard Game Over|game over]] just for attacking him.
* It's actually possible to kill Fargus in ''[[Fire Emblem]]: [[Fire Emblem Elibe|The Blazing Sword]]''. You're warned ''not'' to do so because it's a [[Hopeless Boss Fight]] otherwise, but people have managed to defeat him legitimately. Alas, it's not a good idea to do this because this causes a [[Nonstandard Game Over|game over]] just for attacking him.
** In ''[[Fire Emblem Jugdral|Geneology of the Holy War]]'', the [[Final Boss]] appears on the map in Chapter 10. This is supposed to be a [[Hopeless Boss Fight]], but you actually ''can'' [[Cherry Tap]] or if you're lucky, Holsety them to death. [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|If you manage to do this, the boss even says "Playtime is over - I'm going home."]]
** In ''[[Fire Emblem Jugdral|Geneology of the Holy War]]'', the [[Final Boss]] appears on the map in Chapter 10. This is supposed to be a [[Hopeless Boss Fight]], but you actually ''can'' [[Cherry Tap]] or if you're lucky, Holsety them to death. [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|If you manage to do this, the boss even says "Playtime is over - I'm going home."]]
** Almost the exact same instance occurs in ''[[Fire Emblem Tellius (Video Game)|Radiant Dawn]]'', possibly making it a [[Shout Out]] - the [[Big Bad]] appears in chapter 4-3 amongst his hordes of Mooks. He's supposed to flee once a certain ally appears during the battle, but it's possible to get to him and take him out first. As above, he makes a pompous exit and returns later in the story no worse for the wear.
** Almost the exact same instance occurs in ''[[Fire Emblem Tellius (Video Game)|Radiant Dawn]]'', possibly making it a [[Shout-Out]] - the [[Big Bad]] appears in chapter 4-3 amongst his hordes of Mooks. He's supposed to flee once a certain ally appears during the battle, but it's possible to get to him and take him out first. As above, he makes a pompous exit and returns later in the story no worse for the wear.
* ''[[Evil Islands (Video Game)|Evil Islands]]'' has many monsters that were designed as unkillable by giving them tons of HP and rapid regeneration. However, with the introduction of easy mode in a patch, most of them became ''technically'' possible to kill, even though the process was long, difficult, and involved a share of luck. Enthusiasts posted a detailed guide to killing ''every single creature outside of towns'', except two dragons that are too tough to kill even this way and a frog in the tutorial, which only survives because the player has no ranged weapons at this point. This slaughter, nicknamed "Project Genocide", completely breaks the game scripts, making quests play in the wrong order, NPCs making references to future events, and corpses and empty spaces participating in conversations.
* ''[[Evil Islands (Video Game)|Evil Islands]]'' has many monsters that were designed as unkillable by giving them tons of HP and rapid regeneration. However, with the introduction of easy mode in a patch, most of them became ''technically'' possible to kill, even though the process was long, difficult, and involved a share of luck. Enthusiasts posted a detailed guide to killing ''every single creature outside of towns'', except two dragons that are too tough to kill even this way and a frog in the tutorial, which only survives because the player has no ranged weapons at this point. This slaughter, nicknamed "Project Genocide", completely breaks the game scripts, making quests play in the wrong order, NPCs making references to future events, and corpses and empty spaces participating in conversations.

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