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{{quote|''None of the stories people tell about me can change who I really am.''|Luke Skywalker}}
[ LSatSoM] is a [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]] novel by [[Matt Stover]].
It's been six months since [[Return of the Jedi]], and the Rebel Alliance has become the New Republic while the Empire is in the early stages of splitting into rival factions. Luke Skywalker is now General of the Rapid Response Task Force, a small fleet that the Republic sends as needed to patch up the front and execute special missions. Their current assignment- to track the forces of a theatrical and megalomaniacal Imperial warlord with the unlikely name of [[Meaningful Name|Lord Shadowspawn]] to his home base and bring him to justice. This base turns out to be on Mindor, a former vacation world devastated by repeated meteorite impacts.
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When Luke tracks Shadowspawn's forces there, he gets drawn into a trap, as do Han, Leia, and Rogue Squadron who come after him, and Lando Calrissian and the gang of [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Mandalorian]] mercenaries who come after ''them''. It turns out that a dark presence has been waiting on Mindor to make its move with a scheme that threatens not only Luke's life, but his very soul...
* [[Action Girl]]: Leia (of course); Aeona Cantor
* [[Adaptation Decay]]: Luke frequently bemoans the fact that he is the subject of numerous over-the-top adventure holodramas in-universe that bear little to no resemblance to his actual life. {{spoiler|One of these, Luke Skywalker and the Jedi's Revenge, turns out to be [[Not So Harmless]]. Ironically, the [[Framing Story]] produces ''yet another'' in-universe example of this, due to the [[Unreliable Narrator]]. Who Luke hired to do exactly the opposite, but who found it more profitable to give Luke his money back and instead sell an over-the-top version to the holodrama producers.}}
* [[And I Must Scream]]: How Cronal prepares Luke to be broken so he can [[Grand Theft Me|take over]]; make him live through an eternity of The Dark, the time after [[The Stars Are Going Out|all the stars go out]], until he gives up. Luke escapes, and {{spoiler|Cronal tries it on Leia, but makes a more personal effort.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|He had taken away her sight, cut away her hearing, erased her senses of smell and taste and touch. He had stripped her kinesthetic sense, so that she was no longer aware of her own body at all. He had shut down the activity of certain neurotransmitters in her brain, so that she could no longer even remember how being alive had felt.}}<br />
{{spoiler|She wasn't fighting him. She didn't know how. He wouldn't let her remember what fighting was.}}<br />
{{spoiler|[[Heroic Resolve|She just wouldn't give up]].}} }}
* [[Artifact of Doom]]: Shadowspawn's Sunset Crown and {{spoiler|Cronal's Shadow Crown}}.
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* [[Becoming the Mask]]: After his [[And I Must Scream|exposure to the Dark]], Luke becomes incredibly jaded and nihilistic. But he's still ''Luke'', and he can't and won't stop trying to save everyone. He consciously decides to act exactly like he would have before seeing the Dark and the "true" nature of the Force, in the hopes that if he does it for long enough, it won't be an act anymore.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: After Luke lets himself get captured, he asks too many questions and a stormtrooper clubs him with a blaster rifle, telling him to be quiet. Luke says "Please don't hit me" and is smacked again while the stormtrooper says "Didn't you ''hear'' me?" Luke says he did, but didn't see any particular reason to obey. The stormtrooper tries to hit him a third time, and Luke catches the blaster rifle and shatters it. Another stormtrooper tries to shoot him; Luke catches the blaster bolts.
{{quote| "Please don't shoot me, either." He turned the palm upward in a friendly shrug and let the astonished troopers stare at the only effect of the Force-blunted blasterfire: a faint curl of steam that trailed upward from his unmarked palm. "Let's try to end the day with nobody else dying, shall we?"}}
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]/[[The Cavalry]]: We actually get ''nested'' BDHs, when a few of the people who rescue other heroes get caught in traps themselves.
* [[Biting the Hand Humor]]: When we first see Han and Leia, they're in the middle of negotiations with Mandolorians, whom Han snarkily thinks of as thinking they're better than everyone else, ever. The book is dedicated, in part, to Mando fangirl Karen Traviss.
* [[Body Horror]]: Cronal does ''nasty'' things with meltmassif. ''ROCKS DO NOT BELONG THERE!''
* [[Call Back]]: The [[Novelization]] of ''[[Revenge of the Sith]]'', also written by [[Matt Stover]], has the recurring line ''All things die, Anakin Skywalker. Even stars burn out.'' After Luke escapes the mother of all [[And I Must Scream|And I Must Screams]]s - a vision of spending aeons alone after the heat death of the universe - he is shaken, nihilistic, believing that everything is futile because everyone's going to die. ''All things die. Even stars burn out''. But where Anakin was driven to do worse and worse things, frantically denying that this would happen to Padme, Luke works around it, tries [[Becoming the Mask|to act like he used to before]], and eventually is shaken out of it when he realizes that the darkness is not as all-encompassing as he'd seen.
** Geptun, {{spoiler|Nick Rostu, and Kar Vastor}} were all used in Stover's earlier SW novel ''[[Shatterpoint]]''.
* [[Call Forward]]: On the very last page of the book, Luke asserts that he {{spoiler|doesn't like redheads. He eventually marries the very redheaded Mara Jade.}}
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* [[Foe Yay]]: Cronal's motives can be summed up as "With my powers and Luke's young, handsome, sexy body, I can control the universe until the end!" (He doesn't actually say "sexy", but everything else is 100% true.)
* [[Disc One Final Boss]]: {{spoiler|Shadowspawn, or at least the physical Shadowspawn "played" by Nick Rostu}}
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: Because other EU materials had already summarized the events of the novel, it was well-known going in what was going to happen- Luke would defeat Shadowspawn, but become saddened and disgusted by the rampant loss of life and resign from the military to devote himself fully to being a Jedi. {{spoiler|Cronal's survival was established beforehand as well}}.
* [[Gambit Roulette]]: {{spoiler|Blackhole}} has a ''very'' elaborate one built up around Luke- basically, he's lured Luke to Mindor, {{spoiler|and created the over-the-top Shadowspawn as a fitting nemesis for him to kill, with the idea that he will do so, but be captured by Blackhole's men. Blackhole will then transfer his consciousness into Luke's body and return to the Rebellion as its greatest hero, from where he will be in a position to seize control of the galaxy with no one the wiser}}. And of all things, the only reason it failed was because {{spoiler|Blackhole couldn't resist giving his most visible pawn a [[Punny Name]]}}.
* [[George Lucas Throwback]]: The book is, in many ways, a throwback to the earlier (or at least pre-[[New Jedi Order]]) EU stories such as the [[Marvel Star Wars]] comics and the [[Han Solo Trilogy]].
* [[Good News, Bad News]]: Han Solo, arriving into the situation at Mindor and being filled in, reflects that it's like an extended good-news-bad-news joke. Bad: gravity-well projectors keep them from escaping. Good: too many for the enemy to protect them all. Bad: Because there are thousands. Good: They're little things on asteroids and can't stay powered for more than four days. Bad: the asteroids have destablized orbits and will start falling into the sun in two days. Good: Most of them are on little dinky asteroids which will just burn up. Bad: Some of them are on massive ones which will trigger solar flares which will kill pretty much everything in the system. Worse: Each projector destroyed hastens the process.
{{quote| And to counter that bad news, there was no good news. None at all. Everyone was going to die.}}
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: {{spoiler|what Blackhole planned to do to Luke}}
* [[Ho Yay]]: A little bit between Wes and Hobbie, of the cliché "Your lips say no, but your eyes say yes." variety. Actually, ever since a [[Yaoi Fangirl]] found Aaron, Wes and Hobbie have been designated as [[Ambiguously Gay]].
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* [[The Messiah]]: Even when he's in terrible shape, Luke is amazingly compassionate.
* [[Mind Rape]]: After Cronal puts him through an eternity of The Dark, Luke escapes and is depressed for quite a while. {{spoiler|Then we see this [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Instrumentality]]-like world, where Cronal is a black hole at the middle, Leia is a bright and supermassive star tide-locked with him, and everyone else is stars. Luke realizes that Cronal is trying to do the same thing to ''her'', but unlike Luke she doesn't have an avenue of escape. Cronal's POV has him trying to break her, and ''nothing he tries works''; when he breaks through her resistance he finds her mind shining with light that "stabs him like a knife in the eye". Then Luke finds them, physically rescues Leia, and informs Cronal that a very angry ally is on his way to Cronal's real body. Cronal jumps to hyperspace, which can't interact with realspace - and in the Force, Luke follows him, bright with enough Light to deserve a capital letter. In The Dark, Cronal becomes a colossal black hole and swallows Luke effortlessly, and with a mixture of contempt and relief he thinks that Luke's trick had done nothing to him whatsoever.}}
{{quote| ''{{spoiler|''That's because I'm not trying to do anything to you. I'm doing something ''through'' you''}}.''}}
** {{spoiler|The opposite of a black hole is a white fountain; the theory is that what falls into a black hole passes into another universe, and the matter falling into another universe's black holes passes into ours as pure, transcendent energy. Luke becomes one of these.}}
* [[Mythology Gag]]: Far too many to list.
* [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]: {{spoiler|Cronal, full stop. He makes a pretty good run at outstripping even Nietzsche.}}
* [[Not Quite Dead]]: {{spoiler|The end of the novel suggests that Cronal's mind survived his body's destruction. Other EU material confirms it.}}
** {{spoiler|It was a bit of a [[Foregone Conclusion]], as said material was published years before this novel.}}
*** {{spoiler|Assuming this novel isn't meant to be a [[Retcon]], since this novel's [[Nietzsche Wannabe|Cronal]] doesn't really jibe with the Palpatine loyalist who survives up to the NJO. Wookiepedia says that he was mentioned in later books, but not featured.}}
* [[Oh Crap, There Are Fanfics of Us]]: Luke's initial reaction to ''Luke Skywalker and the Jedi's Revenge''. [[Chekhov's Gun|It's a lot less benign than one fanboy's "extension" of Luke's adventures, though.]]
** Thankfully, there are no [[Twincest|lemons of Luke and Leia]], [[Slash Fic|of Luke and Han]], or [[OT 3OT3|of all three]]. Thank the Force for small miracles.
** To give you an idea, ''Luke Skywalker and the Jedi's Revenge'' is about a ''[[Star Wars]]'' where [[Draco in Leather Pants|Palpatine is actually good but Vader steers him wrong]], Anakin and Vader really ''are'' separate people, Anakin as Palpatine's loyal knight and Vader as his [[Sixth Ranger Traitor|traitorous knight]]. Vader [[Evil Plan|convinced the Jedi Council to assassinate Palpatine, and then executed Order 66 himself]]. Anakin rescued Palpatine, and then [[Heroic Sacrifice|died trying to save the Jedi younglings]]. Anakin did, however, have a son that even ''he'' didn't know of: Luke Skywalker. Darth Vader tried to convince Luke Skywalker [[We Can Rule Together|to join him in overthrowing Palpatine]], but Luke refused. Palpatine was convinced by this that the son of his most loyal general would be the ideal Emperor, further confirmed when Luke went out of his way to rescue Han Solo, and when Vader captured Luke, Palpatine offered him the chance to be the new Emperor. Before Luke could [[Jumped At the Call|agree to be Emperor]], Vader attacked Palpatine, but Luke [[Heroic BSOD|was still trying to process all that had transpired]]. With Palpatine dead, Luke eventually snapped out of it to kill Vader. But, since he couldn't save his benefactor, he felt himself only worthy of living among Rebels and pirates.
* [[Old Soldier]]: Group Captain Klick has been around since the Battle of Geonosis, and is damn well proud of it. He's not too fond of non-clone troopers, either...
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* [[Religion of Evil]]: The Way of the Dark in a nutshell.
* [[Self-Deprecation]]: Stover pretty much describes the entire EU as tripe. Or at least fanfic as tripe. Or [[Alternate Universe Fic]] as tripe. Or maybe all of them.
** And then Subv--DeconSubv—Decon--[[Zig-Zagging Trope|Zig Zagged]] when {{spoiler|the "Sith alchemy" Luke scoffs at turns out to be real, and a lot more powerful, subtle, and just plain dangerous than some fancy sword. There's no elaborate Sith superweapon, and Shadowspawn is just a cat's paw. You know how a lot of EU Sith Lords seem to be trying to be Vader? Cronal wants to be ''Luke'', literally. That theatricality Luke mocks? Blackhole was using it in the propaganda films he had produced to affect the perception of Luke in his minds of the public and those of his forces. When "Luke" would leave, he'd have the films to "prove" what happened, and the hamminess would match the propaganda films. Cronal basically ''weaponized fanfic''.}}
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Stover has read other books in the EU - even primarily EU-based characters act like they should. [[X Wing Series|Wedge]] makes complex decisions after a second's thought and will cheerfully defy orders; Tycho is more solemn and follows his lead. [[Marvel Star Wars|Fenn Shysa]] is an idealist and doesn't have the standard degree of Mandalorian arrogance. The other Mandalorians all believe themselves to be the bees' knees, but other characters find this annoying rather than agreeing with them.
* [[Slave Mooks]]: The Pawns
* [[Space Is Cold]]: Averted except in the dream Cronal [[Mind Rape|forces on Luke]], which takes place over countless millennia anyway, and the description actually mirrors what's been done to him with meltmassif.
{{quote| This cold, though [unlike nearly freezing to death on Hoth], froze him without the comfort of numbness. Tiny razor-edged crystals of ice - colder than ice, so cold they burned, cold as liquid air - grew inward from his skin at every pore, becoming hairlines of freeze that crept along his nerves.}}
* [[Space Is Noisy]]: Also averted, most notably in the dream, in which he's floating bodiless in space.
{{quote| Physical silence, deeper than a living creature can truly experience: not just the absence of external sound, but the absence of all concept of sound. No whisper of breath, no hush of blood coursing through arteries, no faintest beat of his heart. Not even the vaguest sensation of vibration, or pressure, or friction on his skin. }}
* [[The Stars Are Going Out]]: Part of the dream of the Dark has this happening.
{{quote| And in their place was left ''nothing''. Not even absence. Only him.<br />
Floating. Empty of everything. Without thought, without sensation. Forever.<br />
Almost. }}
* [[Take That]]: The book appears to take a rather amusing shot at the particularly gratuitous levels of [[Hold Your Hippogriffs]]/ [[Pardon My Klingon]] in the early decades of the [[Star Wars Expanded Universe|EU]]
{{quote| He'd (Han) preset the final leg in the ''Falcon'''s navicomputer, so they had been in and out of the jump point before those astonished Imps could so much as shout "Emperor's black bones!" or whatever stupid pretend curse they liked to shout when they got caught with their armored pants around their armored ankles.}}
* [[That's No Moon]]: [[Incredibly Lame Pun|It wasn't a rock. It was a rock monster! Rock monster! Rock monster! Rock monster! Rock monster! Rock monster!]]
* [[Wild Card]]: Aeona and her crew of Mindorese rebels, who hate the Empire, but don't really have much use for ''anyone''. {{spoiler|They wind up fighting for the Republic by the end, but not before some rough spots and Luke making a very understated threat.}}
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