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* [[ledge]]: Does it bother anyone else that, once Keitaro comes back from America, he's basically just Seta 2? (Are you allowed to have a character who is an [[Expy]] of another character in ''the same title''?) If I were Naru I'd be pissed that I got over my crush to fall in love with this new guy, and when he comes back from not having seen him for six months, he's exactly like the crush I got over instead of the guy I fell in love with. Although I guess from her vantage point she's getting the best of both worlds. She gets her crush who is already in love with her. Still, that interpretation makes her ''incredibly'' shallow, which I don't think was the impression I was supposed to get. Yes, I was able to handle things going into the outrageous in the second half, with mecha-turtles, impossibly effective disguise masters, [[Macross Missile Massacre|MacrossMissileMassacres]] and giant fleets of airships, but the more Keitaro acted like Seta, the more it bothered me. I found that the parts I liked the most were when he and Naru were ''not'' involved in Wacky Hijinks where he had to act like Seta, not because of Wacky Hijinks, but because they were just hanging around Hinata House or walking around town where and still acted like Keitaro.
** I agree actually. I preferred Keitaro prior to the end of volume 11. I liked how he had to learn to deal with all of the Hinata Housers who outclassed him in pretty much every way. When he comes back everyone wants him.
*** I also concur. Why is taking the proverbial levels in badass a requirement for the reader to continue liking and respecting the guy?
** I don't. Naru was already in love with Keitaro before he went to America and became more like Seta (she realizes she's in love with him as soon as the Okinawa arc or the airport date chapter). When he returned her feelings towards him remained exactly the same, with only a few off-hand comments to his newfound confidence. In the end, this confidence was necessary to HIM, since it made him able to chase Naru to the end of Japan and finally get her to admit her feelings.
** The second he came back with the Seta glasses I had been keeping that in mind. In a story telling wise 11 volume of getting outclassed by everyone seems to get old. Anymore and the readers might actually give up on Keitaro. Increasing Keitaro's stats isn't a bad move, however it does gets weird when the entire house wanted him and what pissed me off was that Mutusmi on the other hand became Sarah-Status after the time-skip.
** He may have [[Took a Level Inin Badass|taken a level in badass]], and he may have cooler glasses and a better haircut, but until the epilogue short, he wasn't much like Seta. Seta's a clueless lout who never seemed able to see past himself. Keitaro may be a slightly clueless idiot, but he always stood apart by how much he paid attention to the others and how much he ''cared''. (Which is why I don't like the epilogue chapter, they basically turn Keitaro into a complete carbon copy of Seta; he loses pretty much all of his original personality)
* Something that I never got over was the big secret plot of finding out who Keitaro's childhood sweetheart was. Yeah, that's great to keep that a mystery until the very end, but Mutsumi outright ''told'' them near the end of the 7th volume!
{{quote|Mutsumi (paraphrased): When I was little, I made the promise with Naru. Keitaro made his promise with his very first love, but she was too young to remember, so when she was a little older I made the promise again with her. So that means that Keitaro's first love was-- *convenient interruption*}}
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