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[[File:werewolf_9693_8856.jpg|link=Our Werewolves Are Different|rightframe|[[Double Entendre|Guess it's that time of the month again!]]]]
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The '''{{color|silver|moon}}''' does things to people. Makes women crazy, drives the lunatics, or maybe enhances your supernatural powers. The full moon might bring out the monster in someone, or a new moon may bring the human out of a monster. In general, the moon is often a catalyst in magical things.
More mundane things are stealth on the night of a new moon, or illumination on the night of a full moon. A full moon is associated with [[Our Werewolves Are Different|lycanthropy]] as the most common way to trigger the transformation (a trope that is somewhat [[Newer Than They Think]]). The duality of the sun and moon is also seen as mirroring the duality of men and women. From that, the moon is usually a feminine symbol (this may be because both have [[No Periods, Period|monthly cycles]]).
The words "lunacy", "lunatic", and "loony" are derived from "Luna" because of the folk belief in the moon as a cause of periodic insanity.
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** Promptly subverted in that she gets more mileage out of people knowing this and thus being less prepared for what she can do when the moon's ''not'' full. We haven't actually seen her and a full moon together since learning about the connection. From her.
* ''[[Sailor Moon]]'', whose powers are fueled by [[The Power of Love|love]], [[The Power of Friendship|friendship]], and the [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|MOON!]]
* In what might be a [[Shout -Out]] to [[Sailor Moon]], Cure Moonlight from ''[[Heartcatch Pretty Cure]]''.
== Literature ==
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** Then there are Mr. and Mrs. Cutter, two [[Youkai|crow tengus]] who disguise themselves as human. Mrs. Cutter specifically says that during the full moon their kind gets too excited for them to move outside without exposing themselves.
* In ''[[Touhou]] Imperishable Night'', if you reach the "true" moon, the [[Big Bad]] reveals that {{spoiler|"pure" moonbeams can drive humans insane. In one of Remilia and Sakuya's [[Multiple Endings|endings]], it drives all the ''non''-human characters insane.}}
** [[Moon Rabbit|Reisen Udongein Inaba]], one of the said [[Big Bad]]'s servants, has the literal power to drive people crazy with nothing more than a [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|glance]].
** In the Extra Mode of that game, a convenient full moon turns [[Our Werewolves Are Different|Keine Kamishirasawa]] into her hakutaku form, making her enough of a challenge to serve as an [[Bonus Boss|extra stage]] [[Mid Boss]].
** [[Our Vampires Are Different|Remilia Scarlet]]'s powers are at their strongest during the Scarlet Moon, setting the stage for the final showdown of ''Embodiment of Scarlet Devil''.
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* It's an urban legend that that the rate of violent crime and hospital admissions is generally higher on nights of the full moon. One explanation of this is that the Moon affects the fluids in one's body just like it affects the ocean. [ It's not true], and pretty much all evidence of this can be chalked up to confirmation bias.
** On a subconscious, biological level, humans, being descended from potential prey animals, would [[Properly Paranoid|logically tend to be more anxious]] under conditions in which predators would find it easier to see us, such as during the full moon. Which would explain any peripheral freakiness - [[Truth in Television|such as anecdotal increases in agitation among sufferers of panic-anxiety and bipolar disorders]] - a ''lot'' better than, say, positive ions or tidal gravity.
* On June 15, 2011, there was a [http://en.[ moon|Blood moon]] combined with a [ total lunar eclipse] - timed perfectly with [ riots in Vancouver] when [[Useful Notes/National Hockey League|the Canucks lost the Stanley Cup to the Bruins in a 0-4 upset.]] [[Conspiracy Theory|Coincidence?]]
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[[Category:Index On the Moon]]